...Mari kita bercerita tentang Nabi kita, Iaitu Rasulullah SAW, penyelamat manusia dunia akhirat, Walaupun sebelum ini kita telah menceritakan banyak kali tentangnya, Mungkin kita ceritakan disudut-sudut lain yang belum diceritakan lagi, Kalau pun diceritakan lagi banyak kali tidak mengapa, Supaya yang lupa diingat kembali, Bertambah ingat lagi, Nabi Muhammad SAW orang luar biasa yang tidak ada taranya, Sebelum dan sesudahnya dikalangan manusia, Sekalipun dikalangan para rasul dan para nabi yang telah diberita, Dia adalah rohnya malaikat dan tubuhnya manusia, Orang paling cerdik dan paling bersih rohnya, Dikalangan manusia sebelum dan sesudahnya, Maka dia diberi julukan oleh Tuhan ‘fathonah’, Bahkan yang paling ‘Fathonah’ dikalangan rasul-Nya, Ilmunya bukan didapati dari aqalnya, Walaupun dia orang yang paling tajam aqalnya, Dia mendapat ilmu dijatuhkan Tuhan didalam hatinya, Wahyu namanya, dia belajar langsung dari Tuhannya, Kerana inilah dia tidak perlu menulis Dan membaca seperti manusia biasa, Kerana itulah ilmunya tidak dilupa sepanjang masa, Kalau dari aqal mungkin dilupakannya, Ilmunya menceritakan dunia dan akhirat, Tawakalnya luarbiasa, Sebab itulah dimalamnya makanan tidak disimpan untuk esok harinya Dan diberikan kepada manusia yang memerlukannya Kerana dia yakin, kalau esoknya dia hidup Tuhan merezekikannya, Dia tidak membunuh orang, Walaupun disetengah-setengah waktu dia boleh membunuhnya, Tapi dia tidak membunuhnya, Dia mengambil jalan...
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...My Dream House A house is a place to stay with your family. A good house is the one that makes the dweller feell comfortable. My dream house has all facilities and spacious garden. I want to do my best to have my dream house built. Actually, my dream house is so simple to make if I have a lot of money.I woud like to live in a vila because it is very big and peaceful with a beautiful panorama of the city. On the first floor I want to have six bedrooms, one bedrooms for my parents, one bedroom for me, and the other bedroom for my children. Every bedroom I should have a set of furniture and the facilities. Every bathroom will have a shower or a bathtub. The kitchen will be equipped with a fridge to store food a stove to cook and facilities,such as hot and cold running water,gas and electricity. On the ground floor of my house there will be a big living room,a place where my family will spend their leisure time. Every side of the second floor will have many glass windows, so that I could enjoy the view from the second floor. I will plant lots of fruit trees in my back garden. Behind my house I will place a swimming pool and tiny football pitch because my hobby is playing football. I will use the pitch to play games with my friends after work,(I cannot be imagine my life without football). I know that it will not be easy for me to build my dream house because it needs investment. So, I must be a successful businessman my family,and the other...
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...well i dnt know anything hehehehe ksfihvi ohoiuh oouoih ooohoi ohohoih joo oojojo joj oijoij oij oi j oij oi j oij oi joijoijo ij oijo ij C-130H OPS LIMITS AND OTHER NUMBERS STARTING TIT Max Enrichment 100* C Max Normal Start 200* C Max Airstart 200° C 781 – MX 965* C ENGINE TIT T.O.Range 1067-1083*C* 5 min Take Off Power 1083* (or 19,600 in/lbs, whichever first) Military 1049* C* 30 min Range 1011-1049° C * 30 min Norm. Cont 200-1010° C Max Continuous 1010* C Climb 1010° C Reduced Power 970* C Reduced Power for LPS 900° C Exceed 1083* C 5 sec Exceed 1175* C Momentarily Crossover 800-840* C Max Downspeed TIT 850° C ENGINE RPM Fuel Control Valve Open 16% Igniters Energized 16% Oil Pressure Ind 35% Ignition By 35% Starter 60% Secondary Fuel Press Lt by 65% Low Speed GI 69-75.5% Flight Idle (ground) 92.5-100.5% Normal GI 94-102% Max Reverse 96-106% Normal RPM 98-102% Allowable Flux *0.5% Overspeed: Pitchlock 103% Overspeed: Fuel Topping 103.5% Overspeed: Severe 105% Pitchlock Operations 96-98% ENGINE TORQUE (IN-LBS) Oil Temp < 0* C Minimum Oil Temp 0-40* C 4,500 Max Allow. T.O 19,600/5 min Max Allow. Flt 19,600/30 min Max Continuous 19,600 Decouple -6,000 NTS Actuation -1,260 *600 Torque Comparison * 200 Prop Reversing (max diff) 1,000 Propulsion * 8,000 OIL QUANTITY Minimum 4 gal Maximum 12 gal Expansion 7.5 gal Engine Low Oil Lt 4 gal Allowable...
