...Gun Control – Does it reduce Crime? There are so many sides to gun control that covering all of them in one paper would kill far too many trees to consider. For that reason, I have decided to cover only how gun control affects crime rates and if it increases or decreases victims’ injuries and/or deaths. I will look at the effect an armed victim has on an offender and how gun control affects only the law abiding citizen. One small town in Georgia went to extremes to reduce its crime rate. That town is Kennesaw, GA. In 1982 a city ordinance was passed that requires all heads of household to keep at least one firearm, with ammunition, in the home (Baldwin). After the law went into effect, crime against persons plummeted 74 percent compared to 1981, and fell another 45 percent in 1983 compared to 1982. Admittedly, the crime rate in Kennesaw was not very high to begin with. Robert Jones, Kennesaw Historical Society president says, “[The crime rate] was eleven burglaries per 1,000 residents in 1981." According to the Kennesaw Police Department, the city's most recent crime statistics show 243 property crimes per 100,000 residents in 1998, or .243 per 1,000. A similar Georgia city, Decatur, recorded 4,049 property crimes per 100,000 residents, or just over 4 per 1000. Kennesaw’s crime rate continues to be below all other metro Atlanta city with similar populations. One can’t help but think that this has something to do with the fact that “all” of the residents are armed. Obviously...
Words: 1820 - Pages: 8
...believe gun control can protect their families from violence. But they are wrong, statistics shows that gun control does not reduce the rate of crime. However, gun control violates the principles on which the United States was initiated. Guns are not the only reason for the wave of ferocious crime that is thrashing America. In fact, crimes committed with guns are few rather more crimes are committed with knives or other objects. To control crimes, the government needs to punish criminals also criminals need to stay imprison for their full sentence. Many Americans use firearms as a scapegoat rather than taking the responsibility of correcting societal problems. They push for more gun-control laws but the experience shows that this...
Words: 476 - Pages: 2
...Date: 02-23-2013 A Compulsory Review of Quixotic Gun Control Distributed February 23, 2012 Prepared for Ms. Catherine Peck TESC English Comp Mentor Abstract Few events in life demand your immediate attention like gun violence. These events are always shocking and bring about deep emotions that can take us on quixotic crusades, resulting in ineffective and restrictive regulations. Universal evidence and correlations have long been offered as proof of the mantra that more guns mean more violence and fewer guns, therefore, mean less violence (Godwin 281). While the hearts and souls of the regulatory author are well placed, all too often the resulting debate is rooted in erroneous statistics and unrepresentative comparisons. To illustrate Senator Dianne Feinstein introduced Assault Weapons Ban legislation that would ban any weapon with a grip on the premise they are too easy to get and used too often for bad (Feinstein). The NRA states “the average annual number of background checks for the last five years, 2007-2011, is 25 percent higher than for NICS’ first five complete years, 1999-2003” (NRA). The NRA also states “In 2009 alone some 1,868,268 pistols were imported or exported by U.S. manufacturers, according to Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) data (NRA). If the old mantra holds true overall crime should be on the rise; however, a 2011 FBI Uniform Crime Report shows violent crime is continuing a decade long downward trend and is down...
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...Gun Control Political Science 1333 Dr. Garrison December 3rd, 2009 The Gun Control Debate Gun control and the supposed right to a gun have been at the war for many decades. The term gun control refers to policies which seek to regulate the manufacture, sale, ownership, and the use of guns. These policies or the lack there of, are reinforced and intensified ever so often when an unfortunate tragedy occurs. For instance, after the April 16th, 2007 massacre at Virginia Tech University, in which left thirty-three persons including the gunman died, many persons were of the opinion that such an incident could have been avoided through effective gun control measures. However, the issue of gun control is a very sensitive topic in the American society. Many Americans view control gun legislation and policies as an attempt to refute and violate a constitutionally enshrined liberty, which guarantees them a right to own a gun. This liberty to own and possess firearms stems from the Second Amendment which many believe affords the ordinary citizen the right to be armed. On the contrary, there is the other sector of American society who argues that the Second Amendment does not afford or protect and such a right. Moreover, members of this group also argue that if the Constitution does in fact afford such a right it needs to be revisited or repealed since it is not applicable to the present American society. Both sides of the spectrum are heavily represented...
