...Shift + X ........: السكون Shift + A ........: الكسرة ذ + Shift .........: الشدة Shift + Z ........: المدة Shift + W .......: تنوين فتح Shift + S ........: تنوين كسرة Shift + R ........: تنوين ضم Shift + T ........: لإ Shift + G ........: لأ Shift + Y .........: إ Shift + H ........: أ Shift + N ........: آ Shift + B ........: لآ Shift + V ........: { Shift + C ........: } Shift + F ........: ] Shift + D ........: [ Shift + J .........: تمديد الحرف Ctrl + C ..........: نسخ Ctrl + X ..........: قص Ctrl + V ..........: لصق Ctrl + Z ..........: تراجع Ctrl + A ..........: تحديد أو تضليل الكل Shift + U ........: فاصلة معكوسة Ctrl + ESC ......: قائمة المهام Ctrl + Enter ....: ابتداء صفحة جديدة Ctrl + Shift .....: لغة عربية ( يمين ) Ctrl + Shift .....: لغة إنجليزية ( يسار ) Ctrl + 1 ..........: مسافة مفردة Ctrl + 5 ..........: مسافة سطر ونصف Ctrl + 2 ..........: مسافة مزدوجة Ctrl + G ..........: الإنتقال إلى صفحة Ctrl + END .......: الإنتقال إلى نهاية الملف Ctrl + F5 .........: تصغير نافذة الملف Ctrl + F6 .........: الانتقال من ملف لأخر Ctrl + F2 .........: معاينة الصفحة قبل الطباعة = + Ctrl ..........: تكبير وتصغير درجة واحدة F4 .................: تكرار أخر عملية Alt + Enter ......: تكرار أخر عملية Ctrl + Y ..........: تكرار أخر عملية Ctrl + F9 ........: فتح قوسين جاهزين Shift + F10 .....: تعداد نقطي ورقمي F12 ...........
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...By pressing a combination of keys, you can do things that normally need a mouse, trackpad, or other input device. To use a keyboard shortcut, hold down one or more modifier keys while pressing the last key of the shortcut. For example, to use the shortcut Command-C (copy), hold down Command, press C, then release both keys. Mac menus and keyboards often use symbols for certain keys, including the modifier keys: Command ⌘ Shift ⇧ Option ⌥ Control ⌃ Caps Lock ⇪ Fn If you're using a keyboard made for Windows PCs, use the Alt key instead of Option, and the Windows logo key instead of Command. Some Mac keyboards and shortcuts use special keys in the top row, which include icons for volume, display brightness, and other functions. Press the icon key to perform that function, or combine it with the Fn key to use it as an F1, F2, F3, or other standard function key. To learn more shortcuts, check the menus of the app you're using. Every app can have its own shortcuts, and shortcuts that work in one app may not work in another. Cut, copy, paste, and other common shortcuts Shortcut Description Command-X Cut: Remove the selected item and copy it to the Clipboard. Command-C Copy the selected item to the Clipboard. This also works for files in the Finder. Command-V Paste the contents of the Clipboard into the current document or app. This also works for files in the Finder. Command-Z Undo the previous command. You can then press Command-Shift-Z to...
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...GRAVE key (`under ~tilda) - if some points on a path are choosen, this deselects them, leaving the object itself selected. Very useful when you select objects by dragging over them. TAB key - if some objects are selected, press tab to deselect everything on the screen. Very useful when you work in a close-up and have no free space to click to deselect. Keys from 1 to 8 - jump from one tool to another (from rectangle to free-form polygon). Not very useful. Shift key - when pressed you can draw lines, make rotations and reflections only in 45 degree increments. As well you can draw only perfect squares instead of rectangles, perfect circles instead of ovals, and proportional resizing instead of distorting. Extremely useful. Control key - when pressed, all transforming tools will transform around an object's (or group's) center. Useful. Option key (Alt) - when pressed, all objects will be drawn form their center. Useful. Option key (Alt) - point on a path between any two points while pressing option. Path will be stretch as you move the pointer. Sometimes useful. Option key (Alt) - when pressed, you can select any object in the group. Very useful. To edit a text block in a group you don't have to use Option, just insert text cursor and edit. Option key (Alt) - when pressed, you can click on any object and drag it to create a copy of this object. You can't however, copy groups this way. Option key (Alt) - when in text-editing mode, you can position cursor between...
