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Latin American Immigration Research Paper

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Immigration has always been present since the beginning of existence, and all creatures have adapted to this idea. This concept has aroused and transformed the United States since and before its creation. The country has been shaped by all kinds of cultures and influences. With all those movements that have occurred, new perspectives of life and ideologies have been introduced. The United States has one of the best principles in the world. You have the right to: life, liberty and pursues of happiness. Some of the American presidents have incorporated the idea and some are trying to destroy that privilege.
Since 1492, strange steps that belonged to European merchants and explorers have patted the American soil. Ever since that arrival, people from around the globe were introduced to the western hemisphere. Those arrivers departed from the European empires in which they were oppressed by their rulers, and they came to this side of the continent as refugees. In America, they found the liberty and freedom that they anxiously desire for many centuries. Latin American is oppressed by their leaders as well, and they are trying to seek their freedom and develop a prosperous future as the Europeans once did. But now …show more content…
He also “made any immigrant who'd entered the country before 1982 eligible for amnesty” (NPR Staff). In his act of forgiveness, he began the process of legalization of immigrants. He believed that immigrants were vulnerable since they didn’t have rights because the American Constitution didn’t protect them. He gave the best gift that anyone foreigner from Latin America desires. Hispanic men that entered this country clandestinely were given the opportunity to step away from the shadows and to begin a future they always desired (NPR

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