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Personal Narrative: The American Dream

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When one hears about America he automatically thinks of the American dream. The glorious American dream is described as, “The ideal that every US citizen should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work…” (1) This is the lifestyle where one can lay at night and think, wow, I have a productive and successful life. This person can rest assured that tomorrow will be a good day because he is living in such a successful and goal oriented country. A nation whose focus is to constantly develop and create a better country. Americans work hard in order to ultimately live the American Dream, therefore we value progress, technological developments, and academic excellence. In the past, these values made us rise over the rest and we believe …show more content…
Stories are told about how our forefathers and previous presidents either got homeschooled or they traveled far in order to get educated. It is rare to hear of an amazing invention that was produced by an uneducated individual. Blanche Lincoln once said, “Unless we make education a priority, an entire generation of Americans could miss out on the American dream.”(6) Lincoln enforced the fact that in order to live the American dream we need to be educated. Nowadays people without elementary and higher educations don't get far in life. The United States wants every child in America to be educated. In 2012, the United States had 98,328 public schools.(7) Public schools are free to anyone, citizen or not. We give so much tax for this worthy cause because we realize that without education one cannot move on in life. If a person cannot find himself in the working world he will not be able to reach the level of accomplishment that a working person will reach. America values technological advancements, in order to keep them coming we needs to continue educating young people. These educated children will end up being the next generation of hard working

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