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Hawaii Punch


Submitted By JerryYu
Words 3088
Pages 13
Background of the company chosen:
Hawaiian Punch is a well-known brand of fruit punch drinks owned by Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. (DPS). The company experienced several ownership handovers and some of the most recent ones include Procter & Gamble sold Hawaiian Punch to Cadbury Schweppes in 1999, and Dr. Pepper Snapple was spun off from Cadbury Schweppes in 2008.
The Current Situation of the Company:
The main source of our study comes from an intensive case study that illustrates Hawaiian Punch’s “Go-to-Market Strategy” decision option, faced by the company’s Marketing Director Kate Hoedebeck during the time span from year 2004 to 2005. As the number one fruit punch drink sold in the United States, Hawaiian punch enjoyed its continuous success. Its goals are very much aligned with the customers’ needs, in the long-term it aims to maintain its competitiveness through high customer satisfaction, extensive product development, easy accessibility and better profits attainable for retailers to stock and sell. In terms of its strengths, it has already become Cadbury Schweppes’ fourth largest brand by volume. Since the acquisition of Hawaiian Punch by Cadbury Schweppes from Procter & Gamble in 1999, the company had employed two distinct and separate manufacturing, sales and distribution networks to stock and serve identical or similar beverages for the same retail customer. This dual distribution strategy by many has been seen as one of Hawaiian Punch’s strength, leading it towards diverse product lines with intensive product depth. However, there are also many weaknesses that need to be addressed as if not taken care of they might turn into severe obstacles preventing the company from a healthy and steady growth. In terms of its offerings, case sales were modest for the new flavors, this has resulted from multiple factors including but not limited to weak positioning

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