...OAKWOOD UNIVERSITY RESIDENTIAL LIFE GUIDE Fall 2011Revision Oakwood University Huntsville, AL 35896 Education, Excellence, Eternity 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS THE UNIVERSITY MISSION STATEMENT........................................................................ 4 MISSION AND VISION FOR RESIDENTIAL LIFE............................................................. 5 OUR MISSION......................................................................................................................... 5 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 6 ORGANIZATION CHART - STUDENT SERVICES DIVISON ........................................... 7 NON-TRADITIONAL RESIDENTIAL HOUSING ............................................................... 8 STUDENT SERVICES STAFF ............................................................................................... 8 RESIDENCE HALL ADMINISTRATION ............................................................................. 9 BUILDING AND OPERATIONS STAFF............................................................................... 9 CHECKING-IN (Traditional Residence Halls & Annexes) .................................................... 9 RESIDENCE HALL WORSHIPS.......................................................................................... 10 RESIDENCE HALL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES..........................................................
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...speaking the truth, standing up for rights, and keeping up with promises, being consistent with general philosophy, individual values, and beliefs. Integrity demonstrates nursing’s ethical commitment to providing compassionate care. The nurse recognizes the worth and privacy of each individual and therefore acts in a manner to respect the privacy and values of the patient. A nurse who practices integrity acts in a way that is consistent with what they understand will be the right thing to do. They possess a strong sense of themselves. Nurses accept the patients as social beings who must respect and engage with the moral position of others. Integrity is a rich and complex social virtue through which the individual is able to demonstrate their relationship with the values and customs of the communities of which they are members. Be responsible and accept the mistakes you have made and forgive others when they do the same. Compassion is viewed as a nurse’s most valuable quality. It is an essential element of nursing care and considered as one of the most strengths of the profession. Compassion for patients means being there at the time when they need help without considering factors such as duty, time, or scope of responsibilities. Sometimes nurses may be forced to carry out tasks which are not a part of the scope of responsibilities. The nurses show caring according when the situation demands instead of...
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...Box 2. Personal reflection on the role of the hospital chaplain “There is a difference between religious care and spiritual care. A chaplain should be able to provide both. Religious care is rooted in a faith belief and the patient or family expect ritual which might involve prayer and/or sacrament. Probably only about one in 10 people in this country regularly attend a place of worship and would expect this. More of my time is spent supporting patients, families and staff with spiritual care. If we acknowledge the true holistic approach, spiritual care should be recognised and hopefully provided not only by the chaplain, but the whole health care team.” Reverend Nigel Griffin, Morriston Hospital, Swansea. An innovative study addressing patients’ spiritual needs incorporated the hospital chaplaincy service into the Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP) (Pugh et al, 2010). Over a period of six months all hospital patients started on the LCP were referred to the hospital chaplains. An initial visit was made and a calling card left in case further support was needed at a later date. The visit was then documented by the chaplain in the LCP documentation. The evaluation suggested that quality of care improved and there was less pressure on nurses. Although a preliminary concern was that spirituality was being imposed on patients and family members, this was unfounded and nurses felt the service was extremely valuable and should continue. Very few patients declined the offer of a chaplaincy...
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...Running head: ANALYSIS OF ETHICAL DILEMMA Analysis of Ethical Dilemma Deanna Romain Grand Canyon University Ethical Decision Making in Health Care NRS 437V Jennifer Wood August 28, 2011 Analysis of Ethical Dilemma Is gender selection of a fetus ethical? With new advances in reproductive technology, parents can not only find out if their embryo has genetic abnormalities, they can also find out the gender of their embryo. The ethical dilemma is whether or not one should be able to choose their child’s gender before implantation. Some compare this method of gender selection to human cloning. Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) is the testing of the chromosomes of the embryo to determine genetic abnormalities and gender prior to in-vitro fertilization (IVF). In the United States, gender selection by PGD is considered a violation of ethical practices for non-medical purposes (Akchurin, n.d.) CNN.com reported recently that a new blood test has been discovered which can determine the sex of a fetus as early as seven weeks gestation. This achievement was reported in the Journal of American Medical Association in August. This technology is already starting ethical debates fearing parents will use this technology for sex determination and abort healthy fetuses (Ravitsky, 2011). This new technology could also be beneficial in determining gender if their child is at risk for a sex-linked disease such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy or hemophilia. In China and India, there...
