...For many years in the United States of America, gun violence has been a major issue because a lot of people die from this malicious act. “Compared to 22 other high-income nations, the United States' gun-related murder rate is 25 times higher” (Preidt). By looking at this fact, one can clearly infer that Americans suffer from a severe case of gun violence and that this issue needs to be taken care of. Furthermore, gun violence has a psychological impact on families because they have to mourn over the death of their loved ones (which creates emotional scars) and in some cases children develop posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which can affect brain development at an early age. Currently in the U.S., gun related murders are prominent in Chicago,...
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...In America’s current society, individuals are granted the opportunity for great freedom, but how much freedom is too much? The issue of gun violence is prevalent in today’s society, and it seems that a large portion of this violence could be resolved if only gun control was more rampant. Specialists have indicated that small arms, such as rifles and pistols, are responsible for somewhere between 60 percent and 90 percent of all clash-related deaths (Grillot 529). The Center for Disease Control approximates there to be over 31,000 gun-related deaths and 81,000 nonfatal gun-related incidents each year ("Gun Violence and Mass Shootings — Myths, Facts and Solutions"). With nearly 283 million guns in circulation around the United States, it is easy...
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...Violence presents itself in various forms, and it is as much of a constant as passivity is. Some would argue that violence has been occurring much more in the recent years especially with the rapid rise of gun violence in America. It is difficult to not feel affected by the recent massacres like the one that have occurred at Fort Hood, Sandy Hook, and Aurora. With so many incidents of gun violence sprinting up, a demand for change is in order. While solutions are being debated, it is without a doubt that a concrete gun laws can lower gun crimes, restrict the purchase of weapons, and bring innovation within gun manufacturers. Gun control has become a hot topic in American culture. With people demanding some sort of solution, politicians debate...
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...Violence in America vs. Gun Control In America today violence continues to drastically increase with millions of gun related deaths annually, yet given the right training, skills, and a sound minded person a gun is often one of the greatest assets to have for protection. In the U.S. Constitution the right to bare arms is a liberty given to those citizens who qualified to do so under their first amendment rights. Many people are torn about the right to bare arms and some lobby more increasingly by the days to have more laws to further restrict gun laws. On the other side of the fence you have a great deal of people who try to fight and not only keep their first amendment right, but to also have the noose loosened to make gun laws less restrictive. A gun is very dangerous and can be used to cause a massive amount of damage, but a gun is also safe and can also protect from a human predator who pursues another human as prey. The more powerful guns get and the more access people have to them the sum for me is simple “guns aren’t dangerous, but people are dangerous. On Tuesday, April 20, 1999 the Columbine school massacre happened in Littleton Colorado near Denver. “Two senior students, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, embarked on a massacre, killing 12 students and 1 teacher. They also injured 21 other students directly, and three people were injured while attempting to escape. (en.wikipedia.org) After the two high school students went on a wild shooting spree which lasted for about...
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...Gun violence in america has took a rapid increase in the past five years there has been two hundred and ninety school shooting since 2013 and seventeen of them has been in 2018 there are many people that say that sandy hook was the schools shooting that started all of the recent shooting because it gave all the kids that were feeling abused and mistreated a idea how to get revenge even if it was to take people's lives which was wrong because nobody deserves to lose their life. But the school shooters go for the little kids or older people because they are defenseless because either there to little out there to old to fight back they want to have complete control. There has been school shooting near me and they really hit home we have have the marshall county shooting which there was a kid that went in to his school and shot a couple of his peers that had been making fun of him that happened on january 23, 2018 there was two dead and eighteen dead. The shooter came in the a crowd of people and open fire. Today's society is crazy especially the younger generation and yes i'm talkin bout my generation and yes i'm talkin about my generation they are so stupid im not proud to call it my generation because these retards are snorting condoms and eating roman noodles out of toilets...
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...should be stricter regulations on guns in the United States. Politicians, in recent years especially, have had very hotly debated discussions about gun control in America. Both sides of the arguments are driven by fear. People who want easy accessibility to guns are afraid of being without protection, while people who want more regulations on guns are afraid of senseless gun violence. Many pro-gun people are immediately put off by gun reforms without consideration of how valuable the reforms could be to the overall violence problem in America. Australia, for example, has very strict gun laws but people still have guns, and there is hardly any gun violence. The current gun laws in the United States have been insufficient in controlling...
