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Health Hazards in the It Profession


Submitted By easmith08
Words 568
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Health Hazards in the IT profession

When you tell someone you are in the IT profession they usually come back with something like “oh so you get to sit around all day playing on a computer!”
The truth is there are lots of risks with “sitting around playing on a computer”. Being at a desk and in front of a computer can be just as hazardous as being a construction worker or a mover for a moving company. There are health hazards that go along with sitting all day. Blood clots from lack of movement, the lighting of the computer screen which cause headaches and eye strain. With a busy work environment, often time there is no time for a nice long lunch hour which leads to grabbing something quick and usually not the healthiest on the menu. This is just to name a few of the problems with being an IT. It’s hard to believe an industry such as Information Technology can actually be hazardous to your health. Did I mention stress?
Although there are a lot of physical issues that come with the IT profession, I would like to focus on the stress of the IT profession. It was not long ago that I worked in an office environment and had no idea what it took to be an “IT person”. I was one of the many that complained about how long it took to get and IT person to look at my computer to see what was wrong with it. Until now, I had no idea.
With the tighter budgets caused by the economic strain, there has been a problem with understaffing in the IT field. Unfortunately, understaffing could very well mean you are the only IT person in your group or office setting. Management needs to understand the importance of your position from keeping their systems running and avoiding system failures to doing performance upgrades and dealing with user end demands and tediousness. All of which can be physically and mentally draining.
Studies show that on an average an IT professional will work fifty hours per week with six hours on Saturday and Sunday, as well as seventy percent of the time working while ill. maintain our physical and mental wellbeing while doing a job that is very demanding, underpaid, understaffed, unappreciated and mostly end user undesirable?
Bridge the gap.
Document your time to show management the time you spend on a particular issue. Document your after-hours time or any time you spend on a phone call from the office. Keep track of every job you do so that you can show management the work load you carry if working alone. Perhaps the hiring of a new employee to handle only user end issues would take some of the work load off and time management would be more ideal.
In brief, being in the IT field is very stressful. Take time to take physical care of yourself. Get up, walk around, stretch. Go for a quick stroll around the office or the building. Make sure you eat good meals and not at your desk. Take that time to rest your eyes while you are away from a computer monitor. All these things should help with stress as well.
Above all, educate your management of your overall duties and your priorities. Don’t overload yourself and effect your work performance. Document everything you do.

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