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...Healing Hospital Environment and their relationship to spirituality Human caring facilitates healing. Healing should be accompanied by love and compassion for the sick persons or their families. Healing is a life-long journey of becoming fully human that involves the totality of our being. It connects our body, mind, emotion, spirit, social and political context, as well as our relationships with others and with the Divine. Healing does not necessarily mean being happy or getting what we think we want out of life; it means growth, often with pain. In the health care field spirituality plays an important role in healing, and to give a sense of well being. Spirituality enables an internal tranquility, a meaning, comfort and hope in everyone’s life. Most humans discover spirituality through religion and religious activity. At the same time, some people attain and relate spirituality through art or music, or a relation with nature or through ethics and principles. Of course, people may have different opinions if we ask whether there is a connection between spirituality and healing. However, since mind, body and spirit are intertwined, the health of any of these factors would influence health of other factors. As a personal concept, spirituality is generally understood in terms of an individual’s attitudes and beliefs related to transcendence or to the non material forces of life and of nature (O’ Brien, 2011, p.5). Spiritual practice relates to a person’s faith and behaviors...
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...Running head: HEALING HOSPITALS Healing Hospitals Shari Wilson Grand Canyon University HLT-310V September 23, 2012 Healing Hospitals Spirituality and healing hospitals; what are they and how are they related to one another? Is every hospital considered a healing hospital and if not why? The purpose of this paper is to identify what spirituality means to this writer, to describe the components of a healing hospital and their relationship to one another, and to describe the challenges that hospitals today face in creating this healing environment. Spirituality can be defined as “the ongoing endeavor to grow in our relationship with God” (Pable, 2012). Spirituality is a considered a venture and not a set of ideas or principles. Spiritualty is a way of living that includes choices that are action-oriented. It gives direction to ones thinking and decision-making process and the actions that you take and it is something that is never ending. Spirituality is not the same for every individual. For some, spirituality has to do with ones relationship with God with the ultimate goal in broadening that personal relationship with him. For others, it may mean simply the challenge of reaching beyond ones current potential. Spirituality is something that is personal, but it is also rooted in being connected with others and with the world around them. It's the way you find meaning, hope, comfort, and inner...
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...Healing Hospitals: A Daring Paradigm Anna Hernandez Grand Canyon University Spirituality in Health Care HLT-310V Richard Hudock July 27, 2014 Healing Hospitals: A Daring Paradigm Spirituality and religions, effects on health has become an increasing interest to scientist since the 1980’s. According to Smith (2006), spirituality has gained such a momentum that there are multiple articles and several textbooks on spirituality since the year of 1989. The consensus is developing that spirituality and religion are closely related to physical and psychological health and that spirituality and health are an important focus in nursing research (Smith, 2006). Spirituality, however, has many definitions. The majority accord that, it is defined as the manner by which persons seek meaning in their lives and experience transcendence-connectedness to that which is beyond the self (Smith, 2006, p. 41). Spirituality has two dimensions and is a highly complex concept. There are two components of spirituality that are generally described. The vertical, which describes the transcendent, is the connection between a patients (inner body) or something outside such as, a higher power or the divine (Smith, 2006). The horizontal component relates to the connection between persons. This consists of individual and social support that are, set in, the spiritual context by religious setting and spiritual relationships (Smith, 2006). The American Association of Critical Care Nursing (2006)...
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...The Relationship of Spirituality in Hospital Healing Marilou Loisel Grand Canyon University Spirituality in Health Care HLT 310V Dr. Friederike Doak August 26, 2012 The Relationship of Spirituality in Hospital Healing This paper is going to explore the challenges encountered by medical institutions that incorporate an integrated approach of spirituality toward the healing process of an individual. In today's economic struggle, healthcare is having to face different challenges, including expensive new advancement in technology, new governmental regulations, and expensive new medicines. As the health care industry obviously deals with patients that are sick or dying, they may want to be compassionate, but they have to deal with everything that affects the institution's bottom line. There is a daring new approach that allows the health care industry to help patients with their suffering in an environment that is patient centered, loving, caring and compassionate. This new approach, called a Radical Loving Care, makes it conducive for every patient, and every employee to feel comfortable and valued. Because the focus is to care for the caregivers, they in turn do extraordinary patient care (Eberst, 2008). It is a win-win situation, because it promotes a healthy environment without affecting the bottom line. Unfortunately, this daring approach is not the normal practice of every hospital. Mercy Gilbert Medical Center (MGMC) was built in 2006, with a vision of creating...
