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The Name Mary Research Paper

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Something I noticed in the course was an abundance of Marys. Every other book we read had a main character named “Mary.” I do not believe that was a coincidence. Names hold meaning and, therefore, purpose. In this paper, I will investigate the connection between the meaning of the name “Mary” and the fate of the characters that we have encountered this semester. I seek to determine which meaning suits each character and whether the meaning was indicative of the resolution of their stories.
When looking at the origins of the name Mary, it is important to balance the religious connotations with the meaning of the name and how that relates to the characters. It is important to understand the etymology of the name “Mary” and its many variants that depend on different interpretations of Hebrew. According to the Catholic Encyclopedia: The Name of Mary, Mary derives from the name Miryam. The dispute of Miryam’s meaning grounds itself in the disagreement of what the exact root of Miryam is, which creates varying possibilities. In one translation, Miryam is the compound of the noun meri and the pronominal suffix am (a pronominal suffix is possessive or objective like me or my) meaning “their Rebellion” (Maas). In a different translation, Miryam means “bitter sea” which bases itself in the idea that Miryam is based upon the Hebrew words mar (bitter) and yam (sea). There are …show more content…
Wollstonecraft herself was religious so she also used the name Maria for a similar reason that Dixon did: purely for a positive and at the same time infuriating association with religious symbols. I believe that Wollstonecraft did this out of spite towards Talleyrand the Bishop of Autun who would use virtue and chastity within the context of Christianity as a means of oppressing

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