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Becoming An Effective Coach

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Coaching is a useful way of developing people’s skills and abilities, and boosting performance (What is Coaching? How to be an Effective Coach, n.d.). In order to be a successful coach one has to plan and prepare for the session. The coach assists the coachee recognize his/her strengths and weaknesses in order to “gain an appreciation of his/her capabilities for growth and builds self-confidence”. During the initial coaching session, the intent is to establish rapport with the coachee and build a bond that will assist me with helping her fulfill her goals with positive results. Pre-Coaching Plan True coaching is the art of asking the one pertinent question, and then giving the client all the necessary space and time to work with it, all the way to complete and very practical client satisfaction (Cardon, 2008). Prior to my coaching preparation, I contacted a co-worker named Joyce Vaughn to ask if she would act as my coachee during the entirety of my course. My goal is to get to know her so that she is comfortable enough …show more content…
Once Joyce trusted me enough to be open about herself, I should have taken this opportunity to ask other questions apart from the ones that mostly pertained to her military career. While I understand the goal and focus was to establish rapport during this initial meeting, however; I should have spent more time on the last five questions that would have helped me to understand other facets of her life. One of the challenges that I struggled with was remaining committed to being the active listener. Because we shared the same human resources military background, it was somewhat difficult for me not to interrupt and talk about my experiences. However, I listened and we were able to get a lot accomplished and we are both looking forward to the next

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