University of Phoenix Material
Financial Environments Worksheet
Identify three specific examples of entities with for-profit, not-for-profit, and government financial environments in the health care industry. Compare the similarities and differences between the for-profit, not-for-profit, and government financial environments.
| |For-Profit Organizations |Not-for-Profit Organizations |Government Organizations |
|Specific|1. HCR Manor Care (Private Nursing Home) |1.Mayo Clinic |1.Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services |
|Examples|2. Hospital Corp of America (Private |2.Memorial Hospital (Charitable Hospital) |2.Health and Human Services |
| |Hospital) |3.American Red Cross |3. U.S Department of Veterans Affairs (Federal |
| |3.HMO’s | |Hospital) |
|Similari| |
|ties |For all three entities, payments are received from the either the individual, insurance companies, government programs or other third party |
|between |payers |
|Environm|All environments must maintain financial viability |
|ents |Not-for-Profit and Government organizations have property and income tax exemptions