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...siya tapos sulat mo n lng ng kahit anu basta nababasa) Hitori hitori **(20 inch) chigau noni sono naka de **(25 inch) Ichiban ni naritagaru? **(mirror sa 2nd floor nila charm lipstick) CHORUS (Dyan) **(veranda nila charm sa labas ung pwedeng mag sabit ung mag huhulog pa baba ng tela sa garden nila charm dapat lahat tayo anjan) (Charm) ung si Bianca exsena kunyari artista tas tatalikod tayo domino effect pag paharap or pwedeng papapirma kunyari ng autograph ke bianca tas pag talikod andun lyrics (meron pa ba nito pag meron ganito siya) Ganbatte saita hana wa dore mo Komatta youni warai nagara Kirei dakara shikata nai ne Zutto mayotteru hito ga iru **(bond paper print basta bold text n lng para mabasa hehehehe) Sono hito ga kakaete ita Yatto mise kara dete kita Ung eksenang gulong ni rose hahahahaha basta si rose ditto hahahaha xD Ureshi souna yokogao Iro toridori no hanataba to (Rose) Kay phau dito Sa fountain ang scene tapos sa “Namae mo” maysisingit parang mga round...
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...[1][2][5] People who are Jejemons are described based on levels. These are "mild," "moderate", "severe", or "terminal."[6] Jejenese and Jejebet Jejenese jEJ3n3Se Native to Philippines Ethnicity Jejemon Language family Creole Taglish and Englog Jejenese Writing system Jejebet Language codes ISO 639-2 cpe ISO 639-3 – Jejemons speak Jejenese based on Taglish and Englog.[2][1] Their alphabet, Jejebet, is based on Leet. Words are created by mixing letters in a word, mixed large and small letters, using the letters H, X or Z many times, and mixing of numbers in words.[2] The spelling is the same as Leetspeak. Examples English Tagalog Jejenese I would like to know more about you, care to tell me your name? Hehehehe! Nais kitang makilala, maaari mo bang masabi sa akin ang iyong pangalan? Hahaha! i wuD LLyK tO knOw moR3 bOut u. crE 2 t3ll mE yur N@me? jejejejeje! Hello, how are you? Maligayang bati po, kamusta na? 3ow ph0w, mUsZtAh nA? I miss you! Sabik na kitang makita! iMiszqcKyuH! Hello. Maligayang bati po. eEoWpFhUeEhsxz. I love you. Mahal kita. lAbqCkyOuHh. How are you? Kamusta? uZtaH? I ako aQcKuHh you (sg.) ikaw yuHh you (pl.) kayo kEo po (for politeness) pfHoE po (same as above) ph0w hahaha (laughter) jAjaJa hehehe (smart laughter) jeJejE Reactions Facebook fan pages were made in support and against the group. Celebrities have condemned some attacks.[3][7] Jejebusters were created to fight jejetyping...
