...Ethical Issues in Groups Abstract This paper will discuss the ethical issues that may arise during group counseling. Examples will be provided and points will be stated to avoid such ethical issues from arising. If ethical issues of come forth the paper discusses how a leader should handle such issues whether it is with the leader itself, a group member, or the group as one. Key ethical issues discussed will be confidentiality, leader values, relationships, encouragement, and commitment. Ethical Issues in Groups Introduction Ethical issues will occur in any type of counseling. When groups are established and consist of individuals with similar issues the leader must ensure that ethical boundaries are not crossed. This includes: confidentiality with leaders and group members, encouragement, relationships, leader’s values, and commitment to the group. The use of proper ethical standards will establish the proper structure for a group to be successful on an individual level as well as a group level. When ethical standards are upheld, the group will be viewed by its members as a safe, secure, and private environment in which they can share, trust members and the leader, and develop a bond with the entire group. This bond is the basis for such success. Confidentiality It is a necessity for all groups to maintain a form of confidentiality. This is to ensure that the leaders and the members of the groups feel as though information they have shared will remain in the group. Group members...
Words: 2807 - Pages: 12
...collapse of Hastie Group Limited which is known as the top international designer, maintainer and installer of technical services to the infrastructure and building sector. Hastie has well established operations in Australia, the United Kingdom and the Middle East. The report begins with the introduction about the company and how and when it collapsed. The report further includes the major points extracted from the report issued by PPB Advisory, the administrators of Hastie Group. The major content of this report is focused towards the Auditing Issues within the Hastie Group that contributed towards its collapse. The Hastie group was audited by the Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu in 2011. The auditing issues mainly cover Auditor’s Breaches of duty and the potential claim against the auditors. Overall this report would help provide a better picture of the collapse of Hastie Group and the course of action followed. INTRODUCTION Hastie Group Ltd. is known as the top international designer, maintainer and installer of technical services to the building and infrastructure sector. Hastie Group has well established in Australia, the United Kingdom and the Middle East. In 1970, the Australian subsidiary of Hastie Group was formed in Sydney. The business quickly expanded into Perth and won prestigious contracts such as the Darling Harbour Exhibition Centre, Sydney Futures Exchange, Hyatt Hotel Canberra and Terminal C at Sydney International Airport. Hastie Group has four major divisions...
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...Ethical Issues in Group Counseling COUN 612: Mental Health Ethics, Law and Practice April 28, 2011 Introduction Group counseling offers multiple relationships to assist an individual in growth and problem solving. Groups are an excellent treatment choice for numerous intrapersonal and interpersonal issues, and in helping people to change. Groups provide a sense of community to its members allowing them to see that they are not alone. In group therapy sessions, members are encouraged to discuss the issues that brought them to therapy openly and honestly. It is the responsibility of the counselor to work to create an atmosphere of trust and acceptance that encourages members to support one another. This atmosphere is developed and maintained from the initial intake of a client to the close of group. Many ethical dilemmas and questions arise for group therapists, a few of which will be addressed here: group work with diverse populations; rights of clients, informed consent and confidentiality; and involuntary clients. Description of Topic More recently group therapy has been widely used in the mental health field. There is a natural power in a therapeutic group that helps to bring about personal change for group members (Corey, Corey & Corey, 2010). Groups are designed to remediate specific problems or even prevent problems. It is the responsibility of the group leader, or counselor, to consciously acknowledge human diversity in society and the group setting. If...
Words: 2132 - Pages: 9
...Ethical Issues in Group Counseling Introduction Group counseling offers multiple relationships to assist an individual in growth and problem solving. Groups are an excellent treatment choice for numerous intrapersonal and interpersonal issues, and in helping people to change. Groups provide a sense of community to its members allowing them to see that they are not alone. In group therapy sessions, members are encouraged to discuss the issues that brought them to therapy openly and honestly. It is the responsibility of the counselor to work to create an atmosphere of trust and acceptance that encourages members to support one another. This atmosphere is developed and maintained from the initial intake of a client to the close of group. Many ethical dilemmas and questions arise for group therapists, a few of which will be addressed here: group work with diverse populations; rights of clients, informed consent and confidentiality; and involuntary clients. Description of Topic More recently group therapy has been widely used in the mental health field. There is a natural power in a therapeutic group that helps to bring about personal change for group members (Corey, Corey & Corey, 2010). Groups are designed to remediate specific problems or even prevent problems. It is the responsibility of the group leader, or counselor, to consciously acknowledge human diversity in society and the group setting. If a therapist ignores basic differences in people, they are not doing...
