...Healing Hospital: A Daring Paradigm Bradley Smith Grand Canyon University: HLT-302 Due: 03/17/13 Healing hospitals are currently on the decline in health care America. Most health care providers have lost the true meaning of healing their patients holistically; both physically and spiritually. If healing hospitals started to come back, I believe that not only will the physical care of a patient increase. But patients will be happier and feel spiritually healed also. If healing hospitals were to make a comeback, hospitals and doctor’s offices would not seem so cold and unwelcoming to the patients. Even though there are challenges in creating a healing hospital, they are still a necessary component in the health care system for patients to feel spiritually healed when they leave. Components of a Healing Hospital Related to Spirituality Laurie Eberst, the president and CEO of Mercy Gilbert Medical Center describes a true healing hospital to, “include three key components: A healing physical environment, the integration of work design and technology, and a culture of radical loving care.” (Eberst, 2008). A Healing and Physical Environment When patients and their families enter the hospital, they are all under a lot of stress due to the illness of the patient. When a hospital provides aesthetically pleasing waiting rooms and doctor’s offices, it helps the patients and their families cope with that stress they are having. It is also important for a healing hospital...
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...Healing Hospitals: A Daring Paradigm Tiffany Johnson Grand Canyon University HLT-310V April 13, 2014 When it comes to the issue of spirituality and healing hospitals, the healthcare providers in hospitals must consider the emotional side. “The view that people do not change into one dimensional beings when they become patients and their emotional needs increase when the body is in a weak constitution. Chapman gives a model in which “Total Loving Care equals Higher Standard. In this view, there is the patient there is the disease and there is the humanity shown by the health care provider. Humanity is the healthcare providers feeling about the disease (Chapman, 2007).” Healing hospitals in the United States are becoming more of the norm and expected level of care offered by health care facilities and hospitals throughout the country. The Baptist Healing Trust determines the designation of the top healing hospitals. “The mission of the Baptist Healing Trust, a private grant making foundation, is the sacred work of fostering healing and wholeness for vulnerable populations through strategic investing, philanthropy, and advocacy (healingtrust.org.)” Parrish Medical Center located in central Florida has ranked number one in healing hospital for three years in a row as of 2008. The vision of Parrish Medical Center is: healing experiences for everyone, all the time. In a world dominated by technology, so sophisticated that it is possible to send astronauts into space. The staff at...
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...regarding healing, health, faith, treatment, health care providers, and disease. Everyone's practices and beliefs are brought into the health care system, so it is important as nurses to respect each patient's faith and beliefs. It is hard as health care professionals who have been taught Western medicine to understand other beliefs, but it is important to remember as nurses the goal is to improve patient care. Hinduism Hinduism is believed to have begun from the beginning of time, since wisdom existed. Therefore, Hinduism has many founders. Hinduism is formed by more than hundreds of sacred scriptures. Lord Krishna is god manifested in human form. Hinduism teachers that healing is a side-effect of the spiritual processes. Hindus believe that a healthy body helps the patient to go deeper spiritually and doing so will also allow the body to relax and have energy. There are two main components that are believed to heal illnesses. First, Hatha Yoga and Pranayama which are breathing exercises which increases the body's immunity causing the healing process to go faster. Second, spiritual masters who have mastered the uses of subtle energies which they use to heal illnesses by touching or wishing. When my patient goes to the hospital for care, she does not wish to hear anything about religion, faith or beliefs. She prefers to know what her diagnosis and prognosis is and receive her treatment. She does not practice any cultural or religious beliefs during her hospital stay, so she...
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...Healing Hospital: A Daring Paradigm Rachel Armenta HLT 310V Foundations of Spirituality in Health Care Dr. Tamara Smith June 19, 2011 Healing Hospital: A Daring Paradigm The vision of the Healing Hospital in America is built on the most important principal of the human existence-loving one another (Chapman, 2011, p. 11). The goal is to move beyond customer service to loving care service. It is not bricks and mortar that create a healing home but a partnership between people that allows for a sacred encounter that changes lives forever (Chapman, 2011). The components needed for loving service are: skill, competency, stewardship of resources, and a servant’s heart (Chapman, 2011). This type of holistic care is based on trust and recognizes kindness, compassion, and respect are essential to clinical excellence (Chapman, 2011). The client is viewed as an integrated spiritual being that is treated as a whole person (Chapman, 2011, p. 34). This concept is foreign to the Western medical model, but no the nursing profession. The concept of caring has long been identified as the essence of nursing (Barker, 2009). In ancient times, nurses tended the sick and provided care for their needs between physician house calls (O’Brien, 2008). Florence Nightingale’s traditional model of the profession called nursing a “caring vocation” (Barker, 2009). Even the patients of today recognize it the nurse who provides for and tends to their needs. In the absence...
