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Gun Control Arguments

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Despite efforts to successfully enforce strict gun control laws, crime rates have not decreased, which nullifies the arguments of gun control supporters. Gun control supporters claim that making gun control laws stricter will reduce crime rates and get rid of gun violence mostly. They believe if guns are taken away from the public, then there would not be any guns to be used in violent gun crimes. The truth is that this would only take the guns away from the law abiding citizens, leaving the rest to be illegally transferred from criminal to criminal, most likely used against those who no longer have guns to defend themselves with.
According to Gun Facts, most violent crime is committed by repeat offenders. “Dealing with recidivism is key to …show more content…
Some individuals believe firearms are not a good way to deter crime, even if the criminal is armed. The statistics given show how much using a firearm in self defense, not always ending in gunfire, can help prevent crimes from happening or from becoming life threatening. Crime rates involving property are dropping, due to the thought of citizens owning a firearm to use in self defense by the criminals. A criminal thinking about attacking a citizen may think twice before doing so after realizing that he or she may be carrying a firearm that could be used to defend his or herself. (4) In Britain, which has tough and strict gun control laws, face “hot burglaries” at a rate of 59%, a hot burglary being a burglary committed while the owner of the home is currently at his or her home. In the United States of America, the hot burglary rate is only at 13%, which is due to the United States having less tough and strict gun control laws. (3) The convict wouldn't break into a house where the occupants of the house could be armed and have the potential of defending his or herself from the intruder. Washington, D.C. has enforced strict gun control laws, somewhat banning gun ownership since 1976, has a rate of murder at 56.9 per 100,000 people. In Arlington, Virginia, the gun control laws are more lenient than that of the …show more content…
Any type of gun control law restricting firearm possession and usage will not stop the criminals from trying and trying to get a hold of a firearm to use illegally. Private gun ownership is practically illegal in the United Kingdom, but the criminals continue to use firearms regularly. This sparked the 35% jump in gun violence after hundreds of underground gun factories began to illegally build and sell their own firearms to other people who did not possess a firearm. Criminals do not care about the laws restricting their access to obtain firearms, but they will continue to acquire weapons illegally.

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