Words: 303 - Pages: 2
... Section 50 A Study on IIUM Students on the Issues of Group Workings Saiful Bahri ABSTRACT Under organizational behavior comes group behavior, how individual behave when working in group. This paper examines the posible errors that can be found in tasks done in group. The result showed that some of the errors are done on purpose due to laziness of IIUM students. Although, these students are aware of what causes the problems and what they should avoid to have a free-problem group work but they still manage to do them, either intentionally or unintentionally. Therefore, in reminding them, some ground rules and peer assessment should be adapted in each group. Keywords: free-rider, teamwork, miscommunication, and time management. INTRODUCTION Organizational behavior is the study of individuals and the behaviors they have within an organization and in a workplace setting. It is an interdisciplinary field that includes sociology, psychology, communication and management (Organizational Behavior Introduction, Catherwood Library). Group behavior is a part of the organizational behavior in which it falls under the interdiciplinary field of sociolagy, how individual work in small or large groups. Group behaviour differs from mass actions which refers to people behaving similarly on a more global scale while group behaviour refers usually to people in one place and having a coordinated behaviors. The members in a group should each be interdependence (depends on other...
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...Diversity Issues in Training Group Workers Given the fact that the U.S. population is characterized by drastically increasing diversity, it is essential that group counselors be culturally competent practitioners (Bemak & Chung, 2004). An integral part of the training of group leaders is promoting sensitivity and competence in addressing diversity in all forms of group work. Being diversity competent is more complex in meaning than "respecting other people". To fully assimilate the meaning into our personal and professional beings, it is important for us to have a common understanding of the principles on which diversity competence is built. The "Principles for Diversity Competent Group Workers" (ASGW, 1999) addresses issues such as racism, classism, sexism, heterosexism, and ableism with sensitivity and skill. These principles emphasize the practitioner's responsibility to have a general understanding of the diverse cultural backgrounds of the group members so interventions are congruent with their worldviews. Most of the ethics codes of the various professional organizations now give some attenttion to applying these principles when working with diverse client populations. Guidelines for competence in diversity issues in group practice are discussed in a variety of sources, some of which include Arredondo and colleagues (1996), ASGW (1999), APA (1993), Bemak and Chung (2004), and Ethical Issues in Group Membership How can group leaders make potential members...
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...Bianca Capatina “Pressure groups define the political issues that dominate US politics”.Discuss. Being the most pluralist political system in the world, it comes as expected that pressure groups would have a considerable amount of influence over the American system.However, their sectional views alone are not dictating the political agenda of the US politics, but rather influencing it at different levels(local/state/national), depending on their insider/outsider status and levels of funding. Firstly, because Congress is dominated by their representative function, pressure groups have a leading role in the US elections. This is because their power and influence is heightened by Political Action Committees , which are pressure groups that collect money from their members (up to $5,000/individual)and give it to candidates and political parties which support their interests. This was done by protecting elected officials from accountability in 2000, when 98% of the House incumbents were re-elected, undermining the political efficiency and leaning towards corruption.Their influence could be further observed in 2012, when the SUPERPAC Priorities USA spent $67 mil. on advertising for Obama’s re-election. Priorities USA’s belief is that Republicans’ agenda is to reward the wealthiest few at at the expense of the middle class, so it it came naturally that after he got elected Obama cut the income tax of the middle class families and also offered them tax reliefs. Secondly, the revolving...
