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Hairstylist Research Paper

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What is it like being hairstylist? During my research I found that being a hairstylist is not as easy as it seems. Before my research I knew a few things about being a hairstylist being my sister is a cosmetologist, which is about the same thing as a hairstylist. I knew how dedicated you had to be to pursue this career. What I really wanted to find out was how much the education was to get the training I needed, and I wanted to find out if it is worth all the time and money. By using the choices program and a personal interview, I discovered Interesting facts about being a hair stylist. A hairstylist has many different job descriptions. Hair stylist analyze a client’s hair or other physical features that will determine and recommend beauty treatment or suggest hair styles. They cut, trim, shapes hair based on customer’s instructions, trim facial hairs by using clippers, scissors and razors, shampoo’s, rinses, …show more content…
This is a slim amount of jobs for many people who plan on being hairstylists throughout Mississippi. There are 22,060 average job openings for a hairstylist in the United States for the years 2012-2022. The employment outlook for this career is stable. The employment change for 2012-2022 is estimated to go up 12.7%. During my research I found that in 2014, hairstylists’ were found to be a nontraditional occupation for men (MS Choices). Men have now came up from that statement. Furthermore, education training and experience are required at different levels for success and different occupations. One or two year’s post, secondary training. High school diploma or equivalent is required some positions. Every state requires barbers, stylist and cosmetologist to complete programs and state license barber or cosmetologist school. Usually they last nine months. Most take advanced courses in hairstylist to keep up with latest trends (MS

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