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...TEMANKU SI PENJUAL KUE Oleh : Alma Teng...teng. ..teng... Suara bel sekolah berbunyi nyaring sekali mirip bel tinju ganti ronde. Aku siap-siap pulang. Ah...senengnya udah pulang kayak gini. Semua siswa-siswa SD Menanggal berhamburan keluar kelas dengan kompaknya, mirip kuda-kuda balap yang melaju kenceng pas pintu kandang dibuka, hehehehe. Sebelum pulang aku ke kantin dulu. "Bu Minah, kemaren aku liat ada anak perempuan seusiaku jualan kue disini. Apa Bu Minah tahu siapa anak itu ?"tanyaku sesampainya di kantin. "Eh non Alma. Anak perempuan kemaren itu ya. Itu anak saya paling kecil. Hari ini lagi jualan di rumah. Eh non Alma belom kenal ya, maklum baru 3 hari dia disini, sebelumnya kan ikut neneknya di desa."jawab Bu Minah panjang banget. "Anak Ibu ? Kok Ibu nggak pernah cerita kalo punya anak cewek ?"tanya Alma heran. "Ya sejak kecil sudah ikut neneknya. Kalo non Alma mau kenalan ke rumah Ibu aja sekarang. Pasti ada tuh." "Baiklah Bu Minah. Saya ke rumah ibu ya ?"Alma beranjak dari kursi dan siap-siap jalan ke rumah Bu Minah. Rumah Bu Minah deket ama sekolah. Masuk gang dan sampailah sudah... "Hai, ada kue apa aja nih ?"sapa Alma pada anak perempuan itu. "Aduh kaget aku. Macem-macem lah, ada lemper, ada bikang, ada pukis, ada gorengan. Mau yang mana ?"jawab anak perempuan itu. "Ngomong-ngomong kamu yang kemaren jualan di kantin Bu Minah ya ?"tanya Alma tanpa menjawab mau beli kue apa, gitu lho. "Bu Minah itu ibuku. Sejak ayah dan ibuku nggak...
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...Jejemon From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jejemon (Tagalog pronunciation: [ˈdʒɛdʒɛmon]) is a pop culture phenomenon in the Philippines. According toUrban Dictionary a Jejemon is a person "who has managed to subvert the English language to the point of incomprehensibility."[1][dead link] The Philippine Daily Inquirer describes Jejemons as a "new breed ofhipster who have developed not only their own language and written text but also their own subculture and fashion."[2] with "-mon" meant as "monster," hence "jeje monsters."[3] Origins The origins of short-handed typing was through the short messaging service, in which each text message sent by a cellphone is limited to 160 characters. As a result, an "SMS language" developed in which words were shortened in order to fit the 160-character limit. However, some jejemons are not really "conserving" characters; instead, they are lengthening their message.[4] On April 14, 2010, on a Pinoy Tumblr, a post about vice presidential candidate Jejomar Binay indicated that he was the Jejemon's preferred vice presidential candidate, complete with a fake poster with him called as "Jejemon Binay." Later the use of word jejemon to refer to such people made rounds in various Filipinointernet message boards.[4] Such short-handed language is not limited to Filipinos: Thais use "5555" to denote "hahahaha," sincethe number 5 in Thai language is pronounced as "ha."[2] Demographics The Jejemons are said to be the new jologs, a term used...
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...to be a girl screaming “TIGER… TIGER!” The noise was so loud that it had caused the tiger to leap off his seat knocking is his lunch over onto the floor. “What the heck!” growled the tiger as he quickly picked up the remains of his lunch off of the floor. “That stupid child made me spill my tasty lunch. What was he yelling for? Maybe if I ask she’ll answer.” So the tiger began to roar and roar loudly but no reply. He finished cleaning up the mess and went to bed hungry cause he used his remaining ingredients on that meal. Meanwhile, the girl, who was the watcher over a goat farm, started to burst out laughing at his brother, mother, and father as they were running up the hillside to check if there was a tiger, but there was none. “Hehehehe” the farm girl said snickering. “I can’t believe my family fell for that. The girl’s father told her to only sound the alarm and yell tiger if there is one spotted. “Your watcher over the goat farm because you have the loudest voice in the whole village,” the father says. The following day the tiger woke up with a loud growl in his stomach that it scared of some of the surrounding animals and birds around his home. “I am starving. What shall I eat today?” the tiger said. The tiger looked through his cupboards and throughout his home and then remembered that he had some leftover soup in his fridge. The tiger began to heat it up for is afternoon lunch. While eating his soup a loud...