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...Gun Control in America Gun Control in America has led to many deaths nationwide. Every day we lose thousands of people lives that have been killed by guns. This whole gun control system that we have today in america has not seem to decrease the violence but increase it, since many criminals find a way to get a hold of a firearm. The gun violence we are having is created because of the lack of politics being careless for their people's safety, by the regulations on gun control, and how criminals have access to guns. The law was introduced back in 1934 when the federal government started its gun control policies in order to stop gang violence which was called the National Firearms Act of 1934. Ever since then it has not helped stop the violence and it seems that the issue has grown over the years and it is now a major problem. When the issue really struct the people was when there was school shootings, which really impacts america by making the school safety a failure since criminals enter heavily armed to a school campus.One major school shooting was “two high school teens Eric Harris, 18 and Dylan Klebolod, 17 had killed 13 people and wounded 20 more before commiting suicide on April 20, 1999 at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado” (History.com staff). The crime was...
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...what America is like today? Probably not because of all the issues that are currently going on. There’s no such thing as making America completely perfect, but there are definitely ways in which America could be improved upon. Improvement starts by finding the problems that are occurring. Issues that are currently happening are problems with illegal immigration, violence, unemployment and the health care. Each of these are completely different from the other, but with improvement in each of these, America can be one step closer to the beautiful country that it once originally was. One problem in America is that there are immigrants that come in the country illegally. They’re called undocumented immigrants. This wouldn’t be a problem if it was just like 20 people, but in total there is more than 10 million...
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...GUN VIOLENCE ON CHILDREN AND TEENS Every year in this country, thousands of children and teens are killed by gun violence. Those who live in the lower class are in constant fear of being killed or maimed during acts of violence. Drug deals, gang wars, racial wars, and random school shootings such as Sandy Hook Elementary School, tells America there are no safe places in this country that does not have some kind of violence. According to the Children’s Defense Fund, there are more infants, toddlers, and preschool children killed than officers who are in the line of duty. Firearm deaths in the United States stated that in 2010, there were 2,711 infant, children, and teens killed by gun violence (CDC 2012). Between 1981 and 2010, gun violence killed 112.375 infants, children, and teens. This is 25,000 more deaths than the number of soldiers killed in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan combined (Children’s Defense Fund 2013). Of these deaths, 1,982 were murders by gun violence. Every state between 2000 and 2010 lost children to gun violence with the deadliest of these in Alaska with an 8.7 gun deaths for every 100,000 children (Children’s Defense Fund 2013). The deadliest state was Alaska with 8.7 gun deaths for every 100,000 children and teens each year, more than twice the nationwide rate of 3.6. While Alaska was 21 times more deadly for children and teens, the safest state in the nation is Hawaii. While all the states in this country has dealt with children’s’ death...
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...educational and emotional film about the severe gun violence in the United States of America, and what causes this extreme violence. Michael Moore, the film maker, continually tries to convince viewers that if guns were more difficult to find, there will be a dramatic decrease in gun violence. Michael Moore uses specific video clips to appeal to the viewer’s emotions on guns. Through this use of pathos, Michael Moore is able to describe how dangerous it can be when teenagers or young irresponsible adults get control of a loaded gun. Although Michael Moore is completely biased against gun control, his documentary affected the way I think about guns and gun control. Michael Moore uses clips such as, 911 phone calls and security camera footage to make a personal, emotional connection to all the viewers watching. In one specific incident he spoke to the producer of COPS. In this interview we, the audience, learn that the producer prefers to portray blacks as the criminals so that the whites can get guns to protect themselves. In my opinion, this is a reason why gun violence is so prevalent in America - the fear of African Americans. Moreover, Michael Moore speaks with the students of the Columbine incidents to discuss mental health issues. These interviews reveal that the high incidence of a variety of mental problems among young people coupled with the prevalence of guns in the country, makes gun violence a very real and pervasive problem in the United...
