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Heidelberg Cement Bangladesh


Submitted By aarida
Words 4966
Pages 20
FIN 254

Part 1: Introduction and Methodology
Heidelberg Cement Bangladesh is one the largest producers of quality cement in Bangladesh. Heidelberg Cement Group from Germany, one of the world’s leaders in construction and building material with operations in more than 50 countries, owns 61% shares of the company. In 1998 Heidelberg Cement Group established its presence in Bangladesh by setting up a floating terminal with on board bagging facilities in the port of Chittagong and by distributing the cement to the key markets of Dhaka and Chittagong. In 1999 the group further strengthened its position in Bangladesh and built a greenfield manufacturing plant near Dhaka namely “Scancement International Limited” with an installed capacity of 0.750 million tons per year. In 2000 Heidelberg Cement group also bought a minority position in Chittagong based company namely “Chittagong Cement Clinker Griding Co. Limited (CCCGCL)” quickly followed by the acquisition of a in controlling stake. The plant in Chittagong has an installed capacity of 0.7 million ton per year. In 2003, the two companies were amalgamated and the company’s name was changed to Heidelberg Cement Bangladesh Limited. OVERVIEW OF HEIDELBERG CEMENT BANGLADESH LTD. Heidelberg Cement Bangladesh Limited meets 13% of the Bangladesh demand for cement from two plants located at Dhaka & Chittagong. The company with 1.5 million tones annual cement production has become a major force in the Bangladesh Cement industry over the last eight years. In Bangladesh, Heidelberg group is one of the largest foreign investors having an investment of 100 million US$ with more than 260 employees working round the clock to materialize the mission of this great global company. By satisfying the needs and aspirations of its customers, employees, shareholders and the wider community,

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