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...Healing Hospital: A Daring Paradigm Nathalie Conti HLT310V – Foundations of Spirituality in Health Care Grand Canyon University February 12th, 2011 Healing Hospital: A Daring Paradigm The healing hospital paradigm focuses on the removal of stress and other health risks in the hospital environment for both patients and visitors. These factors are intrinsic to the hospital setting and not the ailments being treated within. For example, stress for patients is generated through painful therapeutic procedures, loss of social life, change in financial status due to the healthcare expenditures, etc. Minimization of these stressors ensures that the patient’s well-being is maintained while the comprehensive care and attention aspects of the paradigm ensures that patient’s recovery processes are maximized without infringements upon their privacy and dignity. The healing hospital paradigm involves healing the whole client (Young & Koopsen, 2006, p. 4) instead of just curing the disease. This emerges from the paradigm’s focuses on healing beyond the body physical: it aims to enhance the overall well being by addressing the patient’s and their families’ cognitive, emotional and spiritual concerns (Milstein, 2005). Within the context of the hospital setting, barriers and complexities must be overcome to create a healing environment. This paper examines the paradigm of the healing hospital, identifying its impact on the care giving process, detailing its components and...
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...Running head: HEALING HOSPITAL: A DARING PARADIGM Healing Hospital: A Daring Paradigm Jolly Joseph Grand Canyon University HLT-310V Spirituality in Health Care Professor: Patricia Mullen 11/06/2011 Healing is the process of restoring the wellness. It can also refer as curing or soundness. While healing process is underway, the person who gets healed is achieving a spiritual totality. Healing takes place when a person becomes ill. During this restoring process, the illness is completely eradicated and allows the patient to gain maximum health before the illness. Healing is required for those who are suffering from serious illness. Healing is the way to obtain wellness and restoration of spirituality. Eric Chapman, who is the chief executive officer of the Baptist Healing Trust in Tennessee, Nashville suggest a healing hospital, which is capable of healing the illness and restore the spirituality and emotional elements of one’s life (Chapman, 2007). Advancement in technology, physical facility design, and culture also played a big role in the healing hospital. A healing hospital has many vital components and these components of a healing hospital are related to the spirituality. According to the author of Radical loving care: Building the healing hospital in America, a healing hospital has three key components they are healing physical environment, the integration of work design and technology, and culture of radical loving care (Chapman,...
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...Healing Hospital: A Daring Paradigm Marti Manko Grand Canyon University: HLT-310V 06/16/2013 Traditionally, western medicine, religion and spirituality have always been connected. Recently, faith-based influences on medical practice have been developed to reflect the importance of acknowledging that spirituality and religion are an integral part of healing (Galanter, Glickman, Dermatis, Tracy and McMahon, 2008). The term “healing” is derived from the Anglo-Saxon word “haelen”, meaning “to make whole”. One method of comprehending this term is to think of a harmonious blend of mind, body and spirit (Zborowsky and Kreitzer, 2008). The human spirit is what strengthens an individual and what enhances healthy coping mechanisms when an individual encounters stressors, challenges or illness (Dunn, 2010). Many patients possess spiritual feelings and beliefs related to their capability to cope with illness. Acknowledging patients’ spiritual necessities in the healthcare environment fosters satisfaction with caregivers and increased compliance with care plans (Galanter, Glickman, Dermatis, Tracy and McMahon, 2008). Healing differs from curing, which implies problem solving, eliminating disease and diminishing symptoms (Zborowsky and Kreitzer, 2008). The purpose of this paper will define the components of healing hospitals in relationship to spirituality, challenges of creating a healing environment and a biblical passage that supports the healing hospital concept. The...
