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Gscm 588 Final Exam


Submitted By alonso2370
Words 1963
Pages 8
1. (TCO B) Identify four categories of measures that might constitute a Balanced Scorecard of performance measures and provide an example of each. Also explain how a Balanced Scorecard could assist your organization. This answer must be in your own words—significant cut and paste from the text or other sources is not acceptable. (Points : 30)

Some categories of measures of balance scorecard are:

1.-Measures Financial Performance

Financial performance measures includes:
Profitability such as ROI (return on investment), gross profit margin, asset turnover, etc
Liquidity such as current ratio, quick ratio

Financial performance measures, such as operating income and return on investment, indicate whether the company’s strategy and its implementation are increasing shareholder value. However, financial measures tend to be lagging indicators of the strategy. Firms monitor nonfinancial measures to understand whether they are building or destroying their capabilities—with customers, processes, employees, and systems—for future growth and profitability. Key nonfinancial measures are leading indicators of financial performance, in the sense that improvements in these indicators should lead to better financial performance in the future, while decreases in the nonfinancial indicators (such as customer satisfaction and loyalty, process quality, and employee motivation) generally predict decreased future financial performance

2.-Internal Operational Efficiency
Time spent with focus groups to learn about knowledgeable customer preferences, product development lead time, peer review of new products in product development pipeline, number of new models or features introduced each year

3.-Customer perspectives of performance, and

Examples include skills sets, employee relations and satisfaction, and staff competences.

4.-Innovation & Learning

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