...Assignment 3 – Your Impact on the Healthcare Market HSA 510 Health Economics Professor Dr. Manuel Johnican November 13, 2011 In the world of healthcare there are many choices for individuals to consider when making sure needs are meet in order to get, the quality of healthcare necessary to stay healthy in the community. Depending on financial obstacles it can be at times very difficult to afford the proper care needed to provide quality healthcare for you and your family. With President Obama signing the Affordable Care Act, it is now a lot easier to obtain affordable healthcare options. Also, under this act hospital facilities get rewarded for quality not quantity therefore, people do not have to be afraid that since they cannot afford expensive coverage, there will not be a lack of quality and they can feel confident that their needs will be met. Also, the act helps families that already have insurance coverage through their employer or private insurance companies such as Kaiser by providing tax credits of up to 2000 per family per year (ProCon.org). The Affordable Healthcare Act also imposes heavy tax credits depending on household income which will really help more families stay healthy which in turn, is healthier for the community as a whole. This paper will strive to compare and contrast the personal healthcare choices of the writer with the choices of others in the community and determine the relative contribution to the demand for health care. Moreover, the...
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...HSA 510: Economics of Health and Medical Care Student: Lucy Njoya Assignment 3: The Management Challenge of Delivering Value in Health Care Strayer University Professor: Dr. Jeff Kaluyu Due: Week 8 Introduction: The healthcare industry is evolving both nationally and globally, and as a result, the challenges facing health care services delivery organizations are also increasing. Health care professionals are the decision-makers and also the ones closely associated with the day-to-day decision making processes affecting the delivery of health care services and goods to patients. The economic evaluation of the health care services delivery systems has proven to play an important role in the different types of health care decision-making. For example, formulary decisions, reimbursement decisions, high health cost decisions, and e-prescribing. This makes it a point of interest to assess the influence of economic evaluations on health care decision-making both at the macro, me so, and micro levels. Even though the impact of economic evaluation studies on health care decision making has been limited, there is an increasing requirement for the cost-effectiveness of the health care intervention to be considered when formulating and implementing guidelines for clinical practices. What is encouraging at this moment is the fact that health care decision-makers do recognize the usefulness and necessity of published economic evaluations that rightly inform the public about...
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...1. Assess your community’s access to health care technology and determine how that access (or lack thereof) impacts your community economically. For people living in the rural areas, the distance to main metropolitan centres often places restrictions on access to essential services, including specialist healthcare. Telemedicine provides one possible answer. Many different terms such as telehealth, telecare, online health and E-health have been used but they all have a common meaning, i.e. the use of information and communication technologies to deliver health care services at a distance. The motivation for investigating the use of telemedicine for different clinical problems include large distances between patients and specialists, isolated health professionals requiring specialist support and/or education, and situations where there is no other alternative, for example space flight or patients at sea, as well as the pervasive and pragmatic issue of cost. Are health care dollars better spent on sending the clinician to the patient, bringing the patient to the clinician, or by facilitating the consultations using telemedicine? Modern advances in information communication technologies have seen developments in the different mechanisms available for conducting telemedicine, from Morse code to the ordinary telephone and more recently the Internet. The different telecommunication networks required to support these communication technologies have also advanced...
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...Assignment 1 Shante Trumpet Dr. Debbie Chotkevys HSA 510 10/21/11 Describe how you would assess the impact of the health care issue you selected in microeconomic terms. Most existing work on the price elasticity of demand for health insurance focuses on employees' decisions to enroll in employer-provided plans. However, any attempt to achieve universal coverage must focus on the uninsured, the vast majority of who are not offered employer-sponsored insurance. A survey was conducted to survey assess the willingness to pay for a health plan among a large sample of uninsured Americans. The experiment yields price elasticities substantially greater than those found in most previous studies. We use these results to estimate coverage expansion under the Affordable Care Act, with and without an individual mandate. We estimate that 39 million uninsured individuals would gain coverage and find limited evidence of adverse selection. In the United States, the economy shapes the complex interactions among employment, health coverage, and costs, as well as financial access to care and health outcomes. In economic downturns, few employers drop health coverage or restrict employee eligibility. More commonly, they reduce costs by changing benefits and cost-sharing provisions. Employees in low-wage jobs, working in small firms, and those in certain industries have been far more likely than others to have been uninsured when they lost their jobs, but this recession is affecting a broader...
