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Gut1 Task 4


Submitted By mrosales6
Words 929
Pages 4
This document provides documentation of a student management system program testing. The application is java based and using a client/server model wherein which the client inputs, updates and queries to a MySQL database on server end. The database stores student information and data. The information stored by the database is first name, last name, student ID, mentor, GPA , student status, thesis title and thesis advisor for graduate students.. The program also determines tuition cost based on the type of student and enrolled credit hours. The tuition is calculated for undergraduate, graduate and part-time. The program is to provide a tool to add, modify, query and delete student records.
There are many methods of testing software applications. The testing performed in this documentation is to test the functionality of the program. The testing did not go in depth as far as looking at the specific code. The testing checks the user interface, which is command line in the program, database(MySQL), client and server functionality. The testing is performed manually from the end user point as documented in the herein contained Test Cases.
The following requirements must be met to run the program: Java Integrated Development Environment (IDE), MySQL database. Netbeans 7.0.1 was utilized in making the program and testing it . MySQL is open source SQL database. They both can be downloaded for free of charge. Windows 7 OS was used to host both pieces of software. There are minimum requirements that can be referenced on download websites.

Each option available in the program will be tested. The Use Case Diagrams may be referenced for further details on functions of each option. The test will test each available selection. The selections to be tested are as follows:
1-Add Student Information
2-Update Student Information
3-Query Student Information
4-Delete Student Information
5-Exit Program

The program will be required to be in good working order. All the selections and functions must work properly as specified in requirements in task requirements. The following tests must prove to be successful in order to submit.

TC Number 1
TC Name (Add Student)
Requirement to be tested: Add student to database with following information:First name, last name, GPA, status, mentor, level, thesis, thesis advisor, credit hours and cost of tuition based on credit hours.

Preconditions: Netbeans IDE,MySQL Installed
Steps: The steps the tester must execute to test the feature.
1. Select 1Enter
2. Select Level(Undergraduate,Graduate,Part-Time)Enter
3. Input First NameEnter
4. Input Last NameEnter
5. Input GPA # in following format X.X between 0.0-4.0Enter
6. Input Status “Nonresident”, ”Resident”, ”d” for defaultEnter
7. Input Mentor name “xxxxx”Enter
8. Input Level Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior or “d” for defaultEnter
9. Review Information and confirm with “Yes”Enter
10. Input Number of credit hoursEnter
11. Reiterate and select all possible selections

Expected results: Expected results are for each selection to work properly and create student record on database.

Pass/Fail: Passed---Each selection works as they should and database record can be queried to check creation of record.

TC Number 2
TC Name (Update)
Requirement to be tested: Modify student entry in database using assigned ID to select entry. Choose information to be edited:First name, last name, GPA, status, mentor, level, thesis, thesis advisor, company name and or cancel the update.

Preconditions: Populated database(previous student entries),Netbeans IDE,MySQL Installed
Steps: The steps the tester must execute to test the feature.
1. Select 2Enter
2. Input Assigned ID of desired student to editEnter
3. Input selection of entry to be editedEnter
4. Input edited fieldEnter
5. Confirm editEnter
6. Reiterate through all selections.

Expected results: Expected results are for each selection to work properly and edit student record on database.

Pass/Fail: Passed---Each selection works as it should and database record can be queried to check edited entry of student record.

TC Number 3
TC Name (Query Student)
Requirement to be tested: Query student entry in database to retrieve following information: First name, last name, GPA, status, mentor, level, thesis, thesis advisor, ID range, company name, student ID and cancel query request.

Preconditions: Populated database(previous student entries),Netbeans IDE,MySQL Installed
Steps: The steps the tester must execute to test the feature.
1. Select 3Enter
2. Select Query Search entryEnter
3. Reiterate until all possible selections are chosen.

Expected results: Expected results are for each selection to work properly and query student record entries on database.

Pass/Fail: Passed---Each query selection works as it should and database record can be queried by all chosen query information.

TC Number 4
TC Name (Delete Student)
Requirement to be tested: Delete student record entries in database.

Preconditions: Populated database(previous student entries),Netbeans IDE,MySQL Installed
Steps: The steps the tester must execute to test the feature.
1. Select 4Enter
2. Select student with assigned database number entryEnter
3. Confirm Student record deletion Input Yes or No
4. Reiterate to confirm record deletion

Expected results: Expected result is for student record database entry to be deleted.

Pass/Fail: Passed---Each selection for deletion was confirmed and longer found in database.

TC Number 5
TC Name (Delete Student)
Requirement to be tested:Exit selection

Preconditions: Netbeans IDE,MySQL Installed
Steps: The steps the tester must execute to test the feature.
1. Select 5Enter
2. Exit Message is Displayed

Expected results: Expected result is application to close.

Pass/Fail: Passed---Program ends.

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