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Gun Control and Our Freedom


Submitted By jrenea
Words 1697
Pages 7
Gun Control or Our Freedom
Jill Sanders
January 28, 2013
Sophia Hsia

Gun Control or Our Freedom

The pros and cons of gun control has been a debate over the years brings several issues to light. The myth of the Second Amendment is merely a reasoning clause for the right to bear arms, and people have the right to bear arms for their own personal use. The truth of the Second Amendment is “A well- regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free state ” ( The legislative proposals are trying to restrict the availability of firearms to the public raise several questions. What restrictions on firearms are truly permissible under our Constitution? Does gun control constitute crime? Will the nation’s crime rates decrease with stricter regulation put on gun ownership? Last but not least would it hinder or impair the means of self-defense of citizens? (Krouse, March 2005)
“First it is important to realize that the right to live is a very important right and a freedom”. If more gun control means lives saved then more gun control should mean more freedom. “The government has an obligation to protect the people’s rights such as the right to live. So the government has an obligation to place more restrictions on individual gun ownership. Do you as an American agree to the government is infringing on your rights?” We are going to explore the choices we have as citizens of the United States (
The argument over the right to bear arms has hit home in almost every state. Some people feel that carrying weapons should guarantee protection many state governments and legislatures oppose the measure as they seem to think it may cause a rise in violence. They also feel with citizens carrying weapons, will become a threat to the law enforcement. While many disagree to

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