In the recent years. The number of people who is unemployed is increase. This people who is unemployed mainly come from financial industry.this article will cover on the increase of unemployment rate in Spain, the government will be taking some action on this problem. From the article, Spain Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy give notice the day before that Spain will face a rise in unemployment rate this year. Last year, the number of unemployment rate reach the peak and it is the highest in the industrialized world as the number of people looking for jobs hit more than five million. Spain’s Prime minister said that they are in a very urgent situation with a jobless rate of 22.9 per cent. This rate will not get improvement in short period and it will become worse in year 2012. The economy in Spain is moving toward recession. Since 2011 October to December, the country economic draw back by 0.3 percent. The Bank of Spain tell in advance that the economy will will draw back another 1.5 per cent in 2012. Mr Rajoy, the Prime minister of Spain claim that in order for the labor market be more flexible, the country need to change to be a better state. This will help those job seeker to find job easier and suit the economic enviornment. The prime minister office is planned to suit the labor market change.since the goverenment in Spain have approved a financial sector to go for a thorough change in business to make the bank balance sheet more stronger and took precaution to set a quota to the public shortfall. the government is trying to reduce the number of public shortfall and to stay away from eurozone debt crisis. The prime minister scheduled to have $14.7 billion for tax increase and anti-fraud campaign. However, this will lead to more job loss. There are many blue colloar and white collar on protest against the plan of spending cut as this a form of threaten crucial