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Hcs245 Week 4 Worksheet


Submitted By kfox72341
Words 677
Pages 3
University of Phoenix Material

Effects of Disease on the Health Care Industry: Endocrine System Health

Complete the table below for 2 diseases that you have chosen that affects the endocrine system. In each box, you are required to list 3-5 bulleted statements regarding the heading of that box.

Cite your sources using APA format.

This section is due in Week Four.

|Chosen Endocrine Disease or |Treatment Modalities |Cultural Beliefs/Practices |Epidemiological Statistics |Available Consumer Resources |Impact on Society |
|Disorder | |Affecting this Disease | |(ex. financing, information, support) | |
|Hypothyroidism |Daily use of medication |“The most common psychosocial |“Up to 60 percent of those with |Websites: |“More than 12 percent of the U.S. |
| |Levothyroxine |problem was exploitation by the |thyroid disease are unaware of ||population will develop a thyroid |
| |Synthetic hormone |traditional healers” (Musa, Musa, &|their condition” (ATA, 2015) |urrent-or-persistent-disease/support/ |condition during their lifetime” (ATA, |
| | |Baba, 2014) |“Undiagnosed thyroid disease may ||2014) |
| | |There are four distinct problems |put patients at risk for certain |ypothyroidism/ |“Cost-effective methods to detect |
| | |which can be affected by the |serious conditions, such as |American Thyroid Association researchers |thyroid cancer by screening the 250,000|
| | |thyroid: goiters, cancer, nodules, |cardiovascular diseases, |“Some clinics offer specialist care. The |thyroid nodules developed in Americans |
| | |hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, |osteoporosis and infertility” |U.S. Department of Health and Human |each year” (ATA, 2014) |
| | |thyroiditis (Norman, 2015) |(ATA, 2015) |Services offers a locator for clinics |“Mandatory screening of newborns for |
| | |The thyroid has only one function, |“Most thyroid diseases are |that provide discounts on an income-based|congenital hypothyroidism, and early |
| | |which is to make the thyroid |life-long conditions that can be |sliding scale” (CosthelperHealth, 2015) |treatment that has prevented mental |
| | |hormone (Norman, 2015) |managed with medical attention” | |retardation” (ATA, 2014) |
| | | |(ATA, 2015) | | |
|Diabetes |Diet |“Both diabetes prevention and |“In 2012, 29.1 million Americans, |Websites: |“new research on March 6, 2013 |
| |Drugs |management require that people |or 9.3% of the population, had | |estimating the total costs of diagnosed|
| |Insulin |engage in multiple healthy |diabetes” (National Diabetes | |diabetes have risen to $245 billion in |
| | |behaviors involving diet, physical |Statistics Report, 2014) | |2012 from $174 billion in 2007, when |
| | |activity, and other behaviors that |“Of the 29.1 million, 21.0 million|Support for children: |the cost was last examined” (ADA, 2015)|
| | |are shaped by an individual's |were diagnosed, and 8.1 million ||“Hospital inpatient care (43% of the |
| | |culture and values” (Heisler, 2006)|were undiagnosed” (National |al/wecan/ |total medical cost)” (ADA, 2015) |
| | |“Rapidly growing incidence of |Diabetes Statistics Report, 2014) | |“People with diagnosed diabetes incur |
| | |diabetes and diabetes-related |“About 208,000 Americans under age|Financial Help for Diabetes: |average medical expenditures of about |
| | |complications among Hispanics (or |20 are estimated to have diagnosed||$13,700 per year, of which about $7,900|
| | |Latinos), African Americans, and |diabetes, approximately 0.25% of |on/health-topics/Diabetes/financial-help-|is attributed to diabetes” (ADA, 2015) |
| | |Asian Americans and Pacific |that population” (National |diabetes-care/Pages/index.aspx | |
| | |Islanders in the United States” |Diabetes Statistics Report, 2014) | | |
| | |(Heisler, 2006) | | | |
| | |“Rates for Latino men and women are| | | |
| | |comparable to African American men | | | |
| | |and much higher than non-Hispanic | | | |
| | |whites” (Heisler, 2006) | | | |


Musa ASA, Musa MT, Baba I. Cultural beliefs and attitudes: The psychosocial and economic problems associated with goiter and thyroidectomy in an African population. Thyroid Res Pract 2014;11:22-5

Caballero E, Heisler M, Agbayani NL. Diversity dilemmas -- cultural considerations. Symposia. Program and abstracts of the American Diabetes Association 66th Scientific Sessions; June 9-13, 2006; Washington, DC

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