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Health Savings Account Research Paper

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Most of us at one time or another have had a savings account at a bank. Health savings accounts are not that much different. A health savings account is a tax free medical saving account. Health savings accounts are always associated with high deductible health plans (HDHP). With a high deductible health plan, your annual deductibles are high but the monthly premiums are low. The health savings accounts make it possible to set money aside and then use it whenever needed for your medical expenses.

Health savings accounts are fairly new to the insurance scene. In December of 2003, President Bush signed the Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act. This law was intended to help businesses save money on skyrocketing health insurance costs by allocating a greater portion of the cost to employees. In turn, an employee would pay lower monthly premiums but was responsible for much higher deductibles before health insurance coverage would kick in. In effect, you are self-insured up to your deductible for each year that you are enrolled in a HDHP. Previously, medical savings accounts were available only to small businesses and the self-employed. Health savings accounts are available to anyone under the age of 65.

The earlier medical savings accounts were tax free but did not allow for any type of investing. Not only are the …show more content…
For 2006, the IRS limits are $2,700 for individuals and $5,450 for family coverage. Taxpayers over 55 years old can contribute an additional catch-up amount of $700 for 2006. The money you place into a health savings account can be used for any medical expenditure and can be rolled over from year-to-year and from job-to-job. Withdrawals for non-medical purposes are taxed and carry a 10% penalty for taxpayers under age 65 years. After age 65, non-medical withdrawals are taxed without the

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