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...Max du Preez Zuma 'a danger to SA's economic stability' 2016-05-17 08:00 Max du Preez The single most serious clear and present danger to South Africa’s short-term economic and political stability has a name: Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma. There can be little doubt left now that Zuma has decided to fight to the bitter end rather than retire quietly after the coming local election or early next year, as senior ANC leadership elements (and much of the rest of South Africa) had hoped. We should prepare ourselves for the possibility that Zuma will employ a scorched earth policy; we should face the fact that it isn’t beyond him to want to pull the pillars of the state down on all of us like a Biblical Samson. The rating agencies Standard & Poor’s and Fitch arrive in South Africa this week to reassess their ratings of the South African economy. They are watching the dynamics between finance minister Pravin Gordhan and Zuma closely. If Gordhan isn’t given the political space to execute his budget promises, a downgrade to junk status is inevitable. There was huge relief all round last week when other rating agency, Moody’s, stuck to their rating, just adding a negative outlook. Moody’s has left no doubt that Gordhan’s budget and his behaviour since then were key to its decision. And just as Fitch and Standard & Poor’s were about to arrive, the Sunday Times reported that the Hawks were threatening to arrest Gordhan and charge him with espionage, a charge related to an...
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...“Jejemon” Ang Jejemon ay isang kaganapan ng pop culture sa Pilipinas na mailalarawan bilang isang pagmamalabis ng fReAk, LOL at pananalitang l33t. Ito ay kamukhang-kamukha sa katapat nitong Polako na tinatawag na Pokemoniaste pismo' (‘Pokemon na panunulat’). Ang mga Jejemon ay inilalarawan ng Talahuluganang Urban bilang ang mga tao na "nakagawa na ibahin ang Wikang Ingles sa punto na hindi na ito nauunawan at mga lipon sa internet. Ang isang Jejemon ay inilalarwan bilang ang isa sa "bagong uri ng mga hipster na nakauri ng kanilang wika ngunit pati na rin ang kanilang pananamit." Ginagaya rin ng mga Jejemon ang mga mala-"gangster" na katangian at kaugalian na nagiging kamukha sila sa mga Ingles chav, Tsileanong flaite, Eskosyanong ned, Irlandng skanger, Rusong gopnik at Australiyano at Bagong Selandang bogan. Etimolohiya Ang salitang "Jejemon" ay sinasabing nagmula sa mga tagagamit ng internet na nagta-type ng "hehehe" bilang "jejeje" marahil dahil ang "jeje" ay nanggaling sa Kastila na ang mga nagsasalita ay ginagamit ang salita bilang pantawa o dahil ang mga titik ng "h" at "j" at katabi ang isa't-isa at ang sinasabing "-mon" ay nanggaling sa Hapnes na anime na Pokémon, na ang "-mon" ay nangangahulugan bilang "halimaw" (monster) at dito nagmula ang mga "jeje monsters" (literal na "mga halimaw na jeje"). Jejenese at Jejebet Ang sosyalekto ng mga Jejemon na tinatawag na Jejenese (magiging literal na Jejenismo sa Wikang Tagalog) ay nanggaling mula sa Ingles, Filipino at ang...