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... 8. Where can you find examples of signal phrases in APA-style papers? Pg. 34-36 9. Where can you find out what goes into an abstract? Pg. 39-40 10. Where can you find out how to set off long quotations, and what is meant by a long quotation? Pg. 48 11. Where can you find sample pages of APA-style papers? Pg.51-99 12. Where can you find an example of how to write an APA-style in-text citation of a work with two authors? Pg. 102 13. Where can you find out how to write an APA-style reference list entry for a letter to the editor? Pg. 112 14. Where can you learn about parallelism in writing? Pg. 130 15. Where can you find out how to avoid or fix misplaced or dangling modifiers? Pg. 136-137 16. Where can you get guidance about avoiding jargon, clichés, and slang? Pg. 140-142 17. Where can you find help in avoiding sexist language? Pg. 142 18. Where can learn how to ensure your subjects and verbs agree with each other? Pg. 144-148 19. Where can you find a list of common irregular verbs (verbs that do not follow prescribed rules when forming...
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...Download the original attachment Shift + E : الضمة Shift + X : السكون Shift + Q : الفتحة Shift + A : الكسرة ذ + Shift : الشدة Shift + Z : المدة Shift + W : تنوين فتح Shift + S : تنوين كسرة Shift + R : تنوين ضم Shift + T : لإ Shift + G : لأ Shift + Y : إ Shift + H : أ Shift + N : آ Shift + B : لآ Shift + V : { Shift + C : } Shift + F : ] Shift + D : [ Shift + J : تمديد الحرف Ctrl + C : نسخ Ctrl + X : قص Ctrl + V : لصق Ctrl + Z : تراجع Ctrl + A : تعليم الملف Shift + U : فاصلة معكوسة Ctrl + ESC : قائمة المهام Ctrl + Enter : ابتداء صفحة جديدة Ctrl + Shift : لغة عربية ( يمين ) Ctrl + Shift : لغة إنجليزية ( يسار ) Ctrl + 1 : مسافة مفردة Ctrl + 5 : مسافة سطر ونصف Ctrl + 2 : مسافة مزدوجة Ctrl + G : الانتقال إلى صفحة Ctrl + END : الانتقال إلى نهاية الملف Ctrl + F5 : تصغير نافذة الملف Ctrl + F6 : الانتقال من ملف لأخر Ctrl + F2 : معاينة الصفحة قبل الطباعة = + Ctrl : تكبير وتصغير درجة واحدة F4 : تكرار أخر عملية Alt + Enter : تكرار أخر عملية Ctrl + Y : تكرار أخر عملية Ctrl + F9 : فتح قوسين جاهزين Shift + F10 : تعداد نقطي ورقمي F12 : حفظ بأسم Shift + F12 : حفظ الملف Ctrl + Home : أول المستند Ctrl + End : أخر المستند Shift + F1 : معلومات عن نوع التنسيق Ctrl + U : سطر تحت النص Ctrl + F4 : خروج من الملف Ctrl + N : ملف جديد Ctrl + H : استبدال Ctrl + I : خط مائل Ctrl + K : تنسيق المستند Ctrl + P : طباعة Ctrl + O : فتح منطقة...
