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Group-Oriented Culture Analysis

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4.) What are some individually oriented cultures? What are some group-oriented cultures? What are some differences in values that might exist between the two? How might these value differences lead to confusion if misunderstood?

The text described many cultural and familial relationships in great detail. This brings us to the idea of individualism and collectivism cultures. All cultures are more or less culturally involved this is why I like to think of cultural involvement as being on a spectrum/continuum. Individualistic cultures follow the principle of being independent and self-reliant. Some example of individualistic culture or individually oriented culture is here in the United States and also places like Australia and Canada. Our society is very egocentric and focused on the individual. Collectivistic cultures follow the principle of working together as a group to get things done. Many Asian cultures follow the collectivistic culture or group oriented culture, such as China, Korea, and Japan. Many of these cultures work as a team to get things accomplished and if one person does terrible they all do terrible collectively.
One great example from the book was a study referring to the behavioral differences of African American and Caucasian students. …show more content…
When I think of my own family adjusting our lives it makes me related to the Arab American culture mentioned in the text. Their culture is very family oriented just like mine is. They have their aunts, uncles, and grandparents living in the same household, which is what my family did for many years. I like how they mentioned the role of extended family in the book as well because that played a significant part in my own life and I can relate to their culture this way. I liked reading about all the different cultural differences in the text and learning which ones I can relate to and which ones I need to learn more

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