Words: 4741 - Pages: 19
...Despite efforts to successfully enforce strict gun control laws, crime rates have not decreased, which nullifies the arguments of gun control supporters. Gun control supporters claim that making gun control laws stricter will reduce crime rates and get rid of gun violence mostly. They believe if guns are taken away from the public, then there would not be any guns to be used in violent gun crimes. The truth is that this would only take the guns away from the law abiding citizens, leaving the rest to be illegally transferred from criminal to criminal, most likely used against those who no longer have guns to defend themselves with. According to Gun Facts, most violent crime is committed by repeat offenders. “Dealing with recidivism is key to...
Words: 1690 - Pages: 7
...In America, guns have been a part of the country’s society since its birth. Throughout history, citizens of the US have used firearms to protect the nation, protect their families, and to hunt for food. The challenging issue of gun control takes a harmonizing act of extreme measures. Weighing the rights and liberties for each individual against the welfare and safety of the public has always been a risky balancing act. In the United States, gun control is an issue that has both sides firmly imbedded in their beliefs. The parties in favor of gun ownership and the right to keep and bear arms rely on the fact that provisions for such rights is protected by the constitution. In this time of turmoil and growing violence, gun advocates feel more than ever that their position is justified. The issue of gun control continues to remain a controversy. A large number of citizens believe that if gun acts are strictly enforced, that violence and the threat of crime will reduce everywhere. On the other hand, a large amount of society feels that they deserve the right to bear arms and will stop at nothing to protect their second amendment. Society benefits from firearms in the hands of responsible citizens. Attempts to keep firearms away from these citizens do more harm than good. Americans want to know, how far is too far when it comes to passing laws restricting the second amendment? After all isn’t this “The Land of the Free”? The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States...
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...States, research into firearms and violent crime is fraught with difficulties, associated with limited data on gun ownership and use, firearms markets, and aggregation of crime data. Research studies into gun violence have primarily taken one of two approaches: case-control studies and social ecology. Gun ownership is usually determined through surveys, proxy variables, and sometimes with production and import figures. In statistical analysis of homicides and other types of crime, which are rare events, these data tend to have poison distributions, which also presents methodological challenges to researchers. (Just Facts, 2010) Americans own an estimated 270 million firearms, approximately 90 guns for every 100 people. In 2009, guns took the lives of 31,347 Americans in homicides, suicides and unintentional shootings. This is the equivalent of more than 85 deaths each day and more than three deaths each hour. 66,769 Americans were treated in hospital emergency departments for non-fatal gunshot wounds in 2009. Firearms were the third-leading cause of injury-related deaths nationwide in 2009, following poisoning and motor vehicle accidents. Between 1955 and 1975, the Vietnam War killed over 58,000 American soldiers – less than the number of civilians killed with guns in the U.S. in an average two-year period. In the first seven years of the U.S.-Iraq War, over 4,400 American soldiers were killed. Almost as many civilians are killed with guns in the U.S., however, every seven weeks...
Words: 10549 - Pages: 43
...• SUBSCRIBE • RENEW • GIVE A GIFT • DIGITAL EDITION Print | Close The Case for More Guns (And More Gun Control) HOW DO WE REDUCE GUN CRIME AND AURORA-STYLE MASS SHOOTINGS WHEN AMERICANS ALREADY OWN NEARLY 300 MILLION FIREARMS? MAYBE BY ALLOWING MORE PEOPLE TO CARRY THEM. By Jeffrey Goldberg The Century 16 Cineplex in Aurora, Colorado, stands desolate behind a temporary green fence, which was raised to protect the theater from prying eyes and mischief-makers. The parking lots that surround the multiplex are empty—weeds are pushing through the asphalt—and the only person at the theater when I visited a few weeks ago was an enervated Aurora police officer assigned to guard the site. I asked the officer whether the building, which has stood empty since the night of July 20, when a former graduate student named James E. Holmes is alleged to have killed 12 people and wounded 58 others at a midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises, still drew the curious. “People drive by to look,” he said, but “not too many.” The Aurora massacre is noteworthy, even in the crowded field of mass shootings, as one of the more wretched and demoralizing in the recent history of American violence, and I was surprised that the scene of the crime did not attract more attention. “I guess people move on,” he said. I walked up a slight rise that provided an imperfect view of the back of Theater 9, where the massacre took place, and tried to imagine the precise emotions the victims felt...