Words: 607 - Pages: 3
...LAB 1.6 USE WINDOWS KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS OBJECTIVES The goal of this lab is to introduce you to some keyboard shortcuts. After completing this lab, you will be able to use the keyboard to: · Display the Start menu · Switch between open applications · Launch utilities with the Windows logo key MATERIALS REQUIRED This lab requires the following: · Windows XP operating system LAB PREPARATION Before the lab begins, the instructor or lab assistant needs to do the following: · Verify that Windows starts with no errors. ACTIVITY BACKGROUND You can use certain keys or key combinations (called keyboard shortcuts) to perform repeti-tive tasks more efficiently. These shortcuts are also useful when the mouse isn't working. In this lab, you learn to use some common keyboard shortcuts. You can find a full list of key-board shortcuts by searching for "keyboard shortcuts" in the Windows Help and Support Center. ESTIMATED COMPLETION TIME: 30 minutes Activity The F1 key is the universal keyboard shortcut for launching Help. To learn more, follow these steps: 1. Open Paint and then minimize it. 2. Open Control Panel and then minimize it. 3. Click the desktop, and then press F1. Windows Help opens. 4. Close Windows Help, and restore Paint. 5. Press Fl. Because Paint is the active window, Help for Paint opens. Close Help for Paint. 6. Restore Control Panel, and then press Fl. Help for Control Panel opens. You can...
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...Shortcut Keys | Description | Alt + Home | Open your home page. | Backspace or Alt + Left Arrow | Back a page. | Alt + Right Arrow | Forward a page. | F5 | Refresh current page, frame, or tab. | F11 | Display the current website in full screen mode. Pressing F11 again will exit this mode. | Esc | Stop page or download from loading. | Ctrl + (- or +) | Zoom in our out of a page '-' will decrease and '+' will increase. Ctrl + 0 will reset back to default. | Ctrl + 1-8 | Pressing Ctrl and any number 1 through 8 will move to the corresponding tab in your tab bar. | Ctrl + 9 | Switch to last tab. | Ctrl + Enter | Quickly complete an address. For example, type computerhope in the address bar and press CTRL + ENTER to get http://www.computerhope.com. | Ctrl + Shift + Del | Open the Clear Data window to quickly clear private data. | Ctrl + D | Add a bookmark for the page currently opened. | Ctrl + Shift + O | Open the Bookmark manager. | Ctrl + J | Display the download window. | Ctrl + K or Ctrl + E | Move the cursor to the browser address bar. | Ctrl + N | Open New browser window. | Ctrl + Shift + N | Open a new window in incognito mode. | Ctrl + P | Print current page or frame. | Ctrl + T | Opens a new tab. | Ctrl + F4 or Ctrl + W | Closes the currently selected tab. | Ctrl + Shift + T | Undo the close of a window. | Ctrl + Tab | Moves through each of the open tabs. | Spacebar | Moves down a page at a time. | Shift + Spacebar | Moves up...
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...وظائف لوحة مفاتيح الكيبورد CTRL + Aتحديد كامل المستند CTRL + Bالكتابة بخط غامق CTRL + Cنسخ CTRL + D شاشة تنسيق الخط CTRL + Eتوسيط الكتابة CTRL + Fبحث CTRL+G الانتقال إلي بين الصفحات CTRL + Hاستبدال CTRL + I إمالة الكتابة CTRL + Jضبط الكتابة CTRL+Lالكتابة جهة اليسار CTRL + M تحريك النص إلى اليمين CTRL + N صفحة جديدة / فتح ملف جديد CTRL + Oفتح ملف موجود CTRL + P طباعة CTRL + R الكتابه جهة اليمين CTRL+Sحفظ الملف CTRL + Uوضع خط تحت الكتابة CTRL + V لصق CTRL + Wإغلاق برنامج WORD CTRL + X قص CTRL + Y تكرار. تقدم CTRL + Z تراجع عن الكتابة حرف ج + CTRL تصغير النص المحدد حرف د + تكبير النص المحدد Ctrl + TAB للتنقل إلي الأمام بين الإطارات Ctrl + Insert نفس عملية النسخ وهي تنسخ الكائن المحدد ALT + TAB للتنقل بين النوافذ المفتوحة السهم الأيمن +Alt للإنتقال للصفحة السابقة ( زر للخلف ) السهم الأيسر + Alt للإنتقال للصفحة التالية ( زر للأمام ) Alt + D لنقل المؤشر إلي شريط العنوان Alt+F4 أمر يقوم بإغلاق النوافذ المفتوحة Alt + Spaceسيتم عرض قائمة خاصة بالتحكم في النافذة المفتوحة مثل تصغير , تحريك أو إغلاق وغير ذلك من أوامر Alt + ENTER يقوم بعرض خصائص العنصر الذي قمت بتحديده . Alt + Esc يمكنك التنقل من نافذة إلى أخرى يسار SHIFT+ Alt يحول الكتابة من عربي إلى إنجليزي يمين SHIFT+ Alt يحول الكتابة من إنجليزي إلى عربي F2 أمر مفيد وسريع يمكنك من تغير اسم ملف محدد F3 ابحث عن ملف معين عن طريق هذا الأمر F4 لعرض عناوين الإنترنت التي كتبتها في شريط العناوين F5 لتحديث محتويات الصفحة F11 للتحويل من عرض داخل إطار إلي ملء الشاشة ENTER للذهاب للرابطة المختارة ESC...
