My Christian Profile
Name: Joshua Philippe D. Evangelista
Parents: Violeta D. Evangelista Arvin T. Evangelista
Religion: Roman Catholic
Parish Church: San Carlos Borromeo Cathedral
Parish Priest: Most Rev. Nicolas Mondejar
Date of Baptism: May 15,2001 Priest: Rev Fr. Ronnie C. Verina Sponsor: Sonia Racaza
Date of First Communion: December 18, 2008
MY FAVORITES: 1.Bible Character in OT : God 2.Bible Character in NT : Jesus of Nazareth 3. Book in the Bible : Genesis 4. Psalm : Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, 5: Liturgical Season : Christmas 6: Parable of Jesus : The Lost Sheep 7: Miracle of Jesus : Raising of Lazarus 8: Christian Value : Hope 9: Saint : St. Francis Of Assisi 10: Beatitude : Blessed are the poor in spirit, for there is the kingdom of heaven. 11: Commandments : Thou shall not steal 12: Teaching of Jesus : “I am the bread of life” 13: Biblical Passage : 1 Corinthians 13
WITNESSING: The 10 best things I’ve done as a Christian 1. I attend mass every Sunday. 2. Helped the poor. 3. Fed the needy. 4. Donated clothes to the homeless. 5. Gave food to the hungry. 6. I pray to God everyday and ask for guidance. 7. Treat the less fortunate with respect. 8. Gave the thirsty something to drink. 9. Prayed for those who need God’s help. 10. I obey God.
My Christian Dream Jesus has always been a symbol of goodness. I want to obey his teachings. I want to become good. Being able to help others feels so good. It brings smile to my face. I want to help others and share them what I have. Especially to those who doesn’t have much. I want to make them feel that God is always there. That God will never abandon them. God is