Words: 7234 - Pages: 29
...Gun Control GM 520 – Legal, Political and Ethical Dimensions Prof. David S. Carter By: Mustufa Husain Table of Contents Introduction 3 Gun Laws Internationally 4 Gun Control and the Second Amendment 7 Conclusion 12 Introduction I often wonder, should any citizen around the world be able to carry firearms? Can a person really feel safe from crime no matter where they may go? According to the bill of rights, the second amendment to the constitution of the United States reads “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed”. So how do I go about interpreting this? Some believe that it only means that the people of the military should be allowed to carry firearms, where some believe it means every citizen has the right to bear arms. Right at this moment someone around the world is being part of a violent crime whether it is the aggressor or the victim. How do we as citizens protect ourselves? Should we all be allowed to carry guns for self-defense or have guns around in our household? Even though many countries have implemented strict gun control laws, none have proven to be as effective as law makers thought they would be in reducing the number of crimes happening around. I shall present an argumentive paper on why I do not feel there should be stronger gun control laws. Guns do not kill…people kill. How many people do you know who have been...
Words: 4282 - Pages: 18
...Gun control is a complex and divisive issue in America. People who are in favor of gun control foresee no violence whatsoever if guns were banned. But is that a realistic thought? I will carefully analyze details discussing how an actual gun ban would result. Would a gun ban make the world safer to live in? Would it make the world more dangerous? Prompted by horrific elementary school shooting, President Barack Obama tasked his administration with creating concrete proposals to reduce gun violence that has plagued the country. The President includes both legislative proposals that would need to be acted on by Congress and executive actions he can perform on his own. Many of the executive actions involve the president directing agencies to do a better job of sharing information. Proposed congressional actions include, but are not limited to: (1) Requiring criminal background checks for all gun sales, including those by private sellers that currently are exempt; (2) Reinstating and strengthening the ban on assault weapons that was in place from 1994 to 2004; (3) Limiting ammunition magazines to 10 rounds; (4) Financing programs to train more police officers, first responders and school officials on how to respond to active armed attacks; and (5) Providing financing to expand mental health programs for young people. A national survey of police officers show overwhelming support for the Second Amendment and the country’s strong tradition of gun ownership, while opposing...
Words: 1342 - Pages: 6
...The Deadly Date The Deadly Debate Gun Control has been at the forefront of many debates due to the increase of deadly shootings. Over the past several years, there have been multiple mass casualty shootings, and as the number of shootings increased, United States citizens began the debate of whether tighter gun control laws would prevent these shootings. In this debate, we will address the reasons supporting gun control and the reasons opposing gun control. Americans have a choice and this choice will be debated below. America was founded on the principle of freedom and the rights of an individual to live in a nation built by the people, for the people. The government has begun to use tragedy, terrorism and civil unrest to force unjustified laws and federal controls into action that are a direct attack on our civil liberties. The NSA and other federal organizations have violated Americans rights and freedom in the name of national security far too many times. If we allow the government to take away our rights to bear arms it will be another tragedy in the long list of attacks on our American rights. Many gun control activists believe that reducing the number of private gun owners in America will reduce crime and suicide. This could not be further from the truth; strict gun laws will only take the guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens, criminals will be armed and normal citizens will have no means of immediate protection. A recent study conducted by Harvard...
Words: 1987 - Pages: 8
...Halusek Persuasive Research Paper In America, guns have been a part of the country’s society since its birth. Throughout history, citizens of the US have used firearms to protect the nation, protect their families, and to hunt for food. In the United States, gun control is an issue that has both sides firmly imbedded in their beliefs. The parties in favor of gun ownership and the right to keep and bear arms rely on the fact that provisions for such rights are protected by the Constitution. No legitimate study in the US has ever shown that gun control has any positive impact on crime. Society benefits from firearms in the hands of responsible citizens. In this time of turmoil and growing violence, gun advocates feel more than ever that their position is justified. The issue of gun control continues to remain a controversy. A large number of citizens believe that if gun acts are strictly enforced, that violence and the threat of crime will reduce everywhere. On the other hand, a large amount of society feels that they deserve the right to bear arms and will stop at nothing to protect their second amendment. The challenging issue of gun control takes a harmonizing act of extreme measures. Weighing the rights and liberties for each individual against the welfare and safety of the public is a risky balancing act. Attempts to keep firearms away from these citizens do more harm than good. People believe that the banning of guns is the way to save lives, this statement is incorrect...