Words: 526 - Pages: 3
...Adobe® Muse™ CC Cheat Sheet Common Adobe Muse CC Keyboard Shortcuts FUNCTION New Site... Open Site... Close Site Close Page Save Site Save Site As... Place File Create PSD Button... Exit Export HTML Preview Page in Browser Preview Site in Browser Publish Menu New Site (bypass dialog) MAC OS Command + N Command + O Command + Shift + W Command + W Command + S Command + Shift + S Command + D Command + B Command + Q Command + E Command + Shift + E Command + Option + E Command + Option + P Command + Option + N WINDOWS Ctrl + N Ctrl + O Ctrl + Shift + W Ctrl + W Ctrl + S Ctrl + Shift + S Ctrl + D Ctrl + B Ctrl + Q Ctrl + E Ctrl + Shift + E Ctrl + Alt + E Ctrl + Alt + P Ctrl + Alt + N Your first time using Muse? Be sure to visit www.adobe.com/go/start_muse for step-by-step tutorials. Copyright © 2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Adobe® Muse™ CC Cheat Sheet Edit Menu Shortcuts FUNCTION Undo Redo Cut Copy Paste Paste in Place Duplicate Select All Deselect All MAC OS Command + Z Command + Shift + Z Command + X Command + C Command + V Command + Option + Shift + V Command + Option + Shift + D Command + A Command + Shift + A WINDOWS Ctrl + Z Ctrl + Shift + Z Ctrl + X Ctrl + C Ctrl + V Ctrl + Alt + Shift + V Ctrl + Alt + Shift + D Ctrl + A Ctrl + Shift + A Your first time using Muse? Be sure to visit www.adobe.com/go/start_muse for step-by-step tutorials. Copyright © 2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved...
Words: 254 - Pages: 2
...1) Why is organization an important factor in structuring an essay? Explain how to organize an essay, the steps involved and the importance of organization to good writing. A) Organization is key to effective writing. It helps guide the reader from one main idea to the next in a fluent manner. If an essay does not follow good organization, the essay might turn out poorly organized and confusing, causing the reader to become disinterested to read further. Different essays have various types of organizations. Examples are narrative essays which are told in chronological order or analysis essays which are descending or ascending in order of importance. Organization starts from a good introductory paragraph with a strong thesis which lets the reader know what will be discussed in a certain order. Good organization continues to follow this order written in the thesis to guide the reader throughout many body paragraphs. The essay then ends in a strong conclusion. This is an example of good organization which is critical to good writing because it guides a reader throughout an essay’s argument. 2) Why are supporting ideas important in substantive writing? Explain how supporting ideas enhance an essay. A) In essays, paragraphs have a certain structure of topic sentences, commentary sentences, supporting details, examples, and concluding sentences. The supporting details in a paragraph expand on the topic sentence as well as any commentary to support the ideas whch were previously...
