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Hemp Oil Benefits

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Hemp seed refers to the seeds of the Cannabis sativa known as the hemp plant which is known to be beneficial to our health. Some people may mistake hemp seeds to work similar to marijuana, as they come from the same plant, however, hemp seed is not an addictive substance and only contains trace amounts THC which is the active ingredient found in marijuana.

The uses of hemp seed
Hemp seed is usually extracted and converted into hemp seed oil which can be used as an ingredient for different products such as cosmetic products, cleaning products, plastics, textiles, and health foods.

How to eat hemp seeds
There are many ways to eat hemp seeds such a using them as an ingredient for butter, substituting it for milk, and using it as a cooking …show more content…
Hemp seed oil is often incorporated into health foods and body care products due to its many health benefits. Some of these benefits include improving heart health, improving skin and hair, promoting brain development, and boosting the immune system.

*Improving heart health. Hemp seed oil is said to contain essential nutrients such as omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids which are known to be beneficial to our heart health.

*Improving skin. Hemp seed oil contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties which helps keep the skin healthy and prevent skin irritation.

*Promoting brain development. Aside from omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, hemp seeds also contain docosahexaenoic acid or DHA which is essential for brain development. Hemp seed is also recommended to be consumed by women during pregnancy in order to promote the development of the baby in their womb.

*Boosting the immune system. Aside from keeping the heart and brain healthy, the essential fatty acids found in hemp seeds are also known to be beneficial in boosting the digestive as well as immune functions in the body.

The side-effects of hemp …show more content…
How to get rid of the redness caused by cold sores
Cold sores are a contagious type of mouth sores which is caused by the herpes simplex virus. Usually, cold sores are accompanied by symptoms of painful blisters, inflammation, and reddening on the area around the mouth.

While it can be embarrassing to walk around with symptoms of cold sores, there are ways to help manage these symptoms. One of these is by using hemp seed oil.

Hemp seed oil is known to have anti-inflammatory benefits which can soothe the inflammation and reddening of the sores of an affected person. It can be directly topically applied to the affected region using a balm containing hemp oil seeds which can help reduce symptoms of cold sores.

The efficacy of flaxseed
Flaxseed is a type of seed extracted from the Linum usitatissimum plant. It is a type of plant used to create a textile fiber as well as an ingredient to health food and supplements. This is mainly due to the essential nutrients found in flax seeds which are known to be beneficial to our health such as omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, fibers, vitamin B6, magnesium, folate, and

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