Words: 2321 - Pages: 10
...Gun Control Matthew EN-1420 April 15, 2015 What an amazing country “land of the free and the brave” known as the United States of America. It is a known fact that people from all around the globe immigrate here for the opportunity and the freedom. This very freedom that makes so many want to be here should not be impinged on. There are some good regulations and laws in place to keep citizens safe, however, the U.S. should not be banning anymore gun types! Let us explore. Our freedoms are detailed in the constitution of amendments. The second amendment states, “the people have the right to keep and bear arms and these rights should not be infringed on” (Cornell University Law School, 2015). The law does allow room for some regulation, hence the U.S has banned machine guns or fully automatic weapons from civilians. Further regulation as in banning rifles and handguns would be a breaking our constitutional rights. The law school at Cornell University states, “The second amendment has most recently been interpreted to grant the right of gun ownership to individuals for purposes that include self-defense” (Cornell University Law School, 2015). The Supreme Court has also ruled in this favor. In a case in 2008 (D.C vs Heller) and in 2010 (McDonald vs Chicago) the Supreme Court firmly established the 2nd amendment is an individual right (Smith, 2014). The legal carry of guns has reduced crime and in some states has reduced the murder rate drastically. Most of us would agree...
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...Gun Control Darrell Welch ENG/102 March 30, 2014 Michele Barth Gun Control Research Essay Rough Draft It is Friday afternoon on January 4, 2013, when Donnie Herman received a disturbing call from his wife Melinda stating a man was ringing their door bell and trying to get in the front door of their home. “Get the kids and hide” Donnie told his wife; Melinda gathered the 9 year old twins quickly and headed to the attic crawl space. Armed with her cell phone and the .38 caliber revolver Donnie had recently taught her how to use. Melinda hears the man break through the front door and rummage downstairs. Donnie meanwhile is calling 911 as his family cowers in the attic crawl space fearing for their lives as they attempt to hide from the intruder. The 32 year old male finds Melinda, the twins and at the same time looking down the barrel of the .38 caliber revolver, Melinda fires! Donnie says to the 911 Operator, “She’s shooting him, she’s shooting him, shoot him again” (Reese, 2014). 5 bullets hit their intended target, striking the would-be intruder in the face and neck, Paul Slater is heard screaming by the 911 Operator as he is hit by the .38 caliber rounds. Paul Slater makes his way out of the house to his SUV, trying to escape. When the police arrived they found the intruder in the neighbor’s yard after wrecking his SUV. The people of Walton County, Georgia have hailed this mother and wife a hero, a well prepared woman that was able to defend her children, herself and their...
Words: 1893 - Pages: 8
...------------------------------------------------- THE CASE FOR MORE Guns (AND MORE GUN CONTROL). Language: English Authors: GOLDBERG, JEFFREY Source: Atlantic; Dec2012, Vol. 310 Issue 5, p68-78, 9p, 4 Color Photographs Document Type: Article Publication Information: Atlantic Media Company Subject Terms: GUN control -- United States CONCEALED weapons AURORA shootings, Aurora, Colo., 2012 COLUMBINE High School Massacre, Littleton, Colo., 1999 MAUSER, Tom FIREARMS -- Law & legislation -- United States SCHOOL shootings -- Prevention Geographic Terms: UNITED States Abstract: The article discusses gun control in the U.S. and argues for a connection between increased access to guns among law-abiding citizens and the prevention of gun violence. The author looks at several shootings such as the 2012 movie theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado and the state's 1999 Columbine High School shooting. Topics include gun control advocate Tom Mauser whose son died in the Columbine shooting, laws related to U.S. gun shows and concealed weapons, as well as university policies. Document Information: Essay last updated: 20121204 Lexile: 1310 ISSN: 10727825 Accession Number: 83811665 Database: Literary Reference Center Translate Full Text: HTML Full Text ------------------------------------------------- THE CASE FOR MORE Guns (AND MORE GUN CONTROL) ListenSelect: THE CENTURY 16 CINEPLEX in Aurora, Colorado, stands desolate behind a temporary green fence,...
Words: 7441 - Pages: 30