Words: 950 - Pages: 4
...But... d) They each ARE great tennis players. Quantity words and phrases: ␣ The number of + singular ␣ A number of + plural ␣ The words majority, minority, and plurality are either singular or plural depending on the context. If you want to indicate the many individual parts of the totality, use plural. If you want to emphasize the totality itself, use singular. Examples: a) The number of hardworking students in this class IS quite large. b) A number of students in this class ARE hard workers. c) The majority of students ARE hard workers. d) In the Senate, the majority HAS coalesced into a unified voting block. Requirements for Pronouns: Make sure that... ␣ ...the antecedent to which pronoun refers exists in the sentence and is functioning as a noun Example: The park rangers discussed measures to prevent wildfires, which would be devastating to IT (it must refer to the park, but park is used as an adjective and not as a noun in this sentence) ␣ ...the antecedent makes sense instead of the pronoun Example: Although the term “supercomputer” may sound fanciful, IT is simply an extremely fast mainframe (IT refers to the term instead of “supercomputer”, which doesn’t make sense) ␣ ...every pronoun has only one possible antecedent ␣ ...the antecedent and the pronoun agree in number Third person personal pronouns: ␣ Whenever you see a it, its, they, them or their check whether it agrees with the pronoun Examples: Wrong: Whenever a student calls, take down THEIR information...
Words: 609 - Pages: 3
...Pro Tools Shortcuts Guide ® Version 11.2 Legal Notices © 2014 Avid Technology, Inc., (“Avid”), all rights reserved. This guide may not be duplicated in whole or in part without the written consent of Avid. 003, 192 Digital I/O, 192 I/O, 96 I/O, 96i I/O, Adrenaline, AirSpeed, ALEX, Alienbrain, AME, AniMatte, Archive, Archive II, Assistant Station, AudioPages, AudioStation, AutoLoop, AutoSync, Avid, Avid Active, Avid Advanced Response, Avid DNA, Avid DNxcel, Avid DNxHD, Avid DS Assist Station, Avid Ignite, Avid Liquid, Avid Media Engine, Avid Media Processor, Avid MEDIArray, Avid Mojo, Avid Remote Response, Avid Unity, Avid Unity ISIS, Avid VideoRAID, AvidRAID, AvidShare, AVIDstripe, AVX, Beat Detective, Beauty Without The Bandwidth, Beyond Reality, BF Essentials, Bomb Factory, Bruno, C|24, CaptureManager, ChromaCurve, ChromaWheel, Cineractive Engine, Cineractive Player, Cineractive Viewer, Color Conductor, Command|8, Control|24, Cosmonaut Voice, CountDown, d2, d3, DAE, D-Command, D-Control, Deko, DekoCast, D-Fi, D-fx, Digi 002, Digi 003, DigiBase, Digidesign, Digidesign Audio Engine, Digidesign Development Partners, Digidesign Intelligent Noise Reduction, Digidesign TDM Bus, DigiLink, DigiMeter, DigiPanner, DigiProNet, DigiRack, DigiSerial, DigiSnake, DigiSystem, Digital Choreography, Digital Nonlinear Accelerator, DigiTest, DigiTranslator, DigiWear, DINR, DNxchange, Do More, DPP-1, D-Show, DSP Manager, DS-StorageCalc, DV Toolkit, DVD Complete...
