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Moral Leadership Style Paper

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In this paper, I will briefly describe the transformational leadership style and the moral leadership style. Next, I will compare and contrast how a city manager embodying each style might respond to the management dilemma in the scenario, "A Matter of Style." Lastly, I will explain at least one insight you have or conclusion you can draw about leadership styles and/or approaches as a result of this comparison.
A transformational leader is one that has the ability to change the culture of an organization by forming new visions for the organization and obtain support to bring the visions to life. In other words, the leader uses its positive visions and applies them and hopes it inspires others to follow their lead. It is very similar to the trait theories because suggests that leaders are not …show more content…
They put other people’s needs first. Their decisions are based on the dignity and respect of others.
Authoritarian leaders would not check with the rest of the group about their input, but will make the decisions themselves and then inform everyone else what was decided. A democratic city manager would respond by taking their team members’ opinions into consideration. Everyone is able to participate by giving their ideas and opinions but democratic leaders have the final say so. It makes the rest of the group feel that their opinions matter. Laisse-fair leaders would respond by letting the workers make the decisions on their own. The leaders want the followers to make decisions instead of them. Laissez-faire leaders will only provide the supply the resources and tools need to complete and reach a decision. They are known as the “hands-off” leaders. They feel that they have built a strong team that is capable of making sound decisions, so they stay out of the way. A heroic city manager would respond by not trying to reach a decision on their own, but instead delegate responsibilities to others. They will stress about everything and cause others to stress as

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