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...RESERVED© Zania: Chloe nakatulala ka na naman… Chloe: ….(no reaction tulalay pa rin) (--,) Zania: Hayz…Chloe move on na kasi…walang pag-asa alam mo yun…capital W.A.L.A.N.G. P.A.G.-A.S.A… Chloe:…(ganun pa rin ang expreksyon niya at walang kibo) (--,) Zania: CCCCCChhhhhlllllllllllloooooooooooeeeeeeeeee Chloe: (nawala ang pagkatulala) Kambal Zania naman eh.. bakit ka ba sumisigaw ha..lapit mo lang oh (with matching hand gesture kung gaano sila magkalapit at nakapout pa) (-o-) Zania: Alam mo Chloe cute wag ka na magpacute sa akin…Dahil mas cute ako sa’yo..hahahaha (*o*) Chloe: ganun pero mas cute kaya ako dib a Kambal tayo..(nakapout uli ako..naku papaya na yan at alam ko effective to samahan ko pa ng puppy eyes technique..hehehehe..) Zania : oo na lang.. change topic na nga lang.. Chloe: (na nakangiti ng napakalaki..sabi na eh effective..hihihihi) Zania: sha..sha eto na nga..tama na ang pagstalker mo kay lubidubs mo.. Chloe: Kambal..di me stalker no…isa akong Admirer ..A.D.M.I.R.E.R…kasi sa nabasa ko ang stalker daw para sa panget at pag admirer daw ay para sa katulad ko… hahahahahaha Zania: hayz..ano pa bang magagawa ko yan ang kaligayahan mo.. Ano bang balak mo.Di ka nga makalapit sa kanya eh..kahit classmate natin at malapit lang siya sa’yo..at pareho din naman kayong popular..Kaya para lang kayong ganito oh.. yung langit siya lupa ka..ganun ka layo kahit malapit na kayo..para din kayong tubig at mantika di kayo parehas.. Chloe: (_ _ ,) Kambal...
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...Name: Shady Elkholy Student ID: 11005950 Module Name: Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Leadership Module Code: MN5002 Assessment 3: Tutor name: Katy Roberts Table of Contents Introduction 3 The purpose of the report 3 Discussion of the theory 3 Research Question 3 Methodology 4 Data collection method 4 Ethical considerations 4 Analysis and Findings 5 Extension to his personality 5 Need for Independence 5 Need for achievement 6 Growth Orientation 6 Innovation and pro-activity and risk taking 6 Conclusion 7 Appendices 8 Appendix A – Coding 8 Appendix B – The Transcript for the interview 14 Appendix C: Interview consent form 29 References 29 Introduction The purpose of the report This report aims to identify whether Oshi Okomilo the Founder and Managing Director of Guestlist is an entrepreneur or a business owner according to the theories on entrepreneurialism. Oshi Okomilo is the managing director for Guestlist which he describe it in his own words with the multimedia platform dedicated to spreading positive vibrations across the planet in various ways. Discussion of the theory There is an example for Smith and Miner (1983) that was cited at (Wagener et Al, 2010) distinguishing between the traits of an ‘opportunistic’ entrepreneur and ‘craftsman’ entrepreneur where the opportunistic one had a business strategy that promotes innovation and expansion, while the craftsman was more interested in the maintaining the status...
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...Tamako Sia by BlackLily Back Home Wattpad Nasa tyan pa lang ako ng Nanay ko mahal ko na Sia. Kaya hindi ako papayag, as in never, na hindi Sia mapapasaakin. Walang sinumang babae ang makakaangkin sa kanya kung hindi ako lang. Over my dead and sexy body. Maghalo man ang balat sa tinalupan, Magiging akin Sia. Sia ay para sa akin at ako ay para sa kanya. Kay humanda ka, Tamako Sia. Ako nga pala si Krizza, Mayaman. Ohhhhhhh!!!! He is so cute and adorable. And the lady pinched the cheeks of a 3year old , chinky eyed boy. The boy just smirked at the lady and gave her his deadly stare. He抣l grow up to be a handsome guy. Naku ang popogi ng mga anak mo Mare. Syempre kanino pa ba magmamana ang mga yan? The other lady told the other one kaya nagtawanan sila. What抯 their name? Yung kinurot mo si Tamako and the one playing is Tamadao. C抦on boys, greet your Tita Kath. Hi Tita Kath. The boy named Tamadao, stopped playing and kissed the cheek of the lady named Kath. Ohh, you are so adorable. And she kissed his cheeks. Si Tamako naman nakatingin lang sa kanila. Tamako.. Okay, okay. I抦 greeting her. Hi Tita Kath. And when he was about to kiss her, the baby in her tummy kicked. Ow! What抯 wrong baby? Why did you kick Mommy? Sabi nung Kath while massaging her bulging tummy. She is 9 months pregnant and anytime soon, she抣l deliver her baby. Your baby is epal. I bet she is ugly. Napatingin ang dalawang babae sa kanya. Tamako! His Mom scolded him. It抯 okay Mare. But how did you know that...
