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Health Policy Brief


Submitted By bellomy10
Words 738
Pages 3

Patient Self Determination Act
H.R. 5067 (101st)

Patient Self-Determination Act Policy Brief United States Congress passed the Patient Self-Determination Act (PSDA) in 1990 as an amendment to the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) of 1990. In effect December 1, 1990 the PSDA legislature required many hospitals, nursing homes, hospices, home healths and other health care organizations to be responsible for giving information about advances health care directives to patients upon their admission to the facility. The objectives of the Patient Self Determination Act were first, to provide education concerning an individual’s rights in state laws to make their own decisions with regards to their healthcare, as well as the right to refuse treatment. Second, to encourage better preparation of advanced directives (ADs) to be used should the person/ patient become incapacitated. Lastly, to decrease end of life cost by avoiding unwanted or unnecessary care (Patient Self Determination Act, 1990).
History of the PSDA A noteworthy motivation for the development and eventually the passing of the PSAD was a 1990 Supreme Court decision (Cruzan v Director, 1990). In this case, the parents of Nancy Cruzan, a comatose girl, requested that her nutrition and hydration be terminated but the hospital employees refused. The court acknowledged that there are right to refusal of care, however Nancy Cruzan was incompetence. The complexities came when deciding whether a surrogate (i.e. Nancy’s parents) can make the decisions under such circumstances. The court ruled in favor of the Hospital, nonetheless, the impact of the case was a major contributor to the PSDA legislation. Under the Patient Self-Determination Act, healthcare providers are required to provide written information to patients

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