Words: 13199 - Pages: 53
...COM 150 WEEK 8 EXERCISE FORMATTING ACADEMIC PAPERS CROSSWORD PUZZLE To Buy This material Click below link http://www.uoptutors.com/COM-150/COM-150-WEEK-8-EXERCISE-FORMATTING-ACADEMIC-PAPERS-CROSSWORD-PUZZLE Exercise: Formatting Academic Papers Crossword Puzzle · Resources: Axia College’s Writing Style Handbook and the Axia College Writing Resources Web Site · Review the Ch. 1 of Axia College’s Writing Style Handbook and Documenting Sources at http://www.dianahacker.com/resdoc/p04_c09_s1.html or http://www.dianahacker.com/resdoc/p04_c09_s2.html at the Axia College Writing Resources Web site. · Access the Formatting Academic Papers Crossword Puzzle at http://corptrain.phoenix.edu/AXIA/com150/multimedia/apa_crossword.html · Complete the puzzle using the clues provided. · Send a screenshot of the completed puzzle to your instructor. o Taking a screenshot on a computer using Windows · Press Alt + Print Screen on your computer keyboard to create a screenshot. o Some laptops may require Alt + Fn + Print Screen, as space is limited and multiple functions may be assigned to each key (key location varies based upon the manufacturer and model). · Open a blank Microsoft® Word document. · Press Ctrl + V on your computer keyboard to paste the screenshot into the Word document. · Save the Word document. o Taking a screenshot on a Macintosh-based computer · Press Command + Control + Shift + 3 on your computer keyboard to create a screenshot. · Open a blank Microsoft® Word document...
Words: 267 - Pages: 2
...Week 1: Dangling Modifiers Exercise Debbie Velazquez Correct the following sentences by editing the dangling modifier to match the remainder of the sentence (copy and paste the sentences into a Word document and work directly in that document): 1. Brit spends her free time reading, listening to music, and working in the garden. 2. After the camping trip, I was exhausted, irritable, and hungry. 3. My hope for retirement is to be healthy, to live in a comfortable house, and to have plenty of money. 4. Nightly, Fred puts out the trash, checks the locks on the doors, and turns on the burglar alarm. 5. The highlights of this restaurant are the fresh food, the attractive setting, and the fast service. 6. Things that keep me up at night are screaming children, howling dogs, and blaring music. 7. I use my TV remote control to change channels, to adjust the volume, and to turn the set on and off. 8. The refrigerator has a cracked vegetable drawer, a shelf missing, and a strange freezer smell. 9. The main problems with her apartment are noisy neighbours, high rent, and poor security. 10. My complaints about the clerk are that he is slow, careless, and rude. 11. The couple's favourite outdoor activities are hiking, swimming, and boating. 12. My ideal café would have healthy soups, tasty sandwiches, and low-priced desserts. 13. If you still haven't found your watch, check under the desk drawers, on the closet floor, and behind...
Words: 427 - Pages: 2
...KeyTweak User’s Guide v 2.3.0 - Jan 2009 Copyright © 2003-2009 by Travis Krumsick . Version History Introduction How Does It Work? Features Limitations Why Would I Want to Remap My Keys? Getting Started System Requirements Installation Notes Using KeyTweak Informational Area Key Selection Area Keyboard Controls Area Full Teach Mode Half Teach Mode Other Information Recommended Reading Licensing Thank You 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 7 7 8 8 8 8 Version History v1.0.8 – 8/23/03 - Initial release. v1.0.9 – 9/26/03 - Fixed “Show Me the Raw Map” function. v1.0.10 – 10/4/03 - Fixed bug that caused dialog box to flash just before computer is rebooted. v1.0.11 – 11/9/03 – Added more specialty buttons v1.0.12 – 12/22/03 – Fixed bug: Numpad / key was not defined. Thank you Johan Barkhuizen. v1.0.14 – 5/11/04 – Added Macintosh Keypad (=) key that generates LF characters. v2.0.0 -- 6/25/04 – Added Teach Mode (Full) v2.0.1 -- 7/29/04 – Added support for extended keys through Teach Mode v2.1.1 -- 10/4/04 – Added Half Teach Mode v2.2.0 -- 10/15/05 – Added ability to save KeyTweak remappings as files and MRU list. v2.3.0 -- 1/9/09 – Updated to support Windows Vista and Windows 7 UAC. Bug fix: WWW Home key mapping fixed. Bug fix: Disabled keys read from .ktw files now interpreted correctly. Introduction KeyTweak is a simple utility that allows users to redefine their keyboard input signals. The functionality is made possible by a registry value first documented in Windows 2000, but also...
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