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...Running head: HEALING HOSPITAL: A DARING PARADIGM Healing Hospital: A Daring Paradigm Jolly Joseph Grand Canyon University HLT-310V Spirituality in Health Care Professor: Patricia Mullen 11/06/2011 Healing is the process of restoring the wellness. It can also refer as curing or soundness. While healing process is underway, the person who gets healed is achieving a spiritual totality. Healing takes place when a person becomes ill. During this restoring process, the illness is completely eradicated and allows the patient to gain maximum health before the illness. Healing is required for those who are suffering from serious illness. Healing is the way to obtain wellness and restoration of spirituality. Eric Chapman, who is the chief executive officer of the Baptist Healing Trust in Tennessee, Nashville suggest a healing hospital, which is capable of healing the illness and restore the spirituality and emotional elements of one’s life (Chapman, 2007). Advancement in technology, physical facility design, and culture also played a big role in the healing hospital. A healing hospital has many vital components and these components of a healing hospital are related to the spirituality. According to the author of Radical loving care: Building the healing hospital in America, a healing hospital has three key components they are healing physical environment, the integration of work design and technology, and culture of radical loving care (Chapman,...
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...Running Head:HEALING HOSPITAL: A DARING PARADIGM Healing hospital : A Daring Paradibm Ancy Thomas Grand canyon University HLT 310, Spirituality in Health care july, 2012. HEALING HOSPITAL: A Daring Paradigm As I ventured reading about the Healing Hospitals, I became very appreciative and enthusiastic about the very concept. It only made me realize that we have come one full circle to integrate and merge spirituality, alternative and complimentary medicine with traditional practices to enrich patient care. In today’s world that is so commercialized, this integrated approach revitalizes the very intension of the medical mission by considering the subject as a whole person. It does not renounce the modern medicine but recognizes the spiritual components of healing and wholeness. None of us would disagree with the fact that compassionate care is a golden thread for complete cure. Characteristics of Healing Hospital:(components of healing hospitals) ‘Healing Hospital’ is a formalized approach to healing and it has three vital components as follows: 1.A healing physical environment 2.Integration of work design and technology and 3.A culture of radical loving care. This is a holistic approach that meets not only patient’s physical needs but their emotional and spiritual needs as well. As per wftv.com news(Feb, 2008), Parrish Medical Center was the #1 Healing Hospital for third straight year, and its CEO George Mikitarian was awarded too...
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...Running head: RELATIONSHIP TO SPIRITUALITY Module 1 Healing Hospitals and their relationship to spirituality Vern Warter RN Grand Canyon University HLT 310 v Module 1 Healing Hospitals and their relationship to spirituality The purpose of this paper is to describe the components of a Healing Hospital and the relationship to spirituality. With today’s advanced technology, science, and new medications the health care setting provides a unique opportunity to help patients with curable treatable disease and illnesses. Developing a healthcare system with a loving, caring, healing environment that every patient and every employee has the desire to be associated with is the ultimate challenge. When Mercy Gilbert Medical Center was built in 2006, the focus was placed on having a healing environment as well as having a healing facility, and healing culture. They were awarded the Healing Hospital designation secondary to three key components. They were awarded this by the Baptist Healing Trust, in Nashville, Tennessee (Eberst, 2008). The components are listed as 1) A healing physical environment, 2) The integration of work design and technology, and 3) A culture of “Radical Loving Care” (Eberst). A healing environment includes more than just the patient, but also encompasses the knowledge to help the family members and others that may be involved with the support of the patient. As the patient is cared for, there is support for not only...
