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Griswold V. Wade Case Study

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Some of the primary issues that have been a constant to this day are the right of ending a life via abortion, contraception, and the right to die. The Roe v. Wade case has been a foundational driving force in shaping the abortion policy (Lui, 2013). This case confronted a Texas law that banned abortion in all cases except life-threatening situations. Lui (2013) illustrates how the court ruled in a 7-2 vote where a conclusion was made by Judge Blackmun’s that stated “the Constitution does explicitly mention any right to privacy,” it is still guaranteed in amendments within the Bill of Rights that create zones of privacy (Lui, 2013). The only limitation to this right could be valid if there was a state interest. This fundamental case has transformed the laws and encouraged advocates to challenge exaggeratedly unclear statutes, which they felt violated the fundamental right to privacy or the right to equal protection laws (Lui, 2013). This case also provided rights to areas concerning …show more content…
Connecticut, the United States Supreme Court ruled in favor of Estelle Griswold. Estelle Griswold was a director of Planned Parenthood in Connecticut, which teaches safe, responsible sex (Griswold V. Connecticut, n.d.). Their goal is the prevention of unsolicited pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases (Griswold V. Connecticut, n.d.). Griswold was accused of violating laws that stated it was illegal to provide drugs to prevent pregnancy and was charged one hundred dollars for each count she received (Griswold V. Connecticut, n.d.). Griswold felt the state laws of Connecticut took away her personal liberties that an American is said it have according to the Constitution. According to Griswold V. Connecticut (n.d.), the United States Supreme Court ruled the law was in “direct violation of the right within a private setting” (para. 3). They also reiterated the use of the Ninth Amendment to protect such laws that attempt to infringe upon that

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