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...HSA 510 Assignment 5: Comparison Presentation Purchase here http://homeworkonestop.com/HSA%20510/hsa-510-assignment-5-comparison-presentation Product Description HSA 510 Assignment 5: Comparison Presentation HSA 510 Assignment 5: Comparison Presentation Purchase here http://homeworkonestop.com/HSA%20510/hsa-510-assignment-5-comparison-presentation Product Description HSA 510 Assignment 5: Comparison Presentation HSA 510 Assignment 5: Comparison Presentation Purchase here http://homeworkonestop.com/HSA%20510/hsa-510-assignment-5-comparison-presentation Product Description HSA 510 Assignment 5: Comparison Presentation HSA 510 Assignment 5: Comparison Presentation Purchase here http://homeworkonestop.com/HSA%20510/hsa-510-assignment-5-comparison-presentation Product Description HSA 510 Assignment 5: Comparison Presentation HSA 510 Assignment 5: Comparison Presentation Purchase here http://homeworkonestop.com/HSA%20510/hsa-510-assignment-5-comparison-presentation Product Description HSA 510 Assignment 5: Comparison Presentation HSA 510 Assignment 5: Comparison Presentation Purchase here http://homeworkonestop.com/HSA%20510/hsa-510-assignment-5-comparison-presentation Product Description HSA 510 Assignment 5: Comparison Presentation HSA 510 Assignment 5: Comparison Presentation Purchase here http://homeworkonestop.com/HSA%20510/hsa-510-assignment-5-comparison-presentation Product Description HSA 510 ...
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...HSA 510 Assignment 3 The People Factor Purchase here http://homeworkonestop.com/HSA%20510/hsa-510-assignment-3-the-people-factor Product Description HSA 510 Assignment 3 The People Factor HSA 510 Assignment 3 The People Factor Purchase here http://homeworkonestop.com/HSA%20510/hsa-510-assignment-3-the-people-factor Product Description HSA 510 Assignment 3 The People Factor HSA 510 Assignment 3 The People Factor Purchase here http://homeworkonestop.com/HSA%20510/hsa-510-assignment-3-the-people-factor Product Description HSA 510 Assignment 3 The People Factor HSA 510 Assignment 3 The People Factor Purchase here http://homeworkonestop.com/HSA%20510/hsa-510-assignment-3-the-people-factor Product Description HSA 510 Assignment 3 The People Factor HSA 510 Assignment 3 The People Factor Purchase here http://homeworkonestop.com/HSA%20510/hsa-510-assignment-3-the-people-factor Product Description HSA 510 Assignment 3 The People Factor HSA 510 Assignment 3 The People Factor Purchase here http://homeworkonestop.com/HSA%20510/hsa-510-assignment-3-the-people-factor Product Description HSA 510 Assignment 3 The People Factor HSA 510 Assignment 3 The People Factor Purchase here http://homeworkonestop.com/HSA%20510/hsa-510-assignment-3-the-people-factor Product Description HSA 510 Assignment 3 The People Factor HSA 510 Assignment 3 The People Factor Purchase here http://homeworkonestop...
Words: 420 - Pages: 2
...HSA 510 WEEK 8 ASSIGNMENT 3 STRAYER LATEST To purchase this visit following link: http://www.apexseekers.com/product/hsa-510-week-8-assignment-3-strayer-latest/ Contact us at: HELP@APEXSEEKERS.COM HSA 510 WEEK 8 ASSIGNMENT 3 STRAYER LATEST HSA 510 POWERPOINT ASSIGNMENT 3 Assignment 3: The Convergence of Health Care Financing and Economic Trends and Forces Due Week 8 and worth 100 points Note: Use the textbook, course readings, Strayer online library, and other reputable online sources to complete this assignment. Prepare a fifteen to twenty (15 to 20) slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with detailed scholarly speaker notes in which you: 1. Compare the three (3) current health care financing and funding models (i.e., employee based, government based, and individual based) used with the health care delivery system of the United States. 2. Compare and contrast key economic goals of public and private health insurance plans. Evaluate the success potential of key economic goals in terms of populations covered, services included, financing arrangements, reimbursement strategies, and economic competition policies. 3. Analyze the key effects of labor market, insurance market, and competitive market factors on health care delivery requirements at your current or previous organization of employment. 4. Determine what changes are occurring in the economy or concerning labor and regulatory factors that must be considered in the future. 5. Suggest the key national trends...