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...Group Therapy In today’s society, when seeking professional help, there many different types of therapy to choose from. Of the many types of therapy, two of those include group therapy and individual counseling. Group therapy consists of a group of people who meet with a therapist or counselor for the purpose of sharing their problems and providing support for each other. Individual counseling consists of a person (client) meeting with a counselor or therapist one-on-one to discuss whatever problems they may be having. Although both methods of counseling are valuable, for the purpose of this portion of research, group therapy will be examined and the ethical challenges faced when using this form of counseling. Group therapy is often times described as one of the most effective and beneficial kinds of treatment. It is believed that because all members in the group share similar issues, contributions from the other members are valuable to the individual. This form of counseling brings together individuals with similar issues and it allows people to see that they are not alone. There are other people who may be experiencing or going through the same issues. According to Jacobs, Masson, Harvill, & Schimmel (2012), “Any helping professional who is looking for an economical and effective means of helping individuals who share similar problems and concerns should use groups” (p. 2). Knowing that other people have some of the same issues can also be comforting to someone who might not...
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...Participation is a key function of pressure groups as it gives citizens an avenue of participation between elections in a structured and moderated manner to get an issue or issues across to MPs. Given the behaviour of pressure groups such as the EDL it is unlikely that politicians will have sympathy for their concerns. For example on 8 September 2013, 160 EDL members were arrested following a protest in Tower Hamlets after a clash between counter-demonstrators. However, the majority of pressure groups stay true to the function of participation and in many cases bring about change in the government. By participating more peacefully whilst still being effective, MPs are more likely to consider supporting the views of the pressure group in parliament. In 2010, following a series of Greenpeace campaigns such as climbing onto a plane at Heathrow airport, the coalition government scrapped plans to build a third runway which shows how pressure groups can be effective and true to the function of participation. A function of pressure groups is agenda setting which is where they have the ability to influence the importance of topics on the public agenda so as a news item is covered more frequently and prominently, the audience will regard the issue as more important. A successful example of this is where in 2000, the People’s Fuel Lobby successfully managed to shut down the country by protesting on the entrances to fuel depots and blockaded roads over the issue of fuel prices. Of course, the protests...
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...policies and action taken in response to the recent rioting of various student groups on campus after a recent decision made for the allocation of funds for the King-Chavez lecture series. This document contains immediate and future plans for the University. At Pilgreen University, we understand that the issue at hand may cause problems no matter what the decision, because ultimately not everyone can be satisfied. However, PU does strive to make the University a place where as much equality exists as possible, and therefore will try to make the best decision possible. Issues At Hand There are several possible issues involved with the problem of the rioters upset over the decision made by the faculty/student committee and their allocation of funds. The issue at hand is that four different groups(a predominantly white religious group, LGBT group, African American group, and Hispanic group- no other groups are mentioned) that represent students on campus are vying for funds to be allocated to them for their specific speaker. Because the LGBT group seemingly presented a better platform for their speaker, they received the majority of the money. The African American and Hispanic groups received less money. The predominantly white religious group was not mentioned as receiving money; however, a white group was mentioned as being at the riot and looking for a reason to loot and vandalize. The issue seems to have the following possibilities as to why the riot is happening: 1) racial/ethnic...
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...pressure group is an association that may be formal or informal, who's purpose is to further the interests of a specific section of society or to promote a particular cause. They have several functions and methods. There are several ways pressure groups can be seen to enhance democracy such as educating the electorate on important social issues, holding the government to account and increasing participation in politics. Firstly, pressure groups are democratic as they can be seen to educate and inform the public about important issues. Pressure groups promote debate and argument making the public more informed on issues and decisions they wish to have an influence on. This can be done through the use of the media which allows pressure groups to get widespread recognition and awareness of their cause, whilst giving several methods to allow the public to engage. Furthermore many pressure groups can force the media to cover issues that may have been lost. For example the BMA presents important facts and figures through the media such as 1/3 of adults in England are obese. They convey this information through the media attracting public attention to such shocking figures, highlighting important issues educating the electorate whilst informing public of their cause. However pressure groups can be undemocratic as they can be seen to wield more influence than their place in society warrants, through drastic action recognised by the media. This promotes views on very small issues within...
