...Synthesis Paper: Leadership Ella Mathis-James June 17, 2015 Doctoral students are the future of academic circles and need to possess an in-depth research-based approach. The three articles covered in this paper focuses on organizational candidates, presidential affiliates and doctoral students with the leadership skills needed for the role of educated professionals research. This paper will have the in-depth research-based on the commonality of all the articles which is inclusive of personality and behavior traits as well as embracing the management philosophy portraying a functional method to detect prospective leaders. It is not an ironclad method which envisages who will direct or by what method will he or she direct. These articles give a concept into the methods to effect or utilize a particular description of successful management. However the conception of an effective leader is biased, which makes it challenging to visibly describe what characteristics and qualities cause somebody to be an effective administrator or leader. There is also not any unanimity concluded as to which traits are largely significant for those in chief positions such as leaders and administrators to have. Although some view character traits like self-confidence and inspiration, others contemplate natural traits like individuals size to be more important. This paper is a synthesis analysis of three research articles that explored leadership styles, individual’s temperaments, perception of themselves...
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...psychopathic personality traits for successful and unsuccessful political leadership. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 103(3), 489-505.http://library.gcu.edu:2048/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com.library.gcu.edu:2048/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=79301650&site=ehost-live&scope=site This article emphasizes on few elements of psychopathic personality which have strong influence on job performance and leadership. For this research a standardized psychological assessment methods was used by 121 experts. These experts rated the personalities and measured Psychopathy, and Covariates of all presidents from George Washington to George W. Bush. Further analysis was conducted by evaluating these ratings with job performance information collected in two surveys that include 2009 C-Span poll of 62 presidential historians and a 2010 Siena College survey of 238 historians. A paragraph should begin here as the topic shifts to major findings. Major findings from this research state that American president’s shows higher degree of psychopathic behavior in comparison to general population. Major finding from the paper shows that Teddy Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy were the most fearless dominant presidents in US. It also highlights on importance of luck, circumstances and outcome of presidential decisions which might be regarded as courageous or psychopathic depending on the scenario. Major learning derived from this paper states that fearless dominance has...
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...Leadership Approach Paper Sharon Boahn LDR/531 May 13, 2013 Drew Stevens Ph.D Leadership Approach Paper Leaders aid a group in achieving a common goal. Leaders have new ideas and goals they introduce to the group and motivates the group to work on the new ideas and achieve the goal. Leaders also inspire the group to perform at their best and assist them in their performance. Leaders have leadership skills and approaches that help them to be successful. The trait leadership approach is based on the theory that leaders are born with the leadership characteristics that enable them to be great leaders, instead of being developed or taught into the leadership role. There are strengths and weaknesses in the trait approach concerning leadership. Strengths There were several characteristics founded to be very strong in the trait leadership approach. “This approach emphasizes attributes of leaders such as personality, motives, values, and skills” (Yukl, 2010). The personality of a leader has a large role in his or her success. The personality of a leader can be very valuable when interacting with individuals, the personality of a leader can set the mode within the workplace. A leader with a positive personality will create an encouraging atmosphere where goal accomplishment and motivation will be successful. There are strong abilities identified in the trait approach of leadership, such as continuous force to get the job complete, sharp perception, and influential power. The...
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...Leadership Approach: Trait Theory There are many approaches to leadership within an organization. “Early leadership theories focused on what qualities distinguished leaders and followers, while subsequent theories looked at other variables such as situational factors and skill levels“(Cherry, 2013). This paper chooses to evaluate the trait approach to studying leadership. Through the course of this paper, the implications, strengths, and weaknesses of the theory will be explored. Implications of the Trait Theory As previously noted, the trait theory assumes “that people inherit certain qualities and traits that make them better suited to leadership” (Cherry, 2013). The trait theory can be applied in multiple leadership positions within multiple types of organizations. Taking the information retained from this theory and its research, managers not only assess the current personnel within leadership positions but also can assess what traits can are currently successful in alternate leadership positions. The trait theory is not dependent on any particular type or organization or sect of leadership. “Scholars taking the trait approach attempted to identify physiological (appearance, height, and weight), demographic (age, education and socioeconomic background), personality (self confidence and aggressiveness), intellective (intelligence, decisiveness, judgment, and knowledge), task related (achievement drive, initiative...