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...Comparison Presentation Assignment: 5 | Health Economics, HSA 510, Dr. Lewis Mustard | Kristie Parker, December 19, 2012 | 1. Select three to four main aspects that you discovered in your research to highlight. The first thing that I would like to highlight in my research of Canadian universal healthcare vs. US healthcare is that Canadian health care is federally funded and covers mostly all of the medical services used by the residents. The US has healthcare for the people but is covered at the citizens’ expense via an insurance company. The citizens are responsible for maintaining the premiums set by the insurance companies via the employer of the citizens or privately attained. However, this could explain why nearly 50 million people are uninsured because a lot of Americans cannot afford the premiums set by the insurance companies or quoted to them privately. The issue without healthcare is that the premiums are many times to expensive. The insurer will not pay because the conditions the patient may have could be pre-existing and will cause the company to pay for many expenses that are acquired before they are insured. Unlike the US, Canadian is federally funded so those issues are not of a concern, only finding when the care can be provided is the concern. Next, even though universal care for the Canadians appear to be ideal and a dream come true, the Canadians still have longer waiting lines and longer times for the services to be carried out than the...
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...Implications of Health Economic Concepts for Health Care Melissa James Strayer University Dr. Wanda Allen Health Economics – HSA 510 February 1, 2015 Assignment # 1 Implication of Health Economic Concepts for Health Care Assess the value of healthcare professionals and decision makers understanding the discipline of health economics. Healthcare is getting gradually complex around the world. The need for technological development, economic support, demographics changes and the study of diseases are shifting at a fast speed. There had been numerous labors in describing collective capabilities and values within the healthcare organizations. It is necessary for learning and training programs to be regulated based on the needs of the humanities they support. Therefore, the institutions that are designing and delivering those activities must take responsibility for the products they manufacture for the use of the society. Hence, Academic institutions that are in charge of educating healthcare professionals together with their various stakeholders must interact in collaboration to create actual and proficient strategies that will promote suitable culture in the healthcare systems. Current medical education process has its origins in the European institutions of higher learning that customarily cherished academic freedom, sovereignty and self-regulating exploration...
Words: 1809 - Pages: 8
...Health care Markets Ashley Jackson HSA 510 Strayer University Professor Renita Blake Health care Markets Analyses of the Health care delivery system The United States has no special type of nationwide system of the health care delivery. In order to obtain health care insurance, the individuals must buy it in the private marketplace, or it is given to them by the government. Part of the traditional health insurance plans, permits the unrestricted selection of the health care provider and compensates on the fee for the service basis, recently, it covers less than 30% of all the employees. There are basically two kinds of MCOs: Health Maintenance organizations and Preferred Provider Organizations. About 70% of the employees registered in MCOs. HMO is the health care delivery system that associates the insurer and producer operations. PPOs are the third party payer that provides financial incentives like low out of pocket prices, to registers who achieve medical care form the preset sequence of physicians and hospitals. The Medicare plan contains two parts: Part A is necessary and gives the health insurance coverage for the inpatient hospital concern, very limited nursing home services and some of the home health services. Part B the willingly or supplemental plan gives the advantages for the physician services, outpatient hospital services and the home health services. The US health care system is more expanded in terms of the production procedures...
Words: 1876 - Pages: 8
...Implications of Health Economics Concepts for health Care Marcus Bright Strayer University Health Economics HSA 510 Dr. Jeff Kaluyu October 27, 2014 Abstract Income Inequality and Rising Health-Care Costs in the United States shows that health costs are the biggest driver of income inequality. This reason has made health care economics to go through multiple renovations leading from money which is the substance of health care economics and that has become vital to economists, policymakers, researchers, and organizational leaders. Today, most employers pay their workers a combination of wages and benefits, the most important of which is health coverage. This too has caused employer’s to hold back on salary increases to keep total compensation costs to cover the high cost of health insurance increases. In health care economics, the gross domestic product (GDP) is of paramount importance and in evaluation of, there is a remarkable rise in the GDP from 5.2% in the 1960’s to 16.2% in 2008, and an anticipation of 19% or more by 2019. It is based on those ongoing increases that this paper will reflect on the concepts that have impacted the world of health care economics in the US. Health Care Professionals and Understanding the Discipline of Health Economics The economics of health care methodologies for funding have continuously been changing since the 1800s. This started with the founding of the American Medical Association in 1847, which promoted scientific...
