...to muster in the Emergency Station. These stations have procedure that provides a simple standard organisation which will bring the ship to higher state of manning and material preparedness to deal with emergency cases. This allows the crews to clear away all the life saving apparatuses and conduct any other preparation for a successful evolution. During this procedure, different personnel carry out their duties at different stations. The removal of personnel shall be accomplished in phases, which means that crews required for specific duties are retained on board until there is no further need for their services. The decision to abandon ship is made by the Commanding Officer (CO) and the order shall be passed by any means available: loud speakers if electrical circuits are intact, otherwise by megaphone or messengers from the bridge. There are two means of abandoning ship (i.e. the removal of crews). They can be done either by using other ships that can be brought alongside or by using life rafts. If using the first method, the other ship may be brought alongside fore side or aft side. Here, the transfers of crews are done from the hangar deck. When leaving the ship, life jackets should be worn at all time in order to have them available in case the...
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