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Heinrich Schliemann's 'Mistakes In Lost Cities Lost Treasure'

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Pages 3
I believe that mistakes are very important when it comes to making discoveries. There have been many times that this has been proven. This is my opinion is because if nobody made any mistakes think of what questions might we have? Would we know what gravity is? Would we go to school everyday and and learn new things? Or maybe we would not be taught at all because nobody would want to make a mistake? These are all questions we may be curious about but never know the answers to if we didn't make mistakes. In the first passage “Lost Cities, Lost Treasure” there was a man named Heinrich Schliemann who was a dishonest yet still likeable man who would dig for valuable treasures. Schliemann had left for troy to find more treasure. While he was there he met a man named Calvert who was the opposite of him. Schliemann wanted to dig his way which led to both men losing money. Schliemann erased clues to the past of Troy and took all credit for anything found. Calvert was almost forgotten for finding ancient Troy. But because of the mistake that Calvert thought he made of trusting Schliemann, the two had found Troy. As said in the passage “Together they did prove that their had been an ancient city called Troy” and this discovery has led to more and more. …show more content…
This story has even more examples of how mistakes lead to discoveries than the previous story. It all started with a man named Percy Spencer who carried a chocolate bar in his pocket onto a factory floor. That day, Percy had found a completely new way to cook. As the story says, “All he did was carry a bar of chocolate in his pocket onto the factory floor. What he discovered that day was more than how to get chocolate stains out of your clothes. He discovered a completely new way to cook”. The text evidence shows that it was completely a mistake that Percy made and the mistake led to a great discovery that greatly affects us

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