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...Assignment 2: Leadership Assessment Angelnett M. Bowman Bus 302 August 20, 2014 Professor Thomas A. Swinney Abstract The purpose of this paper is to show how important it is for companies to have great organizational leaders and what role they play in building and maintaining sustainability in order for the business to be competitive and successful globally. The research performed indicates what best practices and business strategies are needed to be effective when faced with challenges of diversity, ways to motivate and empower their employees for the business to be successful. Assignment 2: Leadership Assessment The writer of this paper will analyze the leadership style of their District Manager from a previous organization, Dollar General that made a negative impact on them. The writer of this paper will also analyze the organizational structure and culture of BI-LO Holdings to determine its approach to team development, and whether that approach helped them to enhance their relationship skills in the workplace. Also the writer will evaluate the performance of the District Manager based on their ethical conduct and effective in determining how successful in motivating and empowering them to improve on their work performance. The writer will select three best practices that they think organizational leaders can use to motivate their employees as well as their potential benefits. The writer will also discuss some of the challenges leaders face when managing diversity...
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...Writing Sekou Konate Walden University Abstract Scholars discussed the issues of leadership, ethics, power and decision making. A review of the literature related to those topics to clearly make management moving and adapted to the context of organizational change by stating the theme to link the topic as a block. Title of the Paper in Full Goes Here Many authors described the change in their scholar works. This literature discussed the ethical, leadership, power and decision making regarding the organizational change. The purpose of my essay will be to demonstrate my ability to organize these different point of view in literature, synthesize different categories and then formulate the common themes among these articles The proposed solution for these different authors converged to make a pertinent social change regarding the leadership, the ethics, power, and the decision making in organizations. Those four topics related to management will be developed in different viewpoints in the same order as enumerated above. Leadership The author described the reflective change in individuals leading a societal project. Smith laid out a framework for leader undergoing an organization change. The author described the executive and management behavior regarding the implementation of principals to become a leader. According to Smith (2001), one of the main causes of successful organization’s failure is the lack of reflection. The author went on to suggest that a framework...
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...Scientific Papers (www.scientificpapers.org) Journal of Knowledge Management, Economics and Information Technology Issue 6 October 2011 Designing an Effective Female Leadership Model in Governmental Organizations Authors: Nosratollah MALEKI, International Relations School of Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Iran, nosrat.maleki@gmail.com, Aryan ASKARI, University of Tehran, Iran, aryan1072@gmail.com, Mohamad Amin GHANBARI, University of Tehran, Iran, ma.ghanbarei@gmail.com Since leadership is a critical factor for improving organizational performance, failure or success of an organization highly depends on the efficiency of leadership at all levels. Scholars elaborated that leadership is the ability of influencing one's attitudes, aptitudes and beliefs, in the way that it will lead to meet organizational objectives. The main purpose of this study is to consider two domains of efficient leadership and women’s leadership style, in order to determine and elaborate the dimensions of the new concept of “Women’s Efficient Leadership”. We intend to describe the characteristics of women’s efficient leadership in state organizations in Iran by means of offering a logical pattern, in order to be able to propose a favorable pattern, leading to increased efficiency in governmental organizations of the country. Innovation of this study can be divided into two parts: one is theoretical contribution and developing the knowledge of efficient leadership as well as women’s leadership...
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...Master’s of Business Administration (MBA) overview and the Effective Research and Writing at University of Phoenix Modules are two introductory tools used to help emphasize the importance of the MGT/521 course. They are also guides and directional maps to steer new students to the appropriateness of understanding the necessities to achieve success in this MBA program. The MBA overview encompasses multiple concentration of the program as each tab delves into the specifics of what each focus entails. Effective Research and Writing Modules take a similar pathway as it describes the didactic approach to produce a graduate student quality research paper with the proper American Psychological Association (APA) writing style. This paper will demonstrate the summary of the interest of two functional areas of business. In addition, an explanation of the role managers would have within these areas of business will be described. With the use of supporting peer-review articles from University of Phoenix, an effort will be made to illustrate in detail the appropriate use of the aforementioned points to give the readers the clear understanding of the MBA student’s perspective. Furthermore, students pursue furthering his or her education for various reasons, for example, career growth, personal goal or to start a new career, therefore it is significantly important for each student to use the necessary tools in the most efficient and effective manner to achieve his or her ultimate success of...
