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9/11 Vs Law Enforcement Essay

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In the last century policing has changed a lot. They are now able to use more, than they were able to back in the day. At the same time less. Years ago, they did not have an abundance of cameras watching there every moves. Thing would go unseen and people would go unheard of the things that were really going on. Everyone thinks, because they have a badge, they should know right from wrong and do what’s right. Well they finally realized they actually had more questionable police than the upper heads thought. Stuff they never thought of was really happening. Police are there to help you. However, there are people that use this to their advantage. Some people tend to put their words against yours. If you think about it, who do you think they would …show more content…
Information shared between the law enforcement agencies could have helped prevent that from happening. Since then officers have upgraded to better security to protect people in the future from threats like now going on in this world. Sad to say but not all law enforcement agencies have taking advantage of that option. Since 9/11 officers actually took more time and put all tips and leads into a database for records. Social media has become a big thing since 9/11. It seems as if people have a loud to put there life out in the open without thinking about what it will do to their future. People do a crime and think oh well I am going to put this out in the open. What are the police going to do? Next thing you know, police knocking on your door. Next thing you know someone puts a tip out and one thing leads to another and you’re in handcuffs. Putting something out like that gives investigators easy access to your life. Doing so can also help them prevent crimes. Such threats on the internet can be taking seriously and investigators can come find you if it is that bad and stop it before it ever happens. Even if you were just joking around with friends, if it looks real and seems real that is all investigators need no questions asked. That will be on you for doing something like that. If you don't want the world to know don't put it out there for anyone to

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