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Groin Rehabilitation


Submitted By jayhath91
Words 265
Pages 2
Article 2- Injury Rehabilitation

Groin Rehabilitation

Many injuries occur each year however every rehabilitation program is different. In groin injuries there are several techniques that you can use that can help you get better. The key is for athletes to rest and ice the groin. You should ice for 15 minutes for 2 to 3 times per day, with at least one hour in-between. Followed by abductor stretches, isometric ball squeezes, leg raises, weighted leg raises, slide board exercises, and resistant band exercises. By doing all of these over a period of time you will strengthen the injured area and hopefully won’t have to deal with more groin problems. Abductor stretches will help stretch your hip flexors by doing various exercises so you’re not tight and feeling stiff while doing sports. Next is ball squeezes, this should be repeated in 3 sets of 10 and this helps work the injured area get stronger making sure everything is done pain free. Leg raises and weighted leg raises show how much range of motion you have and when the groin is getting better the easier it is for you to do longer reps without feeling any pain. Finally is slide board and resistant exercises these happen near the end of your rehab program when you have full range of motion and are getting back into the line up of the sport you play. This will show the trainer if you still need further rehab exercises or if you are ready and are fully recovered.

"Groin Pain Rehab." Rehab for your injury. 1. Print.

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