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E Cigarettes Pros And Cons

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There is no debate that smoking analog cigarettes has potential consequences to one’s health. But, there is little doubt that vaping combats those consequences while allowing the consumer to exercise free will to partake in using electronic cigarettes (e cigs).

By definition, vaping is the act of inhaling water vapor into the lungs. While the system enjoys a hit of nicotine, it is minimal compared to that of analog cigarettes. More importantly, scientific research confirms that the risk of cancer is less than 1% IF the vaporizer is used properly. Vaping can be considered one of the safer and more effective nicotine alternative therapies (

There are a number of reasons to choose e cigarettes over analogs –

• Electronic …show more content…
While the economics cannot nor should not be overlooked, the electronic cigarette industry provides for a much safer substitute for the consumer, and profits for the producer that makes and distributes a product with a clear conscience. It can be said that the use of electronic cigarettes makes economic sense.

• E cigs are cheaper than analog cigarettes
• E cigs and vaping have created an industry that strengthens economies
• E cigs decrease the costs of health care by lowering the rate of cancers related to analog cigarettes

How specifically can electronic cigarettes help the individual quit smoking for

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