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Grover Disease Research Paper

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Grover Disease

Grover disease is a skin disease that causes a rash of itchy, red bumps (skin lesions). The condition is also known as transient acantholytic dermatosis. Lesions start on the chest and back and move to the shoulders, arms, and legs. Over time, some lesions may develop into watery blisters. Painful lesions may also form inside the mouth. The condition does not cause any other physical problems.

Skin lesions usually go away in 6-12 months. For some people, Grover’s disease may last longer than one year. The lesions also may go away and keep coming back. Grover’s disease is not passed from person to person.

The cause of Grover’s disease is not known. It may be a skin reaction to:

Heat and sweating.

A skin infection. …show more content…
Having another type of skin disease (dermatitis).

Frequently using hot tubs, steam baths, or electric blankets.


The main sign of Grover’s disease is a sudden outbreak of red or brown raised bumps on the upper chest or back. These skin lesions may appear in clusters. The lesions may be very itchy for some people. Others may not have any itchiness.

Your health care provider may suspect Grover’s disease if you have itchy skin lesions on your back or chest. Your health care provider will also do a physical exam. This may include a procedure to take a small skin sample from a lesion to be examined under a microscope (biopsy). This is the only way to make a definite diagnosis.

There is no cure for Grover's disease. You may need treatment to control the rash and itching. Anti-inflammatory cream or ointment (topical steroid) is the most common treatment. This usually controls symptoms until the outbreak goes away. Other treatments include:

Antihistamine pills to relieve itching.

The antibiotic tetracycline, which may reduce the number of lesions over 3 months.

Medication that is a form of vitamin A (isotretinoin), for severe

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