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Guide Dog Training Research Paper

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How you ever seen a person being guided by a dog and thought, "wow, that isn't that amazing?" Well, there are certain organizations, known as guide-dog training facilities, that specialize on dog and human companionship. These warehouses are specifically made for training guide dogs, who their main purpose is to be a loyal companion and help people who do not see, or have a certain disability. If you happen to come face to face with one of these facilities, everywhere you look, there are a variety of dogs being played with, and working hard to improve their skills, and impress their trainers.
Guide-dog training facilities are something that have a great impact on people's lives. Many people are intrigued while watching how a guide-dog takes …show more content…
The restaurant or train station may not want them inside because they are risking the contamination of the area. The use of guide dogs goes back to the 1920s, it all began with people researching about the quality of guide dogs and finding a more efficient way of training for the dogs. There have even been cases of discrimination, for the people who need the assistance and guidance of the dogs.
As time passed, trainers have narrowed down the dog breeds that produced the most promising guide dogs. Due to the narrowing down of breeds, certain breeds today are chosen over others as guide dog's since it has been justified. The choice can be made on certain preferences. The breeds chosen for guide dogs are based on many things like how active a person is, if they are attentive, and a person's age.
Guide dogs do more than just helping a human's physical life. Studies have shown that dogs offer what is known as "therapy to its own." They provide positive effects socially, and psychologically. Guide dogs come with various benefits and they help the user in many different ways. Most importantly, the blind person becomes more confident while going around and about and are comforted by the fact that they finally end up getting a constant

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