Premium Essay

Chune Sempo Sugihara's Accomplishments

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Pages 3
“In the course of human existence many people re tested. Only a few soar as eagles and achieve greatness by simple acts of kindness, thoughtfulness, and humanity. This is a story of a man and his wife who, when confronted evil, obeyed the kindness of their hearts and the conscience in defiance of the orders of an indifferent government.”(JewishVirtualLibrary) Sugihara saved many out of the many Jews that were killed in the Genocide. With his diplomatic power he was able to get Jews out of the country and into safety. Sugihara risked his career writing many visas to save Jews from the same fate as so many others. His early years has nothing much to say about what he will do in the future, but it is somewhat interesting. To start it off, Chiune-Sempo-Sugihara was born in his hometown of Yaotsu, Japan on January 1st, 1900. He was born into a middle class family (Sugihara). Secondly, Chiune later became a Japanese diplomat. He graduated from Harbin Gakain, training center for experts on the Soviet Union. He negotiated the purchase of the North …show more content…
First off, Jewish people from Lithuania came to him and pleaded to him for help and with their cries for help they motivated him to help them (Yad Vashem). He was rejected three times by the Japanese consul before he decided to take action be himself (JewishVirtualLibrary).His family consisted of two children and a wife. He and his family signed around 300 visas per day (It would take the Japanese consul a month to sign that many.). He signed visas for 29 days and even at the train station while he was leaving (JewishVirtualLibrary). He risked his career writing the visas. Sugihara used many resources including financial ones. He and his family signed around 300 visas per day (It would take the Japanese consul a month to sign that many.) ( JewishVirtualLibrary).Chiune waited timelessly to sign all of the visas and proved well saving many

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