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...Healing Hospital: A Daring Paradigm Grand Canyon University: HLT-310V Healing hospitals contain three main components, a healing physical environment, the integration of work design and technology, and a culture of radical loving care (Eberst, 2008). Spirituality is the religion or the individual’s identified experience in relation to their reality. The healing hospital philosophy incorporates the physical body with the spiritual mind and spirit of the individual to provide the best care possible. A healing physical environment provides care to the mind, body, and spirit. This begins with the right culture in place. Health care professionals must contain the core beliefs of compassion for the patient, a servant’s attitude, and a recognition and action towards meeting the patient’s emotional and spiritual needs. The facility’s design must take into the consideration the three components of the individual. It needs to allow easy access for the patient, provide privacy and protection, and promote complete wellness for the individual. Technology is important as health care advances into the future. It can provide better access to education to the patient, timely service enabling quicker treatment and increased time available to address the emotional and spiritual needs of the patient, and better diagnostic and interventional treatments to treat both mind and body. Healing environments in hospitals are challenged by cynicism and spirituality, business and economics, and the...
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...Healing Hospital: A Daring Paradigm Healing Hospital: A Daring Paradigm When I think of care giving I think of support, compassion, and making a positive difference in the health and lives of individuals. My philosophy of care giving involves passion for patient care. What I mean by passion for patient care is being passionate about providing high-quality, accessible, value-driven care that encompasses the whole person from body, mind, and spirit, as well as being committed to meeting the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of all patients. My philosophy seems to go hand and hand with the paradigms of a Healing Hospital. According to Chapman (2007), the Healing Hospital is a concept that more than anything else, supports culture of caring. Therefore, love is the center of healing. I will further discuss the paradigm of the Healing Hospital, consider the ramifications and challenges of the paradigm, and evaluate the reasonableness of the paradigm. A healing hospital is built on the ancient tradition that love is at the center of healing. The Healing Hospital represents a vision of true excellence built on the most important principle of human existence- loving one another (Chapman, 2007, p. 10-11). Their concept is supporting a strong culture of caring for their patients and caregivers. Healing Hospitals use the three symbols of loving services which are: a Golden Thread that symbols faith in god to represent positive tradition of healing, a pair of intersecting circles...
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...Healing Hospital Environment and their relationship to spirituality Human caring facilitates healing. Healing should be accompanied by love and compassion for the sick persons or their families. Healing is a life-long journey of becoming fully human that involves the totality of our being. It connects our body, mind, emotion, spirit, social and political context, as well as our relationships with others and with the Divine. Healing does not necessarily mean being happy or getting what we think we want out of life; it means growth, often with pain. In the health care field spirituality plays an important role in healing, and to give a sense of well being. Spirituality enables an internal tranquility, a meaning, comfort and hope in everyone’s life. Most humans discover spirituality through religion and religious activity. At the same time, some people attain and relate spirituality through art or music, or a relation with nature or through ethics and principles. Of course, people may have different opinions if we ask whether there is a connection between spirituality and healing. However, since mind, body and spirit are intertwined, the health of any of these factors would influence health of other factors. As a personal concept, spirituality is generally understood in terms of an individual’s attitudes and beliefs related to transcendence or to the non material forces of life and of nature (O’ Brien, 2011, p.5). Spiritual practice relates to a person’s faith and behaviors...
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...According to medical dictionary, “spiritual healing is the use of spiritual practices, such as prayer, for the purpose of affecting a cure of or an improvement in an illness” (medical dictionary, 2011). Spiritual healings are commonly practiced, and now are greatly encouraged. However, today we have “healing hospitals” that follow the practices of spiritual healing. Erie Chapman and the Baptist Healing Trust envisioned a spiritual healing environment that focused on the healing of mind, body and spirit of patients. They believe that the healing hospital would also be beneficial for hospital employees by creating a productive work environment that supports the morals of employees. Spirituality can be anything in believing in a higher power that is immaterial or in other words, “not of this earth”. Spirituality also means a power that is beyond our five senses: sight, touch, smell, hearing and taste. Spirituality is also looked upon as a powerful component in healing. It is said that in the scriptures such as Peter 1, John and the Book of Psalms support the healing hospital paradigm since it presents an immaterial power that can heal all who believe in the higher power. This Higher power can heal all diseases, emotional distresses, and other disorders. However, the healing hospital paradigms not only care for the illness or disease of a patient but they also care for the emotional needs of the patients. I think that is why Healing Hospitals are so successful and popular. They care...
