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Grt Task 2: Biochemistry


Submitted By rzarate
Words 952
Pages 4
GRT task 2:
Biochemistry (V. Undergrad-0814)

Proteins are made up of smaller units called amino acids. Hundreds or thousands of amino acids in long chains form a protein molecule. There are 20 different types of amino acids that combine to make a protein. Amino acids are classified into three groups: essential amino acids, non-essential amino acids, and conditional amino acids. Essential amino acids cannot be made by the body and must come from food. Non-essential amino acids can be produced by the body even if not obtained through food ingested (Wolfe,2000). Conditional amino acids are needed at times of stress, like an illness. Proteins can be described as polar and non-polar depending on how they interact in the environment. Polar and non-polar chemical trait allows for the amino acid to direct themselves toward water (hydrophilic) or away from water (hydrophobic).
Valine is an essential amino acid that enables chemical messages to be transmitted from the brain. Valine’s chemical structure is C5H11NO2 and is a branched chain amino acid. Valine is non-polar in nature so it is not a charged molecule. Valine is hydrophobic and if found deep inside the structure for this reason. Valine is important to muscle function as the muscle recovers from strenuous activity.

The amino acids sequencing of a protein decides its structure and function. Protein function is also dependent on its structure but some changes can disrupt the structure. When a protein loses function it is denatured. Changes that causes denature of a protein are: changes of pH, changes in salt concentration, changes in temperature, and the presence of reducing agents (Ahern & Rajagopal,2012). None of these changes break the peptide bonds and the structure remains but the function is lost.
There are four different protein structures. Primary structure is a straight chain of amino acids. A

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