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Healthcare Systems


Submitted By trails253
Words 293
Pages 2
Sri Hadha Healthcare Systems
The cause of the conflict between Mr. Jaishankar’s employees was because each party involved failed to accommodate on another on the preference of their radio station. The argument was unjust and uncalled for. The lack of compromising was also apparent in this incident. Rajaram and Buddy Jones need to learn how to act more professionally on the workplace. Had this incident escalated any further, someone could have gotten seriously injured. This would result in company lawsuits and even hospitalization of an employee. Each party in the incident should be accommodating to each other as to the rules of the radio. Instead, it resulted in a racial verbal assault on one another that could have offended all other employees overhearing the argument. Those who were involved acted childish and did not think rationally before acting.
The style of conflict management that the distribution center employees are using is a competing style. These distribution center employees are using a low level of cooperativeness and high level of assertiveness. This creates a very hostile environment to work in. Each employee acts in a very selfish and argumentative manner. Both employees didn’t care to accommodate one another. They both felt that they would get their way by strong arming each other. This is clearly not the way employees should go about resolving conflict. It won’t promote a teamwork environment for employees and encourage an “everyman for themselves” attitude. In a dissertation from Nova Southeastern University it states, “Management’s inability to resolve disputes effectively or prevent serious conflicts can be counterproductive” (Lin, 2003, p.12). These arguments that were caused distract employees from their work responsibilities. Overall, this style of conflict management appears to do more harm than good.

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