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...Gun violence is a soaring epidemic that seems all too familiar in cities and towns all across America. The statistics that correlate with guns are alarming in many ways, and often times a gun in the hands of a mentally ill person has historically resulted in tragedy. Without better gun regulation and prevention tactics, gun violence which results in thousands of American citizens deaths will only continue to grow. Innocent victims are shot and killed every day, while their families are left in shock trying to cope with the fact that their loved one is no longer with them. Six different sources will be used to provide statistical evidence of gun violence, the correlation it has on mentally ill people, what pro gun advocates have to say in regards...
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...Gun control is a set of laws to regulate sale, transfer, modification, possession or use of firearms by civilians. Mike Bloomberg former mayor of New York City, seventh richest person in the world is an advocate against gun control.At first he gathered a group called “Mayors Against Illegal Guns” starting with only 15 mayors since than more than 1,000 former and current mayors have joined this cause. It now joins with “Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America” which is one of the biggest groups of moms working for gun safety reducing the risk of gun violence. SInce then they both have formed the group called “Everytown for Gun Safety”. On his last term of mayor he swore to the people that he would set aside $50 million to create a group against gun control called “Everytown for Gun Safety”. Trying to make towns safer again because gun violence is touching everywhere in america and all over the world. This group was one of the best opponents to work against the NRA’s. After two years of this group one of America’s mass shooting present day has happened. More than 2 million cops, moms, former and current mayors, and people in communities have tried to fix common sense laws to reduce gun violence and promote common sense laws....
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...Gun related incidents have become a huge problem in America, and too many US citizens are losing their lives to guns. Guns take the lives of American citizens every day, from shooting massacres, to a child playing with a gun he had access to in his house. More people in America are killed by guns than terrorists. In fact over 30,000 people are killed by guns each year. Last year, only 17 people were killed by terrorist attacks (Terror). You can see that correlation on a daily basis as well. 3 people died in the Boston Marathon because of the terrorist attack staged there, that same day, in the U.S., 11 people were killed by guns (Terror). More American citizens are being killed by other American citizens armed to the tee, than by America’s common enemy. If you look at it that way it’s like we are doing the terrorist’s work for them. Every time there is a push to end gun violence there is an equal push back to keep things the same which...
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...Gun Control Gun control is one of the controversial issues in the United States of America, especially after the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King. In some parts of America living with a gun is not only a right but also a culture. But for many others it is a threat and a source of insecurity. I am part of the latter and hope to see gun free America. In real world there ups and downs, there are moments of pleasure as well as discomfort. This is fact of life. Crimes are committed not only by criminals but by anyone who couldn’t restrain his anger during interaction in day to day life. At this moment it is not the same to be with a gun and without. As a human being there are moments when things are beyond our control and forced us to take serious measures against others. During this moment if a person is unable to restrain his emotion, carrying a gun will push him to commit a crime which he has never been intended. Bearing gun is a right as it is written in the Second Amendment of United States constitution; however, how this can be reconciled if it is a threat to the majority of Americans is a legitimate question. Guns exact a huge toll on America's children and youth, both in terms of lives lost and in terms of quality of life. Study shows that for black families, the chance of their male children dying from a gunshot wound is 62% higher than the chance of dying in a motor vehicle crash. For Hispanics, the chance of dying by...
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...Gun Debate The U.S. government has tried for many years to decrease gun violence with numerous restrictions and regulations on gun ownership and gun use but yet gun violence in America is still extremely high. Government policies alone cannot help to improve the gun violence, responsibility must be taken from all parties, especially gun distributors. Majority of guns used in crimes were purchased at a legal institution somewhere down the line so how can distributors control this? Gun violence claims over 30,000 lives a year and over 100,000 people fall victim to crimes involving guns. Gun violence is clearly an epidemic in the United States but what has been done about it? The government has implemented numerous different laws and policies in an attempt to control this problem with policies like the buy back program and putting restrictions on who can purchase a gun. These policies have both done very little in actually reducing the number of guns on the street. The buyback program seemed like a good idea in which people can come hand in their guns and receive cash or gift cards for their guns. One issue with this is that people who are more likely to commit a crime with guns are far less likely to even turn their guns in so it was sort of a waste of money. Government restrictions on who could purchase a gun has somewhat helped in decreasing gun violence. For example, the government restricts people with felonies on their record from purchasing guns. While some people will deem...
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