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...Assignments Healing Hospital: A Daring Paradigm HLT- 302 Spirituality and Christian Values in Healing Care and Wellness Sunshine Weeks Eric Chapman, founding president and chief executive officer of the Baptist Healing Trust in Nashville, Tennessee, envisioned a healing hospital that would cover not only the physical aspects of healing but the emotional and spiritual components (ericchapman.com, n.d.). My work will describe the healing hospital paradigm and how spirituality influences this paradigm. In addition, barriers to the Healing Hospital paradigm will be discussed along with Biblical scripture that supports compassion in the health care system. The healing hospital paradigm it focuses on the removal of stress and other health risks in the hospital environment for both patients and visitors. . The healing hospital paradigm it involves in healing the whole client (Young & Koopsen, 2006, p. 4) instead of just curing the disease. This emerges from the paradigm’s focuses on healing beyond the body physical: it aims to enhance the overall well being by addressing the patient’s and their families’ cognitive, emotional and spiritual concerns (Milstein, 2005). A healing hospital goes beyond windows, walls, and mortar. Its strong culture of love and caring is what sets it apart from traditional hospitals (Chapman, 2010, p.15)... The concept is to supporting a strong culture of caring for their patients and caregivers. Healing Hospitals use the three symbols...
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...Healing Hospital A Daring Paradigm Grand Canyon University HLT 310V Spirituality in Health Care July 07, 2012 Healing Hospital A Daring Paradigm Introduction A healing hospital is one concentrate on the recovery and complete welfare of a patient. Traditional type of health care concentrate on cures of illness by using medication and other type of medical procedures. But healing hospitals has focused on the physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing of a person. This paper discuses about the various aspects that consist of a healing hospital, role of spirituality in improvement of health and the challenging factors of creating a healing environment. Healing hospital environments include patient, family members and the total health care members. The patient care involve in all aspects of patients life. The main attraction of healing hospital is the fundamental love and honor of everybody’s eminence. In healing hospital patients receiving compassionate care through a chain of love that happen in organization with trained health workers. There are some factors contributing to the successful foundation for a healing hospital. Responsibility is the main thing to build up a successful healing hospital. The leaders and workers are faithful and honor to their duties. The hospital system itself should undergo some changes in order to mix the clinical care and loving care. The third factor is respect that brings trust and acceptance...
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...A Healing Hospital Yashate Manning GCU Spirituality in Health Care HLT-310V Pauline King January 27, 2013 A Healing Hospital Love and compassion, along with providing services to others is just a few components of a healing hospital. Often time the hospital is where patients are at their weakest state, both mentally and physically. This environment is a place where diagnosis and treatment of illnesses are implemented with the use of pharmacologic and technical means. It’s vital that the focus remains on the patient as a whole; therefore the physical and spiritual issues must be equally addressed. Patients could be placed in a defenseless circumstance upon admission to the hospital; therefore they may feel a sense loss of their personal freedom or dignity. The patient is the main focus of care and love is at the center of a healing hospital (Chapman, 2011). A Healing Hospital focus on compassion and skill accompanying the use of new technology and drugs aimed to enhance patients’ outcomes (Chapman, 2011). Healing hospitals consist of staff that’s highly skilled, knowledgeable, caring, and showing of much empathy to the patients they serve. It’s evident that love, an essential component of a healing hospital, according to Chapman, 2011 “ a healing hospital is built on the ancient tradition that love is at the center of healing”. The patient’s spiritual condition is a vital part of their overall medical state and requires careful assessment at all times. “Spiritual...
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...Healing Hospital – A Daring Paradigm The healing hospital model is a new paradigm that focuses treatment on both the physical and spiritual needs of patients. In fact, it is intent on ensuring that the patient achieves whole body wellness, and not only disease management. As such, it advances the concept that for healing to be complete, the physical needs should be addressed in concurrence with the patient’s spiritual and emotional needs. With regards to the spiritual needs, the concept draws ideas from the Bible. For instance, 1st Corinthians 12:9 clearly indicates that human beings were given the spirit of healing to meet spiritual needs. To achieve this goal, the concept applies three principal components to include, adopting loving care as a culture, meeting physical needs, and an integrated work technology and design. On the other hand, the concept is faced by challenges that hinder its effectiveness and efficiency (Chapman, 2005). This paper discusses the components and difficulties of a healing hospital as a daring paradigm. As earlier indicated, a healing hospital has three principal components. This is because it lays emphasis on the healing environment, ensuring that care provision is not limited to medication and medical procedures, but also to how the patients and their families are involved in the process of treatment. In essence, the concept introduces a new paradigm whereby the body is believed to constitute a spirit, mind and physical form that must be taken...
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