Associate Level Material
Appendix A: U.S Health Care Timeline
Use the following timeline or create a timeline of your own with eight major events, including the four provided below, from the last 50 years. You may change the dates in the box to match the dates of your events. Include the following in your timeline:
• Medicare and Medicaid • HIPPA of 1996 • State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) • Prospective Payment System (PPS)
|1953 |The department of Health Education and Welfare was the forerunner of the Department of|
|1954 |Health and Human Services, and it was established under President Eisenhower. |
| |This is when President Eisenhower, as a strong advocate of private Health insurance |
| |signs the Internal Revenue Act. |
|1964 |The Economic Opportunity Act was signed by President Johnson as part of his |
|1965 |administration”s “War on Poverty, a series of legislative efforts to address high |
| |levels of unemployment and poverty. |
| |Under the auspices of this “Great Society” reforms, President Johnson signs into law |
| |the Medicare and Medicaid programs in order to provide the elderly with medical |
| |coverage. |
|1972 |This was the year that President Nixon signs the Social Security Amendment, extending |
|1979 |medicare coverage to individuals under the age of 65 with long-term disabilities or |
| |end-stage renal disease. |
| |This is when President Carter progresses a “National Health Plan” that would provide |
| |the coverage to low-income and disabled Americans, as well as consolidate medicare and|
| |Medicaid into one federal program. |
|1986 |This is when The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act is enacted to give |
| |workers and their families who lose health benefits and the ability to continue to |
| |receive benefits for a certain period of time and under certain conditions, such as |
| |job loss, divorce, or death of a spouse. |
|1993 |This is when President Clinton seeks to completely overhaul the U.S. Health Care |
|1997 |System by introducing the Health Security Act to “ensure individual and family |
| |security through health care coverage for all Americans. |
| |Here is where The State Children’s Health Insurance Program would extend health |
| |coverage to children from low-income families who do not qualify for Medicaid. |
|2009 |This is when President Obama extends the State Children’s Health Insurance Program |
| |through 2013, saying that it is a “down payment on my commitment to cover every single|
| |American. |
| | |