Words: 1878 - Pages: 8
...ECON 125-HK2. Economics for Managers Exam http://homeworkfy.com/downloads/econ-125-hk2-economics-for-managers-exam/ To Get this Tutorial Copy & Paste above URL Into Your Browser Hit Us Email for Any Inquiry at: Homeworkfy@gmail.com Visit our Site for More Tutorials: (http://homeworkfy.com/ ) > TAKE ASSESSMENT: EXAM 1 Question 1 2 points Save Which of the following economic systems abolishes all private property? communism socialism fascism all of the above Question 2 2 points Save The profit motive is one characteristic of a command economy. True False Question 3 2 points Save In a market system, the government enforces laws ensuring that private enterprises and conditions of competition will prevail. True False Question 4 2 points Save The most common type of business in the United States is the corporation. True False Question 5 2 points Save Laissez-faire is a policy of no government intervention in the economic activities of individuals and businesses. True False Question 6 2 points Save In a partnership, each partner’s liability is limited to his or her contribution to the partnership. True False Question 7 2 points Save There are no government-regulated markets in the U.S. economy. True False Question 8 2 points Save Which of the following is not among the United States’ economic goals? ...
Words: 8412 - Pages: 34
...Education + Training A multilevel study of students’ motivations of studying accounting: implications for employers r Fo Journal: Manuscript ID: Manuscript Type: Education Training ET-Feb-2011-0011.R3 Research Paper Pe Keywords: education, industry er ew vi Re Page 1 of 26 A multilevel study of students’ motivations of studying accounting: implications for employers Abstract Purpose This study examines the influence of factors affecting students’ choice of accounting as a study major in Hong Kong. r Fo Design/methodology/approach Multinomial logistic regression and Hierarchical Generalized Linear Modeling (HGLM) are used to analyze the survey data for the level one and level two data, which is the first time such an approach has been used in the literature. Twenty semi- Pe structured interviews are conducted. Findings er Results reveal that parental influence has the highest explanatory power among all three groups of students (i.e. accounting major, accounting minor, and other majors). Re This finding reflects the inculcation in students of the Confucian cultural norms ingrained in Chinese societies. Intrinsic interest is the second most important vi influencing factor reported by students. Two factors, “intrinsic interest” (attitude towards the behavior) and “parental influence” (subjective norm) in the multinomial ew 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ...
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...Health Economics HSA 510 Week 3 Assignment 1 4/22/2012 Question #1 Describe how you would assess the impact of the health care issue you selected in microeconomic terms. The health care issue I have chosen is the uninsured Americans and the cost effect on the Unites States government. The issue of uninsured Americans has been one issue that keeps coming up from time to time because a large number of the society are losing their medical insurance due to loss of employments and pre-existing conditions that most insurance company don’t accept. Government and the hospital emergency rooms where those that are uninsured end up going are at the losing end on whole situation. I will try and use Cost Benefit Analysis to evaluate the cost of the uninsured on the Government purse. Cost benefit analysis is an important economical tool that can be used in the healthcare industry because it helps in determining what the outcome of a project would be. It looks at both the positive and the negative aspect of the program. It will also show the cost and consequence of being uninsured. According to Jack Hadley, the Principal Research Associate at The Urban Institute, uninsured Americans have cost the Federal government in the three following ways: The Government already spends a substantial amount of money...
Words: 2133 - Pages: 9
...2014 Contents General Instructions for Forms W-2 and W-3 Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service (Including Forms W-2AS, W-2CM, W-2GU, W-2VI, W-3SS, W-2c, and W-3c) Reminders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Need Help? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . How To Get Forms and Publications . . . . . . . . . . . Common Errors on Forms W-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General Instructions for Forms W-2 and W-3 . . . . . Special Reporting Situations for Form W-2 . . . . . . . Penalties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Specific Instructions for Form W-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Specific Instructions for Form W-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . General Instructions for Forms W-2c and W-3c . . . . Special Situations for Forms W-2c and W-3c . . . . . Specific Instructions for Form W-2c . . . . . . . . . . . . Specific Instructions for Form W-3c . . . . . . . . . . . . Form W-2 Reference Guide for Box 12 Codes . . . . Form W-2 Box 13 Retirement Plan Checkbox Decision Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Reporting Example Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless otherwise noted. 1 3 4 4 4 6 12 13 20 22 23 24 25 27 Additionally, Forms W-2 and W-2c electronic...
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