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...CETM11- RESEARCH SKILLS AND ACADEMIC LITERACY PORTFOLIO ITEM 1 DATE: 26 OCTOBER 2012 TITTLE: TEAM PERSONALITIES AND CHANGE MANAGEMENT AUTHOR: KENANAO REGINALD MODIMOOFILE TEAM PERSONALITIES AND CHANGE MANAGEMENT. COMPARATIVE LITERATURE BASED ON TWO PAPERS INTRODUCTION This study is mainly a comparative literature review of two research papers which are both looking at Team personalities and Change management aspects within project management. The comparative study is based on research papers conducted by Crawford and Nahmias (2010) and Battilana, et al, 2010). The papers were carefully selected since they were all looking at the same concept of key abilities required to manage and execute change management projects. According to Crawford and Nahmias (2010), it was important to carry out this study to correctly address the question of who is the best person or profession suitable to manage major organisational transformations. The research was focusing on three people whom were seen as the right people to drive the organisational transformations and are as follows; Project Managers, Program Managers and Change Managers. The ideology was to assess their daily duties and come up with the best suitable competencies required to manage change. Looking at the second paper, Battilana, et al, 2010 indicated that there was increasing substantiation that transformation driver’s leadership features and behaviours determine the achievement or malfunction...
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...Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION 7 2.0 WHAT IS LEADERSHIP AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AN EFFECTIVE LEADER? 7 2.1 WHAT IS LEADERSHIP? 7 3.0 LEADERS IN REVIEW: WHO IS MORE EFFECTIVE LEADER? 9 3.1 BIOGRAPHY - RICHARD BRANSON & VIJAY MALLYA 9 3.2 WHO IS THE MORE EFFECTIVE LEADER? 10 4.0 CONCLUSION 14 5.0 REFERENCE 15 1.0 INTRODUCTION The objective of this research paper is to analyse the differences between the leadership qualities of Richard Branson and Vijay Mallya and come to the conclusion as to who is more effective leader. The paper first defines the leadership and then briefly discusses the concepts associated with the leadership. It then presents two leaders with some brief biographies, characteristics and their contribution to their individual company. It would then conclude who is the more effective leader by providing with some aspects of leadership and leadership framework. 2.0 WHAT IS LEADERSHIP AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AN EFFECTIVE LEADER? 2.1 WHAT IS LEADERSHIP? Leadership is an interesting and widely discussed subject and has been described by James MacGregor Burns (1978) as “one of the most observed and least understood phenomena on Earth”. Northouse (2010) defines leadership being a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal. The leadership definition that I favour and think is more suited to the 21st century is “The process by which an agent induces a subordinate to behave in a desired manner”...
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...head: PROFESSIONAL SMART GOAL PAPER Professional SMART Goal Paper Themdoung Tusitanonkul University of Phoenix Transition to Baccalaureate Studies NSG/301 Lynda White February 22, 2016 Professional SMART Goal Paper My Professional goal is to develop strong leadership skills when I graduate from the University of Phoenix. I want an opportunity to learn, grow and advance my knowledge and skills, and I believe this program will help me obtain this. Leadership skills are crucial to be successful in the ever-changing healthcare environment. To achieve this goal, and be successful in this program, I will keep up with all reading materials, participate in class activities, turn in assignments promptly and obtain a grade of C or higher in each class. Writing assignments are very tough for me. Therefore I might have to take extra writing classes to help me get through this program. However, I believe the more I read and write papers, the easier it will become. I plan on completing this program and obtain my Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) by October 2017. Once I graduate with a BSN degree, I hope that I can advance my career and obtain a leadership positon at my current place of employment. Leadership skills play a critical role in decision making and assist in the development of quality improvement in various health care settings. To achieve effective Leadership practices, there should be a shift from hierarchical approaches to a leadership style that encourages shared...
