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Submitted By qqshuq
Words 1694
Pages 7
Fiji Water:
Green makeover or Greenwashing

Fiji Water is one of the famous bottle water in current global market. With its special characters and higher market target, Fiji Water has a good performance in the bottle water market, and has a high market share. Recent years, environmentalists appeal all industries to offset their carbon footprint to reduce the influence of greenhouse effect. Fiji Water also planed some steps to reduce their carbon footprint.

The background of the success of FIJI Water
In the early nineties, David Gilmour, the Canadian-born owner developed the “Fiji water” concept. The concept was to bottle Fiji natural water and market if all around the world as a unique and exotic product. The most important aspect of this product was that the water will get straight from the source which was old artesian aquifer water. This water was silica-rich and used to anti-aging and immunity-boosting properties. So, it was expected to appeal to health-conscious and image-oriented consumers. In 1996, Natural Waters of Viti Ltd. Built its first bottling plant at the cost of FJ$48 million at Yaqara in Ra, at the place where the source of artesian water had been found. With the underdeveloped rural area of the island, the unpolluted, pristine location of the water source and factory guaranteed the purity of the artesian water (1).
In 1997 Fiji Water was first launched in California. In 1998, the company entered New York market. With increase of the demand of the bottle water in America, Fiji Water got a good market share in the American market. The successful launch of Fiji water in the United States was attributed to a wonderful marketing strategy and product’s advantage. Due to its light mineralization, Fiji water had a smooth taste and no aftertaste. At the same time, the water will be more clean and pure taste with the light mineralization. Most

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