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Group Work Research Paper

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We all remember a time when group work was needed to complete a project or school assignment. Group work was often given to students after tons of worksheets. I believe that group work has a negative effect on the students, because group work takes up a lot of time that the students do not have. Some of the ways that group work is proven negative are that everyone gets the same grade regardless of the amount of work put in, it takes more time to get the task at hand completed on time, and many members of the group may not get along well together. These reasons state that group work has a negative effect on the students who are required to do group work.

One of the main issues with group work is that everybody gets the same grade regardless of the amount of work that is put into the project. If somebody refuses to not do any of the group work, the entire group suffers all because of that one individual. Another reason that supports how everyone gets the same grade is that what if one person is not there the day the project is due and they have all of the things needed for the project? Then, your group is going to sink because that one individual has all of the materials that you need and he or she is not …show more content…
One reason that happens when your group does not cooperate is when certain group members disagree on how the project is completed. Another reason is that the group members did not use their time wisely and now have to find time to get together but sometimes that can be very difficult. I can be difficult to get together because everybody in the group may have different schedules so getting together with your group can be a struggle. Finally, everybody has to do their own fair share of work to be completed in for the date the project is

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