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...Spirituality in Healing Hospitals Ryan Sidebottom April 22, 2012 HLT 310V Spirituality in Healthcare Grand Canyon University A growing topic in healthcare today is the focus on promoting a “healing” environment. While many consider all hospitals, nursing homes and rehabilitation centers to be healing facilities they are not recognized as such by the Baptist Healing Trust of Nashville Tennessee. To be deemed a “healing hospital” a facility possesses three key components which are not only physical in nature but spiritual as well. By recognizing the relationship between the two, a facility is able to overcome many of the barriers that present challenges for other companies. By identifying the key components and broken barriers one can distinguish the difference between a designated healing hospital and one that is not. According to the Baptist Healing Trust of Nashville Tennessee, the three key components of a healing hospital are: A healing physical environment; the integration of work and design technology; A culture of “Radical Loving Care” (Eberst 2008). To achieve the designation of being a “healing hospital” all three of these components must be put into place from both the physical and spiritual aspect. The component of providing a healing physical environment is much different than having a facility that has the capability of saving lives, performing surgeries, or simply treating illness. While all of these things are necessary, a healing hospital must be able...
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...head: HEALING HOSPITAL: A DARING PARADIGM Healing Hospital: A Daring Paradigm John Thompson Grand Canyon University: HLT 310V February 12, 2012 Healing Hospital: A Daring Paradigm Hospitals are constantly trying to improve. They are looking for ways to reduce costs, streamline treatments, more efficiently use staff, and improve patient satisfaction. In regard to its patients, a hospital’s role is to promote healing. “Although hospitals have long been thought of as places to cure disease, new ideas about what hospitals should be and how they should function are creating new challenges for hospital designers and caregivers” (Research Design Connections, 2004, ¶ 1). The healing hospital paradigm is a new concept that some hospitals are implementing to achieve a healing environment. This paper will: explore the reasoning behind this new model; discuss components of healing hospitals, including their connection to spirituality; and identify the challenges of implementing such a paradigm. Reasoning for Healing Hospital The healing hospital model both provides and reaps many benefits. The paradigm not only benefits the patient but also the healthcare team and the community in which it serves. It has been shown to result in “patient satisfaction, improved outcomes, caregiver satisfaction with increased chance for a positive sense of meaning in work and community satisfaction” (Zarren, n.d., p. 5). The institution that implements the healing hospital model...
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...Components of a Healing Hospital Sheena E. Williamson Grand Canyon University July 3, 2016 HLT 310V Spirituality in Healthcare Professor Richard Hudock Components of a Healing Hospital The unseen environment is the spiritual aspect of creation. The unseen is where God dwells (Jn 1:18). Three factors are all of the topmost significance in a healing hospital. A healing physical environment, a one model focused on the goal of everyone working together for the same goal of optimal patient wellness and care, then an incorporation of knowledge and technology are all crucial components of a healing hospital. Placing these mechanisms into a hospital can often present a challenge presenting many barriers to be crossed. This author will discuss the components of a healing hospital in relation to spirituality, challenges of creating a healing atmosphere, and biblical aspects of the hospital environment In order to promote a healing environment a physical healing environment must be fostered. Providing a noiseless atmosphere for patients to rest allows for patients body to regenerate plentiful and accelerate the healing progression. This includes promoting quiet time. Most hospitals strive for private rooms for patient privacy and comfort. The overall goal is to decrease stress for the patient that can be fostered in an unorganized environment. Creating a stress free environment for patients, the patient’s families, and healthcare workers stimulates a healing environment. ...
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...The Healing Hospital Jackie M. Long Grand Canyon University Foundations of Spirituality in Healthcare HLT 310V-0103 Andre Mooney 09/16/2011 The Healing Hospital Fighting for your health when you are not feeling well demands lots of rest, less worry and strain. One needs the love and affection from family and friends. Imagine a hospital that provided all of that. All the patient rooms would be filled with warm and tranquil colors, a separate space for family members to sleep, nurses and physicals who treated all patients with the same dignity and respect and love that they would give to their own family. The hospital grounds would have beautiful gardens so the patients can have a place besides the chapel to pray. Night time in the hospital would be a time for true rest; not a time that patients would be awakened through the night to run a blood test. Patient Education would be provided when it’s convenient for not only the patient but for the family as well. The hospital chaplain minister would be willingly available anytime day or night when needed. Nurses would not only be available for providing medical care but also available for emotional support at those times when the patient just needs someone to talk to. These are just a few of the characteristics that one would anticipate to experience at a Healing Hospital. The Healing Hospital is awarded its accreditation through the Healing Baptist Trust. To acquire this designation, a hospital must embody three components:...
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