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...success. We developed these concepts and presented them earlier this year. Using an expert panel approach followed by two exploratory surveys, we identify KM success measures. The research demonstrates that measures for KM success are required on multiple dimensions. This paper thus also presents a set of dimensions with measures that can be used to determine if KM in an organization is successful. Stefan Smolnik European Business School (EBS) Stefan.Smolnik@ebs.edu David Croasdell University of Nevada, Reno davec@unr.edu begin to identify instruments that can be used to operationalize these measures. Besides presenting some background on KM success, the paper also offers a series of perspectives on KM/KMS success. These perspectives were derived from an analysis of academics and practitioners’ definitions of KM/KMS success. 2. Background on KM Success After summarizing various definitions of KM, Jennex defined KM success as reusing knowledge to improve organizational effectiveness by providing the appropriate knowledge to those who need it when it is needed [13]. KM is expected to have a positive impact on the organization that improves organizational effectiveness. DeLone and McLean use the terms success and effectiveness interchangeably; one of the perspectives proposed in this paper does likewise in respect of KM [7], [8]. Jennex and Olfman summarized and synthesized the literature on KM/KMS’s critical success factors (CSF) into an ordered set of 12 KM CSFs identified...
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...TermPaperWarehouse.com - Free Term Papers, Essays and Research Documents The Research Paper Factory JoinSearchBrowseSaved Papers Home Page » Business and Management Personal Development Reflective Paper In: Business and Management Personal Development Reflective Paper Leadership in an organization often plays a critical role, and is frequently, though not always, one of the major drivers of the success or failure of a company. (Bass, 1990) Effective leadership helps a company through times of peril and brings a future of brightness. It makes a corporation successful. However, what is leadership? According to Kouzes and Posner, it is the art of mobilizing others to want to struggle for shared aspirations. (1995, p.30) Leaders set a clear direction for us; they help us realize what is ahead; they support us to achieve and win; they encourage and inspire us when we feel depressed. Without leadership, an organization will degenerate into chaos and unstructured because people view things in different ways. Leadership assists people work in the same direction and creates harmony and it is an important ability for individuals. In order to assess my leadership ability, I did a test on LPI. The scores distributed as follows: TABLE1: Leadership Practices Inventory Scores Challenge the Process | Inspire a Shared Vision | Enable Others to Act | Model the Way | Encourage the Heart | 43 | 44 | 48 | 43 | 48 | In the following section, I will discuss my scores...
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...Leadership Approach Leadership may be defined as a deliberate influence to advise, organize and assist others in performing tasks within an organization. According to Yukl "Leadership has been defined in terms of traits, behaviors, influence, interaction patterns, role relationships, and occupation of an administrative position" (2010). Within this paper you will learn about the behavior approach to leadership. As with all of the other approaches, several strengths and weaknesses to this approach will be discussed along with an example of how this approach is illustrated within an organization. Behavior Approach During the early 1950s, the behavior approach was developed when researchers began losing interest with the trait approach. Researchers started analyzing how managers behavior while at work rather than their personal traits. The behavior approach can be best understood when divided into two general subcategories (Yukl, 2010). Subcategory One Within the first subcategory of the behavior approach, researchers monitored the way managers spent their time while on the job along with the usual pattern of activities, responsibilities and job functions of a manager. Additionally, researchers analyzed how managers handled job requirements, restrictions, and competition. Managerial work is most often based on research obtained through detailed methods of data collection. Data collection is acquired through direct observation, diaries, job-description questionnaires...
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...Conifer Health Solutions (Conifer Health) is a healthcare organization and is driven by its leadership and core values. This research papers purpose it to explore all the behaviors that Conifer Health’s leadership does in making it such a successful organization. Planning, organizing, controlling and most importantly leading are the four functions used by leadership to provide a solid foundation on which its success is built on. In addition, research on its strategies in determining the organization’s drive, including personal interviews from leaders in two different divisions, published information regarding its fundamentals and how it sets its goals and their means of reaching them. The different leadership styles used in this organization...
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