Premium Essay

Group Registration


Submitted By zfche048
Words 846
Pages 4


All groups arriving in the hotel will be met by a host. This host will be, in order of preference:

1. Group co-ordinator.
2. Guest Relations manager.
3. Japanese, or Chinese, or Korean speaking person (not a hotel employee).
4. Front Desk manager.
5. Director of Sales & Marketing, or his/her Assistant.
6. Public Relations Director.
7. Sales manager.

This host’s function is to welcome the group displaying a full understanding of their program, as we know it. For example,

• Welcome everybody to the _____________Hotel. - Ladies & Gentlemen, you are welcome to the _____________ Hotel • Registration will take place here, Ladies & Gentlemen • Ladies & Gentlemen, please present your passports and visas. These must be registered and they are required to be on your person if you are out of the hotel. • Ladies & Gentlemen, you will be with us for three days. • Your dinner is reserved in the Landskrona restaurant for tomorrow, (indicate the restaurant), Ladies & Gentlemen.

Then sell on the other facilities.

• Ladies & Gentlemen, we also have an excellent rooftop restaurant with a great European menu. • Ladies & Gentlemen, there is a Russian Folk-show tonight in the Russian restaurant “Admiralty” (indicate), free vodka all dinner long. • The host then wishes all a pleasant stay and indicates the welcome drink if relevant. - Dear Ladies & Gentlemen, I am happy to offer you a welcome drink wish you all a pleasant stay with us.


The Co-ordinator takes the tour leader aside to go through all details

• Billing. • Breakfast times and location (Imperial?), a special Asian or Japanese corner. • Last day breakfast (early departure?). • Lunch In/Out. • Dinner. Anything arranged. Offer group prices $29 for Lunch $45 Dinner (1 glass of

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