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...communication services, including voice calls, SMS text messaging, MMS picture and video messaging, internet access and other data services. The group has 221 million direct customers including private consumers and corporate customers in diverse markets around the world. Governance Overall responsibility for corporate responsibility (CR)/sustainability lies with Vodafone’s Group Executive Committee (ExCo). The ExCo is chaired by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and consists of two CEOs from Vodafone’s operating business units – Europe and Emerging Markets (Asia-Pacific, America, Eastern Europe and Africa), as well as the Group Corporate Affairs Director, CFO, Chief Technology Director, Group Strategy and New Business Director, Group General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, Chief Executive of Global Business Development, Chief Marketing Officer and Group HR Director. CR performance is regularly discussed at ExCo and once a year at Vodafone's main Board. The Group Corporate Affairs Director is the ExCo member with responsibility for CR, and Vodafone’s Group Corporate Responsibility Director reports to the Group Corporate Affairs Director, as well as leading the Group CR team. The Group CR team works with local operating companies and Group operational functions to develop policies on CR issues. Additional Group resources are also dedicated to key issues, such as radio frequency (RF) fields and health, social products and enterprise, supply chain management and content standards. For example...
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...TEAM CHARTER GROUP 3 Drafted: February 6, 2014 1.) It is understood that all group members have different schedules, however attendance is mandatory to assigned meetings during the date and times announced by the Coordinator. (Kenneth). If a group member cannot attend a meeting, they are responsible to let the group know ahead of time so they can be caught up on what they need to do. 2.) All members are expected to perform to the best of their ability, and successfully fulfill their assigned duty. If a group member does not complete their obligation to the fullest, the group, citing specifics of what needs to be completed, will ask them to redo their aforementioned obligation. 3.) Communication for activities and meetings relating to the group will be had via face-face meetings, group texts, emails, & using the provided Blackboard group tools. 4.) All differences and issues will be discussed among all members of the team and a proper decision will be made. If a decision cannot be made, it will ultimately come down to a vote where a 4-2 majority will decide the issue. If a vote resulting in a 3-3 occurs, a group compromise will occur until the vote settles in a 4-2 majority. 5.) In the case of a non-cooperative team member, the group will complete their portion of work first and foremost. Issues involving a non-compliant group member will be handled on a case-by-case basis and the group member in question will be dealt with appropriately...
Words: 375 - Pages: 2
...with the commission and I wish you the best in continuing to meet the ever changing diversity needs of the university and the surrounding community. Take care and God bless! Sincerely in warm regards, Question: What does the word ‘diversity’ mean to you? Large group session/personal reflection exercise Introduction This report contains the ideas, knowledge and insight that took place over a three and a half day session in Sackville, New Brunswick. The Youth For Diversity Project, aims to bring approximately 25 youth together in one arena to discuss, debate and create ideas and plans around the issue of diversity. Half of the session was spent looking at the individual and group definitions of diversity, with sessions that included both reflective and group exercises. Small groups were formed to further flesh out concepts around diversity—racism, ageism, sexual orientation, access to resources, etc.—to further understand the impact that diversity has had on us and those around us. To add to these sessions, four guest speakers were invited to address the group around particular issues that are present in our communities. The guest speaker topics ranged from immigration and refugee issues, queer youth issues, the Black Loyalists of New Brunswick and hate crimes which involve South-Asian and Muslim youth. The other half of the session was spent trying to understand and raise awareness to the participants about how each...
Words: 2503 - Pages: 11
...Coordinators Group Conflict occurs when two people cannot agree on a particular issue. Anyone can come into conflict with someone else, because no two people are exactly alike. Such as, the substantive conflict that the Coordinators Group recently encountered. Moreover, one group member thought that purchasing an already made game would be better than making the game from scratch. However, another group member thought the pre-built game was over-priced and flimsy. Since the disagreement was over a specific issue, the Coordinators Group had a substantive conflict. Thus, to overcome this issue, the group used the A-E-I-O-U Model to resolve the conflict. The A-E-I-O-U Model is, “A conflict resolution model with five steps: Assume...
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