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Guided Meditation Case Study Scenarios

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The client was oriented x 3. Alejandro shared his stress level was a 5. Alejandro was asked to listen to a guided meditation video, which focused on relaxation techniques. He indicated he usually sleep to help control his stress level. After listening, his stress level decreased to a 4.The client was oriented x 3. Brian shared his stress level before and after the session was a "0". He stated, playing his guitar helps to decrease his stress level. Throughout the session, the client listened to the guided mediation and stated, he found this meditation at the end of the day to be helpful.The client was oriented x 3. Christopher reported his stress level was at a 7, after listening to the guided mediation video, his stress decreased to 5. He shared, he …show more content…
Diandra shared her stress level was at a 6, she expressed she was anxious because she was going to see her child the following day. The client noted after the mediation, her stress decreased to a 5. To help with her stress, she stated she listens to music.The client was oriented x 3. Donald reported his stress at a 4 before the session. Throughout the session, the client appeared to have a difficult time regulating his feelings. He was observed laughing continuously throughout the meditation. He later excused himself and did not return to the group.The client was oriented x 3. Keith shared his stress level was at a 11 before and after the session. Keith shared he lacked sleep. He noted to control his stress he usually listen to music or sleep. The client was introduced to other alternatives to help with his anxiety.The client was oriented x 3. Melissa reported her stress level was at a 6 and after listening to the guided meditation, it decreased to a 2. She shared she has learned that mediation has helped her control her anxiety level. She requested mediation as a daily routine for the clients.The client was oriented x 3. Michael came into the session

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