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Handling Misscommunication


Submitted By erivas1207
Words 622
Pages 3
Handling Miscommunication
Ernesto Rivas
University of Phoenix

Handling Miscommunication

ER Consulting identified the breakdown of communication between departments in Alpha Bio Chemical, Inc. Recommendations and solutions will be suggested to establish policies and procedures to be followed so the odds of a crisis will be reduced; and in the long run save Alpha Bio Chemicals, Inc. time and money. Background Carl Robins became the new campus recruiter for Alpha Bio Chemicals, Inc.; he hired 15 new scientists to work for Monica Carrolls, the Operations Supervisor. Carl was to schedule the new hire orientation by June 15th and provide housing for them also. The new scientists were to start working by July. Monica contacted Carl on May 15th in regards to training schedules, orientation, new hire manuals, policy booklets, physicals, drug test, and other issues that must be prepared for the hiring of new employees. Carl advised Monica that everything would be taken care of by the time the new employees were to arrive. In the beginning of June Carl started to finalize the paperwork for orientation and discovered that some of the new scientist did not have applications completed, transcripts on file or mandatory drug screens. After he discovered that, Carl began to search for orientation manuals and found a few copies which had missing pages. Carl stopped by the training room where the orientation was going to take place to see if the classroom was ready. There, he found Joe, from the technology services, setting up computers. Carl was confused, so he reviewed the schedule and noticed that Joe had also reserved the room for the entire month of June.

Key Problems
One of the key problems was communication between departments; a breakdown in communication can affect the outcome of any project or company goal. Key problems that must to be revised to repair the communication lines begin with (a.) policies and procedures (b.) communication skills training programs (c.) relocating to a bigger facility.
Proposed Solution The need for clear policies is particularly important in complex operational environments such Alpha Bio Chemical, Inc. Employees may experience difficult and risky situations, so they will need the support that comes from well-defined policies and procedures related to Alpha Bio Chemical, Inc., human resources, disaster communications, safety, security, and psychological well-being, use of ID cards and special-issue badges, and after-action reports. It also ensures management directives are carried out and risks are contained to tolerable level. Several training programs can help keep the communication lines open between co-workers. Alpha Bio Chemicals, Inc. as a whole can participate in team building exercises that can teach employees to work together and accomplish bigger goals as a company. Alpha Bio Chemicals, Inc. can come together and identify the problem, explore possible solutions, narrow the choices, and implement them. The training programs can also assist with organizational survival, employee retention, and conflict avoidance. Alpha Bio Chemicals, Inc. has out grown the current facility; and has experienced difficulty in day to day operations and the hiring of new employees and training them. To ease the stress and the confusion of the hiring process; Alpha Bio Chemicals, Inc. should consider moving to a bigger facility. In doing this Alpha Bio Chemicals, Inc. will begin to see employee morale rise, better production from employees, and overall better working atmosphere.

Conclusion Consider the above recommendations to move Alpha Bio Chemicals, Inc. forward and to succeed. The company has utilized marketing concept to be able to be competitive in the business world and to make its product be marketable. It can be concluded that the new product developed has a big opportunity to conquer the marketplace if the strategies discussed above will be used effectively and efficiently.

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