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HR411 Scholarship Essay

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Pages 5
Additionally, I believe another significant strength of mine is my ability to cultivate wisdom. This stems from my desire to continue learning new things every day. Whenever I am in a new situation or a position where I am unfamiliar with how to accomplish a task – I do not hesitate to seek out advice. I am exceptionally efficient when it comes to using my resources. Whether that means reaching out to a vendor that may know more about a particular species of hardwood flooring, or calling our HR411 program through our payroll company to answer a human resource question – I will always be authentic with what I do and do not know. I was raised to believe that knowledge is power and I emphasize that in everything I do personally and professionally. …show more content…
However, having now completed four weeks of the course, I have a much clearer sense of what my plan looks like. I read somewhere before that leadership is a “long-distance run.” My interpretation of this saying is that developing your leadership skills is an on-going process. As an avid reader, I can say for certain I will continue to seek out literature on leadership development and other topics of that nature.
When I think of specific experiences I could seek out in my near and distant future – my SHRM membership comes to mind. This membership is valuable for countless reasons. One particular reason I find my membership to be of great value is the number of seminars and training opportunities this organization offers. Continuing to utilize my membership not only opens the door to educational seminars but it also allows me to engage with other HR professionals. Seeking out opportunities to network with other professionals in this field is an invaluable benefit of this organization. Our Alumni network at West Chester University is also a wonderful benefit for the same reasons. The more exposure I can gain to new ideas, new cultures, new literature, etc. – the more effective I can be as a leader and as a contributing member of

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