Words: 64605 - Pages: 259
...Copyright Page This book was automatically created by FLAG on May 2nd, 2013, based on content retrieved from http://www.wattpad.com/story/1921085. The content in this book is copyrighted by SezzyBinbin or their authorised agent(s). All rights are reserved except where explicitly stated otherwise. This story was first published on August 16th, 2012, and was last updated on October 13th, 2012. Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated - please email any bugs, problems, feature requests etc. to flag@erayd.net. Table of Contents Summary 1. PROLOGUE 2. INTRODUCTION 3. 1. 4. 2. 5. 3. 6. 4. 7. 5. 8. [Chapter6]Love Letters to him, Date? Part2 9. [Chapter 7]Love Letters to Him 10. [Chapter 8]Love Letters To Him 11. [Chapter 9]Love Letters to Him 12. [Chapter 10]Love Letters to Him 13. [Chapter 11]Love Letters to Him. Again? Part 1 14. [Chapter 12]Love Letters To Him. Again? Part 2 15. [Chapter 13]Love Letters to Him. Again? Part 3 16. SPECIAL CHAPTER 17. [Chapter 14]Love Letters to Him 18. [Chapter 15]Love Letters to Him, A heartbreak? 19. [Chapter 16]Love Letters to Him 20. [Chapter 17]Love Letters to Him, Love Part 1 21. [Chapter 18]Love Letters to Him, Love Part 2 22. [Chapter 19]Love Letters to Him, Love Message 23. [Chapter 20]Love Letters to Him, Girlfriend 24. [Chapter 21]Love Letters to Him 25. [Chapter 22]Love letters to Him 26. [Chapter 23]Love Letters to Him 27. [Chapter 24]Love Letters to Him 28. [Chapter 25]Love Letters to Him -3- 29. [Chapter 26]Love Letters...
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...Prologue Ako nga Pala si Natasha Julie Ann Cameron.. haba ng name ko noh? Ashie for short, apelyedo ko po ang Cameron :DD NBSB ako, dahil naniniwala ako na sagabal lang sa pag-aaral ang mga lalaki,. I hate guys except for my kuya, blame my father he left us without a trail, iniwan niya kami nila mommy, what is LOve? -for me epal, darating kung saka di pa ako handa. well, kahit NBSB ako may mga manliligaw parin ako, hihihi. pero no luck na ata ngayon, kasi dati pa yun na mga manliligaw... nag sawa na sa kakahintay. kaya ayon, wala na, pero okay lang.. **/if you want to read it on your mobile fone copy paste niyo na lang ‘toh sa notepad. :D sa ibang phone nababasa ‘toh as it. I mean as MC word talaga pero yung iba ebook so you need to cpy paste this pa sa notepad and then saka niyo isend sa cp niyo.. kung myphone gamit niyo you’re lucky enough. copy paste mo lang ‘toh sa notepad and send mo sa cp mo. okay na! kung nokia naman gamit mo, N70 na o-open siya as note.. I don’t know sa ibang model….AT! hindi ko na rin poi to na edit TT^TT, so sorry sa mga wrong spelling,wrong grammar.etc. hope u understand. thanks! :*** Chapter 1 "Natasha! bumaba kana dito kakain na" - mommy "coming right up mom"- me pag baba ko, hmm, mas safe ng idescribe na si mommy ang nag handa ng food namin kahit hindi, >:) "good morning Kuya" –me lagi ko siya ginegreet, kahit di niya ako ginegreet. close kami pero di niya lang type mang bati pag umaga. :D 1 year agwat namin, kaya close. "Ashie...
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