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Smoking Age Research Paper

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This topic has been a nationwide debate for many years. Should we raise the legal smoking age, and if we did, will it solve any of the issues, or will it just create more? Often times smoking is considered a childish vice, so people say that raising the age will prevent certain people from smoking who would have otherwise. Also the younger somebody starts a habit, the more likely that it will turn into a life altering addiction into adulthood. Smoking is not a good habit to take up especially as a young adult. We should Raise the Legal Smoking age to 21. Research and studies show that the brains of young adults are not yet fully matured and done growing. In addition to this teens and young adults going through adolescence are very vulnerable to the addictive qualities of Nicotine. Children who use Nicotine regularly are more likely to train their brain to be dependant on the substance because of the fact that your brain is still learning and growing. Even at the age of 18, the legal age to buy tobacco products, your brain is still not fully developed and matured. This means that you are still vulnerable to …show more content…
One of the more common known problems is second hand smoke, which is when other non-smokers breathe in the smoke that your cigarette is emitting, but this is a problem that there is not a solution too, either way it doesn't matter what age a person starts smoking at, second hand smoke will always be present. What I am going to talk about, is a few problems that can be reduced. Tar and carbon monoxide are created when burning a substance. This does not just apply to Tobacco, but any other plant material that is burned. There is about 10 mg of tar in a Marlboro Red Cigarette. Now why should you be worried about tar you might ask? Tar is toxic, and you really don't want something like that in your lungs, which brings oxygen in your body, keeping you

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