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Growing Patterns Video Summary

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During the video (Growing Patterns Video.m4v, n.d), Olivia is able to demonstrate understanding of mathematical concepts by analysing the relationship between the stages, noticing repetition, pattern and structure, She uses her knowledge of known and derived facts to generalise and problem solve, modelling her representations while explaining and justifying her approach. Olivia has difficulty reproducing the functional relationship between this conceptual thinking and the ability to generate a general rule using letter symbols to represent the pattern, where her thinking needs to be translated in a different and more sophisticated way.
Olivia shows a complete understanding of the concepts of repetition, pattern and structure by identifying and …show more content…
In its simplest format, patterning includes identifying the regularity of repetition, comparison, classification and sequencing which develops skills in describing the commonalities and differences between structures and objects (Papic, 2007). Markworth (2012) suggests that the use of growing patterns assists with the development of functional thinking when a student is taught to identify these commonalities and differences, to make generalisations that then extends the relationship, promoting systematic problem solving. In the video (Growing Patterns Video.m4v, n.d), Olivia’s attention is first drawn to explaining and justifying the stage growth she can identify on the worksheet by prompting with an explicit question about how she would draw a stage representation. Use of explicit questions promote the exploration of functional thinking and refines the link to the relationship (Warren & Cooper, 2006). By articulating the process of the stage increases and extending them, Olivia demonstrates her mental visualisation of the stages, developing her ability to see and the link made to the repetition of the